The concerts thread

Saw Deafheaven, Asiwyfa, Chelsea Wolfe and Russian Circles last night. Hadn't heard Asiwyfa or Russian Cirlces before; mostly went for Chelsea Wolfe, but I liked Deafheaven's debut and wanted to see them as well.

Deafheaven was decent, but I wasn't blown away. The vocalist has sort of a strange stage presence and a lot of the metal parts were not well mixed. Also, I feel like sometimes they just throw three minutes of post rock onto the beginning or end of a black metal track, but they don't do the best job of integrating the sounds. The drummer was really, really good though.

Asifwyfa are instrumental math rock/ metal band from Ireland and were really good. Excellent energy, chemistry and timing. I definitely want to check out their album now and would recommend seeing them live to anyone who is into that style.

Chelsea Wolfe was excellent. Her music has been described as gothic folk or doom folk. She's just sort of artist where whatever kind of emotion her song expresses you feel very intensely. She seemed unsatisfied with the mix but it sounded fine to me. Met her after the show and she was really down to earth and gracious.

Russian Circles was a solid live show, but I don't feel that they're doing anything special. If you've heard Red Sparrowes, Pelican etc. then you can't help but feel like Russian Circles is second hat. Still, it was enjoyable enough concert.

My summer and early fall concert schedule includes: Iron Maiden, Dead Can Dance, Fiona Apple, Swans and Agalloch. Pretty excited for the next few months of shows.
I'm going to Brutal Assault, 8-11 august, Czech Rep; afterwards, maybe to this fest:
Saw Lacerated and Carbonized, Incantation and Immolation last night. Fucking great evening.

Lacerated and Carbonized are a Rio de Janeiro band, young and promising, pretty good old school DM.

Both classic bands played awesome sets. Incantation is my favorite, so I had a really great time seeing them again. Immolation played a huge set (21 songs!), a lot of classics. Alex Bouks joined us after the Incantation show and watched the Immo gig until the end. Great guy, he had a few beers with us during the set.
The Death To All show at Irving Plaza in New York was fucking hell. Something happened to the AC system and it was hot and humid as balls in there. My fingers pruned from the sweat and my clothes were drenched. Despite all that, the crowd/pits probably had the most energy of any concert I've been too. Amazing show despite one of the guitars being incredibly low in the mix.
Czech kvlt metal elite will gather this saturday to witness two norwegian black metal bands Mare and One Tail One Head along with support from Cult of Fire. I'm going to the show with Master_Yoda. It will rule.

Went to see Agalloch the other night. 'Twas their first time playing in Denver.

Their post punk elements add a lot of energy to their live set, standing out more than they would on an album. Don Anderson's youthful energy is reminiscent of the hardcore punk bands of yore.

Taurus played as well, their material sounded like riffs that had been rejected by other members of Dark Castle. The long doom trip-outs were alright, though.
I attended Summer Slaughter yesterday. Cerebal Bore, Exhumed and Goatwhore all played awesome sets. Rings of Saturn was interesting, but kinda boring. Didn't care for a lot of the bands on the tour, Job For a Cowboy, the Faceless, Periphery, but they seemed to bring out the youth. What is the deal with Between the Buried and Me? I thought they were awful and left to check out the merchandise tables during their set.
Cannibal Corpse was awesome.:rock: Enduring the crappy bands was worth it for an hour of live Cannibal Corpse. They played a great set that mixed the old with the new including Covered With Sores which is one of my favorite CC tunes.
What is the deal with Between the Buried and Me? I thought they were awful and left to check out the merchandise tables during their set.

I like Between the Buried and Me. I've seen them once and they were great. They're not for everyone though. They are basically progressive metal, but have elements of other genres. The singer will go from death growls to melodic vocals within 5 seconds, then have out of place sounding keyboards or something else crazy. I guess you can say it's an aquired taste. They are well respected though from what I can see. And Paul Waggoner, the guitarist, is pretty fuckin' good.
Saw Agalloch on Saturday, great show plagued by myriad sound issues. The setlist was quite ambitious, and the only way I could imagine it being more so was including Black Lake Nidstang.

The Watcher's Monolith
Faustian Echoes
Ghosts of the Midwinter Fires
Into the Painted Grey
Hallways of Enchanted Ebony
You Were But a Ghost in My Arms
In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion
Kneel to the Cross (Sol Invictus cover)
Our Fortress Is Burning... I
Our Fortress is Burning... II: Bloodbirds
Got tickets to Fear Factory in Sydney in Sept. The last FF concert i went to was in 96ish and there was a riot and everybody fucked shit up. Hope the band shows up and no riot this time :)