The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

Long story
Poweramps DO make a difference, a lot.

Ever wondered were your presence/resonance control go on your JCM800/5150/Rectifer? ... yes, they control the poweramp!

Ever wondered why the Seoul 2001 concert sounds so thin/treble and the CRY/Tuska concert so heavy/bass? Again, its the poweramp!

And what happens when your signal goes into your cabinet?? Or should i say: speaker.

Seriously, guys, a power amp has one goal, and one goal only. To take signal from preamp, make it loud, and then stuff it into the cab

think of it as just a loud fucking volume knob.

If its a tube one, it will matter soundwise, if you crank it up so loud that the tubes start overdriving, and still, thats based on the TUBES themselves, meaning you can stuff them in any poweramp.

Tone comes from THIS(in order):

Fingers(yes you fucks, its really defining too)
Guitar Wood
Guitar Pickups
Guitar build(archtop/neckthru/bolton, all those thingys)
Boosters/EQ boards, anything onboard the guitar
Pedals(it should be noted, if you get all your distortion from a pedal, you're a douche)
Preamp(including, but not limited to, shapefilters, tubes, tonestacks)
[STRIKETHROUGHLOL]Poweramp[/s](NOT. The tone you get, or lose here, will be your own fault, a poweramp should provide the cleanest signal possible, they are built for it(Some though, have presence knobs and shit like that), if you fuck this up, then seriously, just.. dont.)

and cab, matters more than people think.

You can have the greatest technique ever, a guitar worth 20000USD stuffed with a JE1000, a preamp(lets take the LEEJACKSONU GEEE PEEEEEE ONETHOUSAND for you fanboy dinks, myself included.), a poweramp with more watts than your collective amount of braincells, and this all, will sound like a commodore 64 with a spoon in it, if you run it into feks, a Harley Benton whatevermajig, built from grade F plywood and speakers which they probably got cheap from a pre-ww2 storage of speakers.

A good cab is MANDATORY, a great rig is WORTHLESS through a shitty cab. Yet as the trend with people who have guitars to 2000€, and amps for 100€, theres also a growing trend of people buying high end amps, and sticking them infront of the most low end cab they are able to surface on this planet, going only after the rated Watt level, meaning shit like, the 400W Behringer

BEHRINGER. 5150+Behringer does not equal win! I'm not saying ive seen it here though, ive seen it on other forums i lurk around on.

Bottom line:

Poweramp don't matter
Fingers, Guitar, Preamp, and cab do

There is no magical way of getting a great tone, you have to think, and be ready to fork out some cash. And this is without considering the way you handle your guitar.

Edit: Also, your cables matter in terms of tone, because if they are of rather questionable quality, you will lose tone, and gain hiss.

You have some good points and your right on a few for the whole tone thing. But reality is, the last step in line (and the largest)... If an amp cant control a speaker- I don't care what you do it's fucked.

If you really want to learn why, P.M. me and save these folks from the torture.

Seriously, guys, a power amp has one goal, and one goal only. To take signal from preamp, make it loud, and then stuff it into the cab

think of it as just a loud fucking volume knob.

If its a tube one, it will matter soundwise, if you crank it up so loud that the tubes start overdriving, and still, thats based on the TUBES themselves, meaning you can stuff them in any poweramp.

Tone comes from THIS(in order):

Fingers(yes you fucks, its really defining too)
Guitar Wood
Guitar Pickups
Guitar build(archtop/neckthru/bolton, all those thingys)
Boosters/EQ boards, anything onboard the guitar
Pedals(it should be noted, if you get all your distortion from a pedal, you're a douche)
Preamp(including, but not limited to, shapefilters, tubes, tonestacks)
[STRIKETHROUGHLOL]Poweramp[/s](NOT. The tone you get, or lose here, will be your own fault, a poweramp should provide the cleanest signal possible, they are built for it(Some though, have presence knobs and shit like that), if you fuck this up, then seriously, just.. dont.)

and cab, matters more than people think.

You can have the greatest technique ever, a guitar worth 20000USD stuffed with a JE1000, a preamp(lets take the LEEJACKSONU GEEE PEEEEEE ONETHOUSAND for you fanboy dinks, myself included.), a poweramp with more watts than your collective amount of braincells, and this all, will sound like a commodore 64 with a spoon in it, if you run it into feks, a Harley Benton whatevermajig, built from grade F plywood and speakers which they probably got cheap from a pre-ww2 storage of speakers.

A good cab is MANDATORY, a great rig is WORTHLESS through a shitty cab. Yet as the trend with people who have guitars to 2000€, and amps for 100€, theres also a growing trend of people buying high end amps, and sticking them infront of the most low end cab they are able to surface on this planet, going only after the rated Watt level, meaning shit like, the 400W Behringer

BEHRINGER. 5150+Behringer does not equal win! I'm not saying ive seen it here though, ive seen it on other forums i lurk around on.

Bottom line:

Poweramp don't matter
Fingers, Guitar, Preamp, and cab do

There is no magical way of getting a great tone, you have to think, and be ready to fork out some cash. And this is without considering the way you handle your guitar.

Edit: Also, your cables matter in terms of tone, because if they are of rather questionable quality, you will lose tone, and gain hiss.

So much lulz in there :lol: Not talking about the content, just the way you said some things!

Only thing i could add is that the pick itself is a major contributer to the tone, (unless you use loads of distortion).
Poweramps DO make a difference, a lot.

Ever wondered were your presence/resonance control go on your JCM800/5150/Rectifer? ... yes, they control the poweramp!

Ever wondered why the Seoul 2001 concert sounds so thin/treble and the CRY/Tuska concert so heavy/bass? Again, its the poweramp!

And what happens when your signal goes into your cabinet?? Or should i say: speaker.

"(Some though, have presence knobs and shit like that)"
"(Some though, have presence knobs and shit like that)"
"(Some though, have presence knobs and shit like that)"
"(Some though, have presence knobs and shit like that)"

Right, they do make a difference, i understand that, a SP-1000 will sound thinner than a VHT, but you have to understand that this really is very little compared to the other variables in a chain. And in CRY and Tuska, he had a Sansamp 1.1 in his rack, i know this isn't stated in the first post here, but i have seen that sansamp in his rack a number of times after HCDR, and it would make way more sense that the bass and beef during CRY and Tuska came from that one, as opposed to the Peavey 50/50 and such

Other things that could have made those concerts more beefy is the PA, remember that the way you mic up your cab matters a lot, and they use PA, simply because anything over 400 people, a cab will come short, it HAS to be mic'ed up, and from 2001 to 2003 and 06, random chance, or alexis preference in cab mic placement could easily have changed. Poweramp could have added some beef, but that would be from the TUBES, and i stated that in my post

A poweramp matters in your sound, but you will still be able to find your tone on ANY Tube Poweramp, not ONLY a VHT, or ONLY a Peavey 50/50

There is a difference from SS to Tube, but that should be self-explanatory.

You have some good points and your right on a few for the whole tone thing. But reality is, the last step in line (and the largest)... If an amp cant control a speaker- I don't care what you do it's fucked.

If you really want to learn why, P.M. me and save these folks from the torture.

just as in your guitar, the wood and build of the CABINET matters for how the speaker sends out the sound, seriously, there are more things to a cab than just the speaker, don't even try saying anything else.

Cheap cabinets are made from cheap materials, much like guitars are. You can load a cheap cabinet with Celestions, like V30's, but they will never sound as tight and nice as they would through a Marshall cab, or a Krank cab(they use wholewood i believe, mahogany maybe), or the one i want: Basson. Basson cabs are really interesting because not only are they made from REAL wood, they also have sealed corners, so NO air escapes. This gives a much tighter sound, than any of cheap cabs could give. If you use a dark tonewood to this aswell, like Mahogany, you will get a darker tighter sound, or if Alder or Maple, a Treblier, or more Mid oriented sound.

As i love tightness, being the realm of Palm-mutes rely heavily on such a trait, i'm out for a Basson cab, they're said to be "even tighter than a 5150 cab". I won't know for sure, but i'm yet to hear anything but praise from Basson.

Also arvoitus, i believe this is still on topic, people who want to know COB's gear, should also know how to use it, and it never hurts to know why its used, and why alexi chose that and that. IMO it's very related, but i'm not a mod, what the hell do i know.
just as in your guitar, the wood and build of the CABINET matters for how the speaker sends out the sound, seriously, there are more things to a cab than just the speaker, don't even try saying anything else.

I don't think he meant it that way...
I hope that is a joke. It can make all the difference in the world.

Yeah, obviously, but I meant it in the context that certain poweramp won't give you the Alexi/COB/Sinergy tone instantly in combination with any random preamp, but plugging in the GP-1000 into any poweramp WILL. That's what I meant.

Of course I know that the change of poweramp was one of the main contributors to the increased heaviness in Alexi's tone.
pretty much, club/bar/whatever owners usually have some sort of delay/reverb on the vocal parts on the PA system, its pretty standard to have, though the quality, and such varies a lot. If there are REAL amateurs behind the mixer, they wont even turn it off when its talking, resulting in some, weird situations..
This is a scan (digital photos...) of the Jan '06 YG mag which features Alexi's and Roope's rigs. These are both GP-1000s.


Almost Identical.I don't think settings matter too much because if you have a gp-1000 you are going to have to adjust the settings to fit your guitar and your gear.
I don't even think gear makes much difference. As I've heard for myself, it'll sound the same regardless of where you have the knobs.

But everything seems to be on full 'cause it sounds the best.
What a versatile amp :lol:

Fuck, i need versatility :(

Oh well, need to invest in.. hmm.. about 3 amps then, and a ampswitch

boy, this is gonna be a expensive future for me :lol: