The concerts thread

Being in Atlantic Canada sucks in terms of seeing big name concerts. For the most part, all we get around here are local metal or punk bands, and every once in a while a decent band will come through from Ontario or something.
I've seen Protest The Hero a bunch of times, and they've gotten better with each performance. One other exception was seeing Rotting Christ a couple months ago in Moncton, NB. Pretty damn good show.
Going to university drains most of my money, so its tough making trips to see big concerts. If I don't get out to see some soon though, I think I'll go nuts.
Last gig I saw was Dimmu Borgir with Amon Amarth and Engel (t'was also my first gig).

Next gig i'm going to is either Nightwish with Pain supporting (which I might be going to) or Metal Hammer's Defenders Of The Faith (which i'm definately going to): Arch Enemy, Opeth, Devildriver and 3 Inches Of Blood. Going to be amazing, but can't say I really care about seeing 3IOB that much.
So yesterday I've seen:
Enslaved - they were okay.
Samael - was really cool.
Tristania - sucked balls. The vocalist looked and signed like he was raped in the ass before the concert and is still shocked, and female vocalist acted as a stupid slut and was singing awfuly and it all was boring as hell.
OverKill - damn fantastic... I've never seen such great lights and sound, such energy and atmosphere. Seriously, fantasic! :notworthy

Planning to see Dark Tranquillity and Satyricon this spring.
Went to a concert tonight. Some metalcore bands, though I think one of them was a bit too heavy to be metalcore (Impending Doom). They were really good, but I find it funny how Christianity and slam dancing can ruin a perfectly good band. The lead singer had a pig squeal from the depths of hell, so that was good.
Unfortunately, for some reason, in the middle of their set they had this midget friend of theirs come on to the stage and talk about God loving us or something and their metal rating immediately dropped exponentially. Then at the end, after they had redeemed themselves with some damn good songs, they actually uttered the words "evolution doesn't exist." It filled me with the fiery passionate resentment of 1000 suns. This was stacked upon the endless slam dancers, which was another 1000 suns. That's like 2000 suns together. All in all, a 3 out of 10.

Impending Doom is death metal/grindcore according to MA.

Bleeding Through is coming to town and not sure wheter going to see them...
I was originally supposed to go to 3 concerts this weekend, but extenuating circumstances kept me from going to any. So, now I have to wait for this weekend, when on Friday I have Devil Driver/Napalm Death and then on Saturday there's a local band metalfest. Nothing will stop me from attending my weekly concerts this week.
I just spend about every dollar I get on concerts, and I buy one CD a week. Plus I live in a concert hot bed, since there are about 20 different venues around here, with quite a few of them strictly for metal/rock. It's also the spring/summer time, when most of the major metal concerts go on tour. If you go on tour, you go through Dallas/Fort Worth, pretty much (Unless you're the Behemoth/JFaC tour last Fall.:mad:)
That's true, before I got my car last summer, it was such a hassle. I only went to 3 concerts before then. I took the bus to Dallas and walked about a mile to where the venue was. It took quite and extraordinary amount of planning.
Yeah, I just got my dad to agree to drive down to Worcester (45 mins both way if you're lucky) and pick me and a friend up at midnight from the Dimmu/Behemoth show.

BTW, does anyone know of some good earplugs?

(Not interested in morons questioning my manhood, youth, sexuality, intelligence, or anything else for wearing some things. I'm going to two all day metalfests in two days. I want to be able to hear shit.)