The concerts thread

Abigail Williams dropped off the Nile tour?!!!

HELLLL YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 2nd is going to be that much better!!!!
The openers were announced today as well o_O: Hate, Blackguard and Swashbuckle.

Hate? From Poland? Meh...

Swashbuckle? They seem to be like some weird ass thrashgrind band.

Never listened to Blackguard before.

But hey the good news is Hypocrisy is the headline. Best for last I guess.

@failure: Sorry to bust your balls but it seems that Swashbuckle is the best openner on that list.
WTF is this shit,

I'm looking at the upcoming Immortal concert here in LA, and they are coming 4/2/10 to Avalon, but the ticket price is $50 DOLLARS?!

And that's not what it's gonna cost at the end of it, if you go through Ticketmaster it's gonna be like 75, and if you buy at the door its gonna be like 65..and there aren't even any other bands opening for's just fucking Immortal

BUT the worst part is this notice they put:

- WARNING: This show starts and ENDS early (9pm-ish) to let in dance club pussies

Maybe I'm making a big deal out of it, but fuck, I don't have a lot of dough to spend, especially with the amazing streak of concerts coming hither in February month
It's Immortal. What do you fucking expect? A $10 bar show?

In the US? Actually, yeah, give or take. A $20 gig at a 500 capacity venue at most. $50 is insane. Then again, why would they come here to play bars when they can get nice big crowds in Europe? Then again, why do I live here when heavy metal might actually be a possible career in Europe? Then again, fuck my life. Sorry, what was my point?
Yeah, apr. 22nd in my town
w/ ludicra and tombs

and you're right it's not posted anywhere but it's legit info, it's posted on a local promoters site, and he promotes almost every show around here. it'll be announced soon enough

it happens all the time where i see a show up on a venues site but no word of it officially until like a week or two alter