The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

Just studied the Holiday at lake Bodom DVD a little bit closer and found out that Roope is using TC Electronics G-Force, and I'm 100% sure of it, also in the reckless relentless blooklet version you can see Roope reckoring with this setup:
Samson Powerbrite
Engl e530
TC Electronics G-Major 1
Lee Jackson SP-1000

Looks like he gave up the Alesis Quadraverb mk.1 for good :p

Video of the same guy some page past (who got his Lee Jackson GP-1000 modded)

PS: I am working on the circuit board's layout,it will be avaiable soon and btw this schematic I have is that same that circulated on the net but I've revised it and put many details.
boas miguel. qual é a vantagem de ter essa schematic? eu tenho um gp1000 e o meu objectivo é basicamente fzr modd nele pa ter + distorção e mids. podias-me enviar isso? sff

obrigado!! abraço de lx
Claro,vou tentar o mais rápido possivel...
percebes alguma coisa de electrónica? para adicionar mais distorção podes simplesmente mudar o valor de alguns componentes mas se quiseres um mod ainda melhor é adicionar mais um gain stage e por conseguinte mais uma válvula tal como o Alexi .
Claro,vou tentar o mais rápido possivel...
percebes alguma coisa de electrónica? para adicionar mais distorção podes simplesmente mudar o valor de alguns componentes mas se quiseres um mod ainda melhor é adicionar mais um gain stage e por conseguinte mais uma válvula tal como o Alexi .

wow tu sabes como foi feito o modd ao gp1000 do alexi?:kickass:

não percebo de electronica... sei o minimo.. conheco é quem perceba ou posso levar a 1 tecnico para fazer isso, se o instruir bem pode ser que ele consiga fazer isso

EDIT: ha imenso pessoal aqui no forum que quer fazer modd nos gp1000s deles tb
Sim,mais um gain stage e provavelmente um transformador com mais capacidade para fornecer uma outra válvula :p
ok,vou tentar fazer um guia detalhado e enviar-to,avisa aí o pessoal ;)
Sim,mais um gain stage e provavelmente um transformador com mais capacidade para fornecer uma outra válvula :p
ok,vou tentar fazer um guia detalhado e enviar-to,avisa aí o pessoal ;)

mas como é que sabes mm que foi isso mm q o alexi fez? é que se tens mesmo razão no que dizes acho que vais ter muita gente eternamente grata aqui ati :rofl:
Ah, English please? Did you manage to figure out how you can enhance the mid a bit and smooth out the trebles even more? The gain modding is quite clear already, it's just to put as low a capacitor and resistor as possible on the first gain-stage. And I don't really think Alexi's model got another gain-stage in it cause that would be more than enough gain, but the guy on youtube (Nicotyr) said that his model is modded even more than Alexi's, changing out the whole bass responsive with a new gain stage, and leaving the bass set to a preset at noon. So basically that means the bass knob now is a second distortion/gain knob. If Alexi had the same modification done to his amp, it must have been done after the Hate Crew Deathroll tour(s), because bass has been put a lot higher on that tour, and previous tours, and his sound then was even less gain-filled. And to be honest Nicotyr's tone isn't at all as Alexi's even thought he is using some of the same technique and equipment.

I really just think Alexi's sound after the HCDR tour came from both the GP-1000 on one channel and the Sansamp PSA-1 on the other channel. I'm actually willing to bet that he used this kind of setup, cause why the hell would he be only using one channel of the GP-1000 after HCDR tour and get a two channel Shure U4D wireless system? That doesn't add up at all! And all the pictures I've seen of both his and Roope's rig, while powered up shows that the Sansamp PSA-1 is powered up and on the 66 preset.
Alexi got rid of the Sansamp when he got the Kerry King Marshall head to double with instead. And nowadays he is using two ENGL e530 in the same fashion.
Ah, English please? Did you manage to figure out how you can enhance the mid a bit and smooth out the trebles even more? The gain modding is quite clear already, it's just to put as low a capacitor and resistor as possible on the first gain-stage. And I don't really think Alexi's model got another gain-stage in it cause that would be more than enough gain, but the guy on youtube (Nicotyr) said that his model is modded even more than Alexi's, changing out the whole bass responsive with a new gain stage, and leaving the bass set to a preset at noon. So basically that means the bass knob now is a second distortion/gain knob. If Alexi had the same modification done to his amp, it must have been done after the Hate Crew Deathroll tour(s), because bass has been put a lot higher on that tour, and previous tours, and his sound then was even less gain-filled. And to be honest Nicotyr's tone isn't at all as Alexi's even thought he is using some of the same technique and equipment.

I really just think Alexi's sound after the HCDR tour came from both the GP-1000 on one channel and the Sansamp PSA-1 on the other channel. I'm actually willing to bet that he used this kind of setup, cause why the hell would he be only using one channel of the GP-1000 after HCDR tour and get a two channel Shure U4D wireless system? That doesn't add up at all! And all the pictures I've seen of both his and Roope's rig, while powered up shows that the Sansamp PSA-1 is powered up and on the 66 preset.
Alexi got rid of the Sansamp when he got the Kerry King Marshall head to double with instead. And nowadays he is using two ENGL e530 in the same fashion.

sorry for the portuguese =P. now im confused, he said u have to create a new gain stage, now u say its only to change the capacitor and resistor to something. whos right now? =P i mean how are u sure about this too rune? putting as low as possible the capacitor and resistor in the first stage will give it more gain? so maybe adding it more gain is rather an easy thing to do right? maybe even i could do it?

about smoothing treble and add mids i dont know if he knows, lets see to find out
Ok people,let's get calm and see the facts,I don't clearly know what Alexi's tech friend from Helskinki did but Rune,you got your words right mate,yeah,if you for example rise the plate resistor and modify the capacitor's vaule/config. you'll gate a bit more gain but for something more drastic you'll need another gain stage which isn't difficult to had on GP-1000,the only thing is that you'll need to experiment where to put it,I have two possible places....after the tonestack in the distortion ection (valve no.2 ) or next to the pull-distortion section (master section,valve 3) .
The GP-1000 has that kind of magic tone YOU all know and I'll just kind of quote one of the things Lee Jackson said....."We couldn't mess arounf too much with the circuit because we would ruin it's magic " .That's right guys,you CAN modify the capacitor values for more frequency response in the mid pot and mid-shift switch ( mid-switch is very responsive when tubes are saturated! ) but you can erase that signature sound... more than everything : experiment ! learn electronics,google is your friend ,you must know some stuff to wonder inside GP-1000's guts even though it is quite simple.Thanks to all
And yes Rune,treble is easy to smooth by changing the tone stack treble capacitor value but you'll need to experiment that because an amplifier like the GP-1000 is a one of a kind circuit and has a very special conection to it's original components but who know,it could work,at least I know you can get a 5150 sound by just messing around with 2 valves circuitry and nothing more but no one here wants that :p
I wouldn't touch the second valve gain-stage if you aren't a professional, you could easily both damage the tubes or worst case scenario they could discharge and electrocute you, cause the tubepins have 300v at 110kohm even with the power switched off and cable unplugged. You'd probably would have to remove all the tubes and disconnect the voltage transistor to mess with the 2.gain-stage. The third one is simply for all the pulled switches and way beneath that you'll find the bass capacitor. This could be modified as well to get more or less bass response. But as I mentioned earlier, I don't think Alexi's GP-1000 have an added gain-stage. It would be too much gain for his sound unless turned down at minimal, and as the tech and Alexi said before, they just added a little distortion. That's really enough when you use on-board preamp such as the JE-1000 and the MM-04. I own originals of both those two, and I know that both has on maximum just about enough gain to master the Alexi sound with original GP-1000s. The MM-04 does probably even have too much gain when combined with the EMG HZ-H4. It's all about just smoothing out the treble a little and having a little amount extra gain.
I would suggest you guys try searching or asking Lee Jackson about good old capacitors of the same brand and type: type is very important, cause with the wrong capacitors you could mess up the amp. Either that or find something used in old marshalls with the same combo or lower: 0.68uF cap, and 825ohm resistor. It's in fact so easy to change them out that If you've changed a JE-1000 you could be qualified for the job, just remember to have a not to high voltage soldering iron and with a little tip. And you have to be sure to not disconnect any cables or anything inside except from the 3 screws you have to take out to lift up the motherboard. Oh and be careful with the front cover since the power-button is soldered on to it's power connectors and you probably don't want them to come off.