The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

You made a good point mate about higher price choices. I think PSA-1 is overpriced. but I'm not in a situation to talk about these gears.

the new semester (hopefully the last one for me) is starting and I must leave the abandoned island so I need a headphone amp to practice with. the specs on the PX5D sound damn awesome! but the negative reviews about the sound are pushing me backwards!
any other similar devices out there?
Did anyone know this site Metal Storm portrays Laiho's pic from the Tokyo Warhearts in their shirt logos?

Weird, I used to keep telling that pic from the disc with Alexi holding his guitar should be printed on a shirt. I'd have done it on the green tho.
true enough. I'm actually looking for a hi-res version of that pic for printing but no luck yet. could anyone share it in case it's available.
I'm absolutely stupid when it comesnto this electrical schematic mumbo jumbo...but could someone circle whatever RUNE changed in the picture please. And tell me what I'll need so I can have someone do this for me. Thank you very much!!
Wow the site logged me out and I had to retype this.. not as good as the first time but here ya go:

Hey Kissing. I can answer that for you, and I'll edit this post when I have organized my answer. It's quite simple, just involving 2 electrical components, some solder, and a soldering iron. Of course you'll need to open up the unit as well.

You need:
1) A resistor like this (click)
2) Capacitor like this (click)
3) approx .6mm (or close to that) 60/40 resin flux core solder, preferably lead.
4) 25-35 Watt soldering iron (or an adjustable one)

I would buy a couple resistors/capacitors so you can use a multimeter to test which is more accurate. Or if you happen to carelessly ruin one with the soldering iron. It happens. Here's the picture as well: (click).
Outstanding...I'm sure I can do this I've sodered before. I just need to know exactly what components I need and where they are if you can circle them for me please
I edited my old post on the last page. Someone else may want to confirm, but I'm fairly confident that's what you need.

Could I also please direct some attention to my questions (moved to a few posts down here (click).
i gotta a question... theorically to get a alexi tone with an alexi guitar and emg alx with something like a pod hd300 would be use lots of mids and use a jcm800 right? what else could i do?

I don't know shit about PODs, but watch this (click) video on youtube and see if that works for ya. Post back and let us know how it goes.
I just read EVERY post in this entire fucking thread, and I still have questions. Questions are highlighed in red for convenience.

I'm seeking to replicate Alexi's Follow the Reaper/Hatebreeder album sounds as closely as I can. I'm comfortable with a soldering iron. I have built moderately difficult guitar pedals before without any problems.

Black/white Alexi-600 (Stock; seymour duncan model with volume, no MM-04/JE-1000; hand signed by Alexi)
Spare parts mutant flying V guitar I wired up myself with EMG-81s and a 24mm sanwa killswitch (serves as my work horse I beat the living sh!t out of)
decimator, and a bunch of homemade pedals
Mesa Boogie Stiletto Ace 2x12 Combo (can bypass preamp completely and be used as a power amp; has EL34 tubes)

I was thinking I'll build a JE-1000 in pedal form so it can be used on any guitar. It seems I should get good results by mounting in a Hammond 1590BB (click) aluminum enclosure and grounding everything to it with shielded wire. I can even paint and pinstripe it =] I already have the designs and schematics for this. #1: I assume this will produce precisely identical tone as if it was installed in the guitar?

#2: I also plan to shop for a GP-1000 '88 model, and it looks like the Alexi tone is better nailed with the below changes. Plus you also need to adjust the gain trimpot on the motherboard as Rune describes here:

One other thing, If you guys bothers to open up your GP-1000's you could easily get a little bit more gain, cause there is a trimpot in the middle of the motherboard which controls distortion level and gain amount. This cannot be turned on max because it will make the tubes give a plate sound, but you could put them pretty close to max if you got good tubes.

After modification (Replaced the purple/pinkish capacator (22uf) with a purple and blue (0.68uf). And replaced the resistor to the left of it in this picture 1,5kohm to 825 ohm) :
> Rune's Picture of This (click) <

#3: What is the best pickup for the job? Alexi used the J-50 BC for the albums I mentioned above, but <Arcane> said in a previous post:

I just want to tell you that I've swapped the J-50BC with my EMG HZ-H4 and it sounds soooooo much better. The tone is less crunchy yet which is the only thing what I don't really like but the overall tone is much cleaner, with less noise and it has much more power. I didn't expect much but HZ-H4 + Je-1000 is the best combination I've ever had.

(#4: What is the correct volume pot for this pickup - 250K?

#5 Does anybody have some good recommendations on suppliers/manufacturers/models of high quality zero resistance pots (turn easily)? Links please!

To sum it up, proposed signal chain:
Modded Alexi-600 with J-50 BC or EMG HZ H4 -> Decimator noisegate -> homemade JE-1000 pedal -> GP-1000 modded with Rune's suggestions -> power section of Stiletto Ace 2x12 Combo

At some point I will also pick up an intellifex too, but I absolutely don't want to change amps. I think this combo amp with ENGL34s and 2 x 12" Celestion speakers should suffice just fine. Anybody disagree?
1: It could be done, but the Eq on the Je-1000 is always on when connected while the gain is on/off switchable. So you might have to do a little redesign on the whole thing.

2: Yeah. But GP-1000 arequite hard to come by, so I suggest the Engl e530 which is the one Alexi uses nowdays. It's even cheaper and don't need a poweramp.

3: A real 1987 J-50BC trem spaced is reeeeeally expensive or hard to come by. But it sounds a lot better than EMG-HZ for early bodom. All the other versions aren't guaranteed to sound half as good.

4: The Je-1000 uses 50k, but as a standalone pickup, the j-50bc would sound better and warmer with a 250k.

5: Haven't got the faintest clue.... Allparts or some onr else.

intellifex.....well the online or xl then. original blackface is crap. better off getting a g major 2 or simular.
1: No problem. I will just wire up a true bypass with a 3PDT stomp switch. It's a cakewalk. Just one thing though. What would be the point in simply disengaging the gain - cleans? Alexi doesn't do cleans. I don't get it.

2: It looks like the GP-1000 is selling for $350-$400 area on Ebay right now click here for link. I have no problems paying that amount. I will need to switch the tubes to what they use though (will edit this post in later when I can look at my notes again). Apparently they use Groove Tubes: link (click)

3: None of the ebay listings I can find specify a 52mm f-spacing to accommodate floyd trem, though many of them do say they're pulled from Charvel Model 6's and other such guitars which do have the trems - leads me to believe they probably compatible with my guitar, f-spaced or not? Besides, everything else I've read online suggests that the f-spacing isn't a big deal in the first place. I'll just have to take off the cover and eye it up. If it looks way wrong, then the answer is obvious.. but I don't imagine that's going to be an issue. If it is, I'll just have to keep buying them (and selling the "wrong" non-f-psaced ones) until I get it right. I assume this (click) would work just fine as long as it's 4 wires. I will probably bid on that one, actually. Do you see a problem I don't?

4: Dang, that didn't occur to me. It seems to me the volume pot would steal some of the trebly sound, resulting in a warmer tone, correct? It's like the same thing as if you had the JE-1000 installed inside the guitar (instead of pedal form), but with a 250k resistor attaching the JE-1000 input (where the guitar plugs in) to ground. Maybe I'll be better off putting the JE-1000 inside the guitar after all.

5: Damn. I try to buy different brands but haven't come across anything yet. I may end up trying some lubrication techniques. Another buddy of mine suggested some. I will edit this post with a few links (or just more info) once I can get to that info again. Everybody loves resistance-free pots, right?! =] Still pot troubleshooting: link (click)

I don't know crap about the intellifex. I just need to be able to use a good reverb/EQ off from it. I currently have NO reverb NOR EQ! I would go with whatever's good, and from what I have read so far, the online isn't good. What's wrong with the blackface - didn't Alexi use that? I suppose I would go with the g major, then, if that's your recommendation. It doesn't seem like the exact model would be too important on the tone as long as it was set up right. C'mon it's just EQ and reverb... but yeah I want it to be good. And FYI I'm not exclusively seeking Alexi's tone (though I definitely want to do that too!) - I want to create some of my own sounds, as Melodic Death Metal isn't the only genre I play and love.

Thanks for the input Rune! Do you mind looking a few posts back to make sure I gave that guy good advice as well? I'd hate to screw somebody up.

I got your PM so decided to come and post here. Thanks to Rune for being a source of information because I actually have no idea on any of it! Never have understood anything regarding amps if I'm honest, I did own a GP-1000 once but never used it to it's full potential so I sold it!

I got your PM so decided to come and post here. Thanks to Rune for being a source of information because I actually have no idea on any of it! Never have understood anything regarding amps if I'm honest, I did own a GP-1000 once but never used it to it's full potential so I sold it!

glad to see you're here :)
I would be grateful if you could help me with this:
guys I'm looking for a portable do-it-all nowadays so bad. I don't want it to be expensive but I expect it to provide me with good distortions.

as far as I remember some of you have Korg PX4 or PX5 right? the internet really confuses you when it comes to getting info about this sort of devices.

some say PX5 is better than PX4 and it's a great device and... and some say PX5 is noisy and has a horrible tone. and PX4 is better. some say PX4 has fake plastic sounding sort of distortion!!!

I would be so grateful if someone could provide me with helpful information about these devices.
Faith, the best I can do has been PM'd to you. If that's not your answer... I don't know. Encouraging others to post on that as well.

On another note, #1738 (click) seems ass backwards to me. You actually have less resistance, not more. The volume pot is essentially adding a resistor, which is less resistance than no connection to ground at all! Yeah?

4: The Je-1000 uses 50k, but as a standalone pickup, the j-50bc would sound better and warmer with a 250k.

And Rune, I'm thinking a 500k would sound bettere there.. yeah? I don't know why I first mentioned 250k, I meant 500k. And shit dude.. maybe even 1M?