The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

The MM04 is a gainboost, but it also changes the eq a bit.

I dont know how alexi used the JE1000/MM04, but you should not put it on 100%. More like 20/30%, figure out yourself.

why should you not put it on 100%..just asking mines like on 50 and its so fucking hard to hear any difference
mine is at ca 25% at thats perfect. all over 30% got too much distortion and background noise. but I also have a blackout in my guitar. with my old EMG I had sth. around 50%

nowonder im still with my HZ ill get an active after my exams,me+new pickup play longer never focus haha,anyways is the blackout goodor better then an EMG active
nowonder im still with my HZ ill get an active after my exams,me+new pickup play longer never focus haha,anyways is the blackout goodor better then an EMG active

This is just my opinion, but active is not neccesarily better than passive. Especially paired with a gain boost. If I were you I'd much rather get a handmade passive pickup. I can't even think of anytime where you'll need so much gain, that you need an active.
I can see the idea if it's about the tone though, wich is a personal thing, but personally I just find it very dull and boring sounding (actives).
Passives can get just as fat a sound to, but to me more alive.
And a good amp paired with a good passive pickup can get more bass than you'll ever need, so I don't think that's the problem.
mine is at ca 25% at thats perfect. all over 30% got too much distortion and background noise. but I also have a blackout in my guitar. with my old EMG I had sth. around 50%

So active pickup can work well with the MMO4 too? So that's explain why Alexi can still use the gain boost with his Blackout then. Did you adjust the trim pot because it has to much gain at the defaut setting???
So active pickup can work well with the MMO4 too? So that's explain why Alexi can still use the gain boost with his Blackout then. Did you adjust the trim pot because it has to much gain at the defaut setting???

Of course you can use them together. Wether it sounds good is another thing. I can't imagine anyone needing that much output, the EQ part is another thing though.
Looks like I'm about to pick up a Rocktron Velocity 150 for under 3 bills. It's supposed to be a smaller version of the 300. It'll make a perfect practice rig with my Gp1000.
nowonder im still with my HZ ill get an active after my exams,me+new pickup play longer never focus haha,anyways is the blackout goodor better then an EMG active

I don't wanna say thats it's better... it have a more cleaner sound in the mids and treble but isn't as heavy as the emg 81 or a passiv emg with a gainboost. I think when you play alone at home or sth. you can't really hear a big difference but in a band and with the right amp you can definitely hear it. so when I play at home over my Line6 Spider II it's the same sound as with my old HZ but in my rehearsal place when I play over my Marshall it sounds brutal. much better than a HZ or EMG 81, so I would'nt changed it anymore.

Delanoir said:
How do you like the Blackouts?
As I said, with the right amp it sounds great!

haihn7 said:
So active pickup can work well with the MMO4 too? So that's explain why Alexi can still use the gain boost with his Blackout then. Did you adjust the trim pot because it has to much gain at the defaut setting???
Active pu's can work with a gainboost as long you adjust your gain and you have an amp with 75watts or more, yes. After I installed my blackout my MM-04 was at 80% or sth. but that was too much gain and background noise.
My setup right now is EMG HZ+ MM-O4 into GP-1000 into Mesa 50/50 into Marshall JCM 900 4x12 cab and I can't turn the amp up past 2 (scale of 1 to 10) without so much noise. Any help on this?
^Both, and even with the guitar volume knob off, there's a lot of white noise coming out of the speaker.
I've the same kind of problem. I have to turn the volume knob and the tone knob both off if I want my amp to be quiet. It's a crappy Marshall MG15 but maybe some soldering is fucked up. Or maybe I should tape the pick ups cavities with conductive copper tape.
Is your amp/wallcontact grounded?
What amp is on 2?

My setup is GP-1000 -> Mesa 50-50 power amp -> Marshall cab. In the back of the Mesa there's a ground Isolation switch between Lifted and Ground. I tried both and nothing changed.