There is no Tech 21 PSA1.1 in the tuska 2003 rack.
About CRY, there are no pictures of his rack. Only stories. But i do believe he plays with the Sansamp in this one.
Do you also know that the Sansamp PSA1.1 is a modeling pre-amp?
Yeah i saw the pic and that's fair enough. I thought he got it right after HCDR? Odd if he kept taking in or out.
I didn't know it was a modeling preamp, but i don't see what this has to do with it.
Mmm, i dont really think alexi has a "preference" in his cab mic placement. The standard position for a SM57 is placed between the cone and the edge and about 2-3 inches distance. Probably off-axis. This is how many sound technicans mic up their cabinets.
2-3 inches? thats quite far imo, though i've never actually worked with SM57's so i cant say what's best for it
You have any idea how much different type of tubes there are?
You should get some ears man, if you cant hear the difference between some poweramps ...
Some preamps just dont work with certain poweramp's. Why does ENGL have the SE head in 2 different versions? Cause the poweramp matters in the sound.
I know about the amount of different tube types yes, and i do know how they sound. I hear the difference between poweramps which have different sets of tubes, but that is given. Poweramps have pretty much no shapefilters or anything of the likes, and if you put the same set of tubes in various "general" poweramps, of same size, they will sound pretty much the same.
I have no idea what engl do with their cabs, as i don't like ENGL amps at all. But sure
Haha, i think your making some mistake buddy. Guitars are usually made of alder (fender, Jackson, esp) or mahogany (gibson) or basswood(cheaper guitars). Cabinets are NOT made of this wood.
As long as i know, Cabinets are mostly made of plywood/multiplex. I remember that proper quality cabinets like Bogner/mesa/engl are made of birch plywood, mostly 13 or 18 layers.
Atm, your just talking crap.
Oh Really. I bet 13 or 17/19 btw, as plywood is always put in odd numbers.
Still, it sounds really lowgrade to make cabinets of plywood. I assumed that when makers such as Krank and Basson uses wholewood, the rest did it too. Sort of disappointing really. Cabinets resonate, and i feel it should be the same with them as with the guitar. Would you play a laminate plywood whatever guitar? I know i wouldn't. I guess i'll be using Krank or Basson in the future then.
Thank you.