The concerts thread

Unless the guy has a severely displaced hi-hat, no cymbal stands and just one small bassdrum with the whole drumset angled I don't see how you could see his feet and even more amazingly, how you could see the beaters hit the bassdrum, that means you had to be BEHIND the entire drumset..but whatever that's not my place to argue what you saw.

I do think you have a misguided view on triggers. What is cheating about it? Do you understand how loud a concert is? Do you really think that Derek Roddy doesn't use triggers? Instead of relying on your drummer friends who haven't played a show in their life and probably can't play with two feet if their life depended on it, maybe you should consider using your own reasoning. I'm so sick of hearing people moan and bitch about triggers! Fucking hippies the bunch of ya!!! "Let's play 100% natural!" Go to fucking Trader Joe's and buy organic pecan nuts and shut your mouth!

Hailing from Minnesota, Maledicere plays aggressive, yet atmospheric black metal. They've released several tape demo/albums, have released a split 7" with French Canadian UNO ACTU on Dec.11th and will be touring this upcoming January. For more information on Maledicere, please visit their site: Get in contact if you have any info about show spaces/ want to set up show for any of the dates still in question.
Tour itinerary:
Sat:Jan 2nd-Madison Willy Street Pub & Grill (AKA wisco)
Sun:Jan3rd Chicago@ the Empty Bottle w/bloodyminded, sun spliter, locrian.
Tues: Jan5th columbus OH-TBA/ Get in contact*
Wed: Jan6th Cleavland @ Now Thats Class w/ Crucifist
Thurs: Jan7th Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Get in contact*
Fri: Jan8th Philadelphia, Pa, at Sick Chattel w/ Worm, Rat Healer, Bucket Flush
Sat:Jan9th NYC W/Agrath and Villians Venue TBA
Sun: Jan10th Off
Monday: Jan11 Michingan Get in contact*
Tuesday: Jan 12 Millewaukee at Jackpot Gallery/Eagle’s Nest
W/ owlscry
Unless the guy has a severely displaced hi-hat, no cymbal stands and just one small bassdrum with the whole drumset angled I don't see how you could see his feet and even more amazingly, how you could see the beaters hit the bassdrum, that means you had to be BEHIND the entire drumset..but whatever that's not my place to argue what you saw.

I do think you have a misguided view on triggers. What is cheating about it? Do you understand how loud a concert is? Do you really think that Derek Roddy doesn't use triggers? Instead of relying on your drummer friends who haven't played a show in their life and probably can't play with two feet if their life depended on it, maybe you should consider using your own reasoning. I'm so sick of hearing people moan and bitch about triggers! Fucking hippies the bunch of ya!!! "Let's play 100% natural!" Go to fucking Trader Joe's and buy organic pecan nuts and shut your mouth!

Whatever, bro. You don't know me, my friends, how they play (yes, they use double bass, a couple quite good), or if they have played shows (some of them have). And you can believe me or not when I say I saw his feet and the beaters. Maybe you can explain to me why I would lie and just make that up.

I really don't care that much to argue, as that seems to be what you want to do.
Good, the only thing left for you to do is buy those organic pecan nuts
Just came back from seeing Dying Fetus and Cattle Decapitation..what a show!!

The night started kinda funky when I bought the ticket to the show from the vocalist from Burning At The Stake who was standing outside the Whiskey...he gave me 5 bucks off it haha!

The pre-bands were pretty good, mostly local, the ones I saw (came late) were:
Cryptic Empire
Burning At The Stake

Very good stuff I must say!

Cattle Decapitation fucking rocked! The vocalist easily put on the best performance of the night in terms of showmanship! What a guy!! The rest of the band (especially the bassist) were completely bland..

Dying Fetus, being one of my favorites, raped the set as well, the new drummer did a great job with the classics,..but it was WAY TOO FUCKING SHORT!! they played like 7 songs?! But of course they were also an opening act..because the headliner was:

The I hate this crappy band...BUT I was thoroughly impressed by their live act..I actually really got into when I came home tonight I decided to give them another shot by youtubing some of their songs..and yeah, they still suck ass

Other than that a great fucking night!

Oh and some fucker reversed into my car outside the Whiskey and tried driving away but I chased after him (on foot haha) and the parking attendant stopped him and the fuckin driver was nervous as fuck as I showed him the damages..(I actually DIDN'T receive any damages, but I was in a small car accident about a year ago and I still haven't replaced my bumper so I showed him that dent) and I could have easily scammed him for some quick cash..but in the end I told him to go home and not worry about it but never to try and drive away like that again..I totally should have scammed him in retrospect!!
Going to see Danzig on the 26th.

The show was great. Danzig was a class act, coming home for Christmas and putting together a great set list with a strong performance.

Am I Demon? @ Starland (Sayreville, NJ) 12/26

I don't think I'll be returning to Starland any more though. The venue was completely oversold and full of the way too drunk and disorderly. If you wanted to stand in a spot where you could actually see the stage then rest assured when you finally found that spot you wouldn't even be able to turn around without stepping on someone. The prices for parking, food, and drinks were astronomical to boot. Every time I go there I hate the place a little more.
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Saw Destroyer 666 last night. Fucking awesome! Rotting Christ not so much. Tbh their newer stuff is just really boring, but they did play In the Sign of Evil Existence which kept me entertained for at least 2 minutes.

D666 again in a couple weeks with Vomitor.
Cynic, The Devin Townsend Band and Between the Buried and Me on January 30th...Gonna fun.

Opeth sometime in April or May playing a 2 set show.

Arch Enemy(Still great live), Exodus and Arsis on in Jan also.

That's about it for now...All the venues that have the best Metal shows in NYC are slowing down right now.
Evile+Warbringer on Jan 30th here, going to be brilliant!

Still a way off, but I've just been informed Obituary are playing here in March so shall be mnaking my way along to that, seen them twice before and they always blow me away :)

Jan 2nd @ The wisco, Madison, WI
Jan 3rd @ the empty bottle Chicago, Il
Jan 6th @ now thats class, Cleavland OH
Jan 7th @ The Smiling Skull, Athens Oh
Jan 8th @ Philladelphia, at JR's Bar 22nd & Passyunk $5 / All Ages PA
Jan 9th @ Halftime pub, Patchogue, NY
Jan 10th OFF
Jan 11th, TBA, Pittsburgh or Detroit
Jan 12th @ the eagles nest, Milwaukee, WI All Ages

Video samples:

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Saw Destroyer 666 last night. Fucking awesome! Rotting Christ not so much. Tbh their newer stuff is just really boring, but they did play In the Sign of Evil Existence which kept me entertained for at least 2 minutes.

D666 again in a couple weeks with Vomitor.

I saw Destroyer 666 last night too, and was absolutely blown away, probably the best gig I've seen. The sound was amazing and the set list was great. The two songs from Defiance they played sounded infinitely better live. Highlights were From Genesis To Genocide, I Am The Wargod and The Eternal Glory Of War. That song is just pure anthemic Heavy Fucking Metal, I just about fucking lost it when they played the opening riff!