The CoB clan thread !

I was listening to AYDY all day cuz i was on a road trip. So all together i was listening to them for 6 or 7 hours. On the AYDY album my fave other than IN Your face, is We're Not Gonna Fall and Punch Me I Bleed. I love Alexi. He's fuckin awsome. He is too cute. I'v never seen anyone as adorable as he is so i can't stop loving him. It's the first time i'v ever laid eyes on someone that adorable. Alexi is one of the coolest people i'v ever known...he better be!
GrimReaper666 said:
I was listening to AYDY all day cuz i was on a road trip. So all together i was listening to them for 6 or 7 hours. On the AYDY album my fave other than IN Your face, is We're Not Gonna Fall and Punch Me I Bleed. I love Alexi. He's fuckin awsome. He is too cute. I'v never seen anyone as adorable as he is so i can't stop loving him. It's the first time i'v ever laid eyes on someone that adorable. Alexi is one of the coolest people i'v ever known...he better be!

yea she is really hawt...
GrimReaper666 said:
I was listening to AYDY all day cuz i was on a road trip. So all together i was listening to them for 6 or 7 hours. On the AYDY album my fave other than IN Your face, is We're Not Gonna Fall and Punch Me I Bleed. I love Alexi. He's fuckin awsome. He is too cute. I'v never seen anyone as adorable as he is so i can't stop loving him. It's the first time i'v ever laid eyes on someone that adorable. Alexi is one of the coolest people i'v ever known...he better be!

You're starting to worry me.
GrimReaper666 said:
Ok, i'll take If You Want Peace Prepare For WAR! It rox. I love it when Alexi says "fuck" in the middle and the drumming is really good.

That has got to be the worst Bodom song EVER made....
^ myeah, it's not that brilliant but I prefare it over Next in Line and Wrath Within.

@GrimReaper: hehe, I share your obsession ^^ but most of the senior members here have heard this so many times that they get annoyed by it. So try to cool down a bit XDD
To everyone that hates my fangirlizing: Ummm...listening to AYDY all day long isn't obsessive. I just love it so much that i can't stop listening to it. If you think that's crazy, you wouldn't believe how long i listened to all their other albums. Alexi is just the best! He is so cute when he sleeps. He looks so peaceful and his he kills me when i look at his eyelashes.
GrimReaper666 said:
To everyone that hates my fangirlizing: Ummm...listening to AYDY all day long isn't obsessive. I just love it so much that i can't stop listening to it. If you think that's crazy, you wouldn't believe how long i listened to all their other albums. Alexi is just the best! He is so cute when he sleeps. He looks so peaceful and his he kills me when i look at his eyelashes.

yeah, he is so beautiful... he's an angel really !!
btw, I don't hate your fangirlizing lol, you're just like me :)
Alexi isn't the #1 person in my life.....*thinks about it* yes, he is.

To Bullet: Finally! Someone that loves him as much as me!