The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

Alright, explain my why it is more then a noisegate ...

Hell yeah you notice it, i dont know if you ever setup a whole band on stage and mic'ing every thing? Thats what i do weekly, and believe me you will hear every single crack/noise/buzz live.

And if you want to record some things, in home at studio? That buzz will be there.

That's why you should solve the problem at the source, and not with a 400$ noisegate.
Why are you using guitareffects, to cover your mistakes or to have a better sound?

Just search for it, there's plenty of info behind the technology that makes the decimator so great. It's not just a noise gate.

And decimator =/= guitar effects. It's not covering anything up. :lol:
This Thread should be for Bodom related stuff but it turns into a second guitar players Thread.

True. People should move the non related questions there. Here it's suposed to be for stuff used by Alexi, Roope, Jaska, Janne and Henkka, not us.

ok ,It's my bad. I'll pay attention to it :worship:

but if I have some problem of my GP1000 and gainboost , which thread should I call for help? or just post here? thanks
Just search for it, there's plenty of info behind the technology that makes the decimator so great. It's not just a noise gate.
No no, i want YOU to explain it. Because i think, you can't.

And decimator =/= guitar effects. It's not covering anything up. :lol:
Alright, what happens if there are some lose contacts in your guitar/amplifier. You can solve that very easily, you know. But you want to spend 400$ on a unit, and when you start playing that noise is still there.

But anyway, lets get ontopic.
No no, i want YOU to explain it. Because i think, you can't.

Alright, what happens if there are some lose contacts in your guitar/amplifier. You can solve that very easily, you know. But you want to spend 400$ on a unit, and when you start playing that noise is still there.

But anyway, lets get ontopic.

There is also something called noisy amplifiers :) Not all are faults in inputs and/or shitty adapters etc.
Back on-topic. I found that a long time ago. That drawing made me laugh! Nothing very insteresting though.

Do you have a larger pic than the one above. I can't read anything and if I tried to zoom in, it all blurry.
Sorry I don't. But I can read it.

DESIGN PHILOSOPHY Appearances to the contrary, the live rig of Children of Bodom's Alexi Laiho is about as straightforward as they come. "My live rig is pretty much my ESP guitars into a Lee Jackson preamp and a VHT poweramp" he says. "The Hush unit just gives me a little more low end, and the Intellifex splits my preamp signal to both sides of the poweramp. I used to use it for effects, too, but then I figured I didn't need it."
CONTROL ISSUES Laiho's rig is both free of effects and require no switching, aside from turning things on and off, of course. "Alexi just plugs and plays" confirms Neubi, Laiho's guitar tech and tour manager. "The front-of-house guy adds delay to a couple of solos, and that's it."
Laiho doesn't even hit a pickup selector switch; each of his signatures axes has just one pickup, a passive EMG-H4 in the bridge position. "I've never really been into the smooth sound of a neck pickup" says Laiho. "Maybe it's fine for some other kind of music, but for metal I dig the sharp, mean tone of the bridge pickup."
FAVORITE PIECE OF GEAR "My Lee Jackson preamp and the gainboost in my guitars. The preamp sounds great, but it just doesn't give out that much gain. The boost makes up for it." The gain circuit is a copy of a boost Jackson stopped making at the end of the Eighties. "They're impossible to find anywhere" says Laiho. It gives you more bass when the switch is down and more treble when it's up. For Children of Bodom it's always down!"
THE SECRET WEAPON "I don't know if this is a weapon or a secret, but if I'm super hungover before a show, two or tree shots of a good Irish whiskey, like Jameson, will make it all better!"

Do you want me to re-write the things written under each unit?
  1. Main guitar ESP Custom Alexi Laiho signature model with custom built-it preamp. Strings DR Tite-Fit JH-30 (can't read it) set. (gauges, I can't read it) Tuning down one whole step (Low to High D, G, C, F, A, D). Pickup EMG-HZ H4. Bridge Floyd Rose.
  2. KORG DTR-1 Digital rack tuner (used by tech off-stage, not in the signal path).
  3. SAMSON powerbrite pro & power conditioner.
  4. SHURE UHF marcad diversity MXII wireless receiver.
  5. LEE JACKSON Perfect Connection GP-1000 tube preamp.
  6. RSP 2400 hush/enhancer/exciter.
  7. ROCKTRON Intellifex (splits signal to "stereo").
  8. VHT 2/50/2 stereo tube poweramp
  9. MARSHALL 1960B: Straight front, 300W mono/stereo 4x12 cab w/ 75-watt Celestion G12T-75 speakers (used in stereo)

EDIT: Oh shit, now I've just re-written all the text and I had to zoom a lot to understand what was written on but it was still hard to see, I see you found a bigger pic of it! :lol:

Awesome,and what Alexi said about finding the jackson gain boost...its not impossible because I have one! :)

I'm pretty sure Alexi doesn't even know what eBay is! :lol: Maybe he had looked for the JE-1000, but not on the Internet! :lol:
  1. Main guitar ESP Custom Alexi Laiho signature model with custom built-it preamp. Strings DR Tite-Fit JH-30 (can't read it) set. (gauges, I can't read it) Tuning down one whole step (Low to High D, G, C, F, A, D). Pickup EMG-HZ H4. Bridge Floyd Rose.
  2. KORG DTR-1 Digital rack tuner (used by tech off-stage, not in the signal path).
  3. SAMSON powerbrite pro & power conditioner.
  4. SHURE UHF marcad diversity MXII wireless receiver.
  5. LEE JACKSON Perfect Connection GP-1000 tube preamp.
  6. RSP 2400 hush/enhancer/exciter.
  7. ROCKTRON Intellifex (splits signal to "stereo").
  8. VHT 2/50/2 stereo tube poweramp
  9. MARSHALL 1960B: Straight front, 300W mono/stereo 4x12 cab w/ 75-watt Celestion G12T-75 speakers (used in stereo)

EDIT: Oh shit, now I've just re-written all the text and I had to zoom a lot to understand what was written on but it was still hard to see, I see you found a bigger pic of it! :lol:

I'm pretty sure Alexi doesn't even know what eBay is! :lol: Maybe he had looked for the JE-1000, but not on the Internet! :lol:

See what happen when u don't read older post. :lol: But thanks a lot for your effort man.
During all that time you guys posted I was writing all my post down. I started just after having posted my first post about it in which I suggested a complete re-writting! :lol: "BETCHA CAN'T re-write it by only looking at the small scan!" :lol: