The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

Just got a original JE-1000 from 1988 that I bought on ebay a while back, have to say it sound 10 times better than the best copy I've got and is a lot louder than the copy. So there I can confirm that the output on the JE-1000 copies should be higher. I don't know if it is the trim-pot or some of the other components, but it sounded hell'a sweet with both the GP-1000 and the ENGL e570. It's not only louder/gainier, but has even more "wah" sound to it.

Best part: only payed 75 bucks for it :P

When did you buy it? I spotted an original je1000 a month ago(maybe more) and I lost it.

Also, if you have a copy, could you compare the components and find out which ones are different?
Question to you guys: any1 know how to modify Lee Jackson GP-1000 :D ?
I saw this site : with a modification to GP-1000, but it sounds really difficult to me.
I need some advices and/or movies how to modify this in home :D In another case i'll need to find any guy who could do this modification from metaltronix site.

if im wrong please someone correct me, but im almost sure that those modifications written are neither one what alexi did on his.
if im wrong please someone correct me, but im almost sure that those modifications written are neither one what alexi did on his.

The gain-modification on the first tube cathode is necessary both for the extra gain but also clarity, but I suspect that a you need another mod to smooth out the treble even more.
The gain modification is a very easy job, but I don't dare to do it. It involves opening up the gp-1000, dismounting the "motherboard" from the unit (unscrewing all knobs and screws that holds it to the unit), then unsolder two points and re-soldering the new cap with less resistors. Problem is: If one cable comes loose in the process, all hell is loose to figure out where it goes again. :P

I bought the JE-1000, two months ago at ebay, got it delivered with USPS first class to Norway, which took 2 weeks, but I avoided nazi Norwegian toll rules by doing so. :P
I could open up my RR24 again and do pictures of the unit and upload it here for other guys who are much more interested in parts and electronics, I could barely tell the components from another, but I know their all different somehow and older (dah).
The gain-modification on the first tube cathode is necessary both for the extra gain but also clarity, but I suspect that a you need another mod to smooth out the treble even more.
The gain modification is a very easy job, but I don't dare to do it. It involves opening up the gp-1000, dismounting the "motherboard" from the unit (unscrewing all knobs and screws that holds it to the unit), then unsolder two points and re-soldering the new cap with less resistors. Problem is: If one cable comes loose in the process, all hell is loose to figure out where it goes again. :P

I bought the JE-1000, two months ago at ebay, got it delivered with USPS first class to Norway, which took 2 weeks, but I avoided nazi Norwegian toll rules by doing so. :P
I could open up my RR24 again and do pictures of the unit and upload it here for other guys who are much more interested in parts and electronics, I could barely tell the components from another, but I know their all different somehow and older (dah).

Shit, you got the one I lost,damn!
Well I am not skilled when it comes to that kind of stuff, but maybe someone here could built a more accurate copy,that would be cool
can anyone tell me which setting on the emg alx abq corresponds to the sound near to an emg81? thanks!
was there a 3 band eq in the emg?

theres a 3band eq in the emg alx abq. theres so many pre amp settings that you can make the guitar sound very different and i remember some member said that theres one thats the same as the emg 81..
Well I'd suggest to increase treb and bass and lower the mid a bit, with those kinda setups it should sound more like emg81, at least It doesnt have a huge mid-range so that should help
Why would you like to have the sound of an EMG 81 with an Alx?!? The ALX sounds much better and not so generated than the EMG 81.

..just trying new stuff chill out. i never had an emg 81 (must be the first one) and the other day i played a guitar with one and i really liked.
Myself, I don't like emg81 much and active pickups at all.

Well I agree, but the ABQ runs of a 9v just like an EMG 81, so it's still technically active circuitry, the pre-amp just isn't inside the P/'s on the out side.
Yea, but I didin't say that I like the ABQ either :-D

I prefer pickups like Dimarzio or Seymour Duncan passives, they sound very good!
I got a few of them.

That's cool....I just thought you guys were talking about it a page back. For an EMG it sounds pretty damn least through my set up.

I too love me some DiMarzio P/U's.....the Tone Zone is just tits!
Yea Im not saying actives or EMG's totally sucks, I like some of them, for example EMG X is a pickup i liked!

And yeah Dimarzios are great! I got Tone Zone and Air Norton in my Jackson Soloist and man I could play that guitar forever!
just recorded our new demo whit it ;)