Ah, English please? Did you manage to figure out how you can enhance the mid a bit and smooth out the trebles even more? The gain modding is quite clear already, it's just to put as low a capacitor and resistor as possible on the first gain-stage. And I don't really think Alexi's model got another gain-stage in it cause that would be more than enough gain, but the guy on youtube (Nicotyr) said that his model is modded even more than Alexi's, changing out the whole bass responsive with a new gain stage, and leaving the bass set to a preset at noon. So basically that means the bass knob now is a second distortion/gain knob. If Alexi had the same modification done to his amp, it must have been done after the Hate Crew Deathroll tour(s), because bass has been put a lot higher on that tour, and previous tours, and his sound then was even less gain-filled. And to be honest Nicotyr's tone isn't at all as Alexi's even thought he is using some of the same technique and equipment.
I really just think Alexi's sound after the HCDR tour came from both the GP-1000 on one channel and the Sansamp PSA-1 on the other channel. I'm actually willing to bet that he used this kind of setup, cause why the hell would he be only using one channel of the GP-1000 after HCDR tour and get a two channel Shure U4D wireless system? That doesn't add up at all! And all the pictures I've seen of both his and Roope's rig, while powered up shows that the Sansamp PSA-1 is powered up and on the 66 preset.
Alexi got rid of the Sansamp when he got the Kerry King Marshall head to double with instead. And nowadays he is using two ENGL e530 in the same fashion.