The CoB clan thread !

GrimReaper666 said:
I'm no joke....*serious face*....everything i say about Alexi is all true. It's how much i love him.

I don't know if she's joking or not, 'cause i don't know her....and maybe no one here can say to know her...I mean to know her really, the girl who's really under that nickname.
And yes, when there's an obsession...well, it has to be quelled and cured, sure.
But I don't wanna think she has an obsession with Alexi.... so whatever it is, you'll see it will pass naturally, I do believe, guys....
So, let her free to act like she wants.... cuz I think that everyone has lived on his own skin these feelings for someone like a famous -or not- person, at least one time in all his/her life... :)

@GrimReaper666: how old are you? I'm just curious, don't take it bad, please..
She's 17, and you have no idea how annoying she is. It's not some stupid crush, it's a mental disorder, she takes it too far.
<-Warheart-> said:
She's 17, and you have no idea how annoying she is. It's not some stupid crush, it's a mental disorder, she takes it too far.

...a mental disorder? I don't wanna think this, guys.... it would be sad....
expecially cuz I think she's a sweet girl, in reality....
I just don't know what to think.....but it's a bit sad....
I know whats wrong with her

<-Warheart-> said:
Omg look!!! I think it's love!!!!


WTF is this!!!!!!!! *screams my ass off* I hate that fuckin chick! i wish that was me. ALexi can't have anyone else except for me. I know he's waiting for me...that's why he broke up with KIM. I feel so close to him. I know one day we'll meet!
GrimReaper666 said:
WTF is this!!!!!!!! *screams my ass off* I hate that fuckin chick! i wish that was me. ALexi can't have anyone else except for me. I know he's waiting for me...that's why he broke up with KIM. I feel so close to him. I know one day we'll meet!


Well at least you finally noticed it. :)
GrimReaper666 said:
WTF is this!!!!!!!! *screams my ass off* I hate that fuckin chick! i wish that was me. ALexi can't have anyone else except for me. I know he's waiting for me...that's why he broke up with KIM. I feel so close to him. I know one day we'll meet!

:lol: :lol: hahahahaha!!!!!!