The concerts thread

Went to local "Thrashgiving" last night. It was a really good show, but it had a low turnout, maybe 100 people.

The following bands performed:
Sacrificial Slaughter-ok
Vektor-wow! These guys are brutal. Unfortunately, they packed up and left after they played so I missed the opportunity to purchase their album.
Hexen. They played with a lot of intensity, purchased their album.
Hatchet-I liked these guys, but I bought the album and it has a different vocalist.
Warbringer. Awesome.

Going to see Dimmu Borgir on November 30.

Was this at the Cheyenne Saloon?

Anyways I'll be seeing Enslaved and Blood Red Throne (and maybe Dimmu Borgir, I guess I might as well stick around for them) on the 30th as well.
Ahh..I see. That sucks. The Cheyenne Saloon has hosted some great metal shows, but the turnout to the recent shows has been low. I think the 21+ requirement is a contributing factor. I went to the Helloween concert about a month ago and there were some really good bands..A Band of Orcs, Abysmal Nocturne, Sothis. Sothis didn't start playing until about 12:30 AM and by the time they were done there were probably fewer than 30 people still hanging around.
Yeah, it sucks that the decent/good shows that come through here tend to play at the Cheyenne saloon (though I'm not disappointed about missing Sothis, I've seen them before and didn't enjoy 'em that much). It really sucked having to miss The Devin Townsend Project though.
Just went to see Wolves in the Throne Room in Glasgow. Probably the best show ive been to so far. Picked up Diadem of 12 Stars as well. Also hoping to go see Winterfylleth on the 11th in Glasgow.
Last night I saw Dimmu Borgir, Enslaved, Blood Red Throne and Dawn of Asses.

I don't own any Dimmu albums and have never really been a fan. They were ok. The music didn't really move me, but again I am unfamiliar with their stuff. They really like to dress up and strike a pose. The keyboard player looks very silly.

Enslaved was great, and was the main reason I wanted to go. I only know two of their albums (Isa and Eld). The played one song I knew, which was Isa. That was cool. The rest of their set was good too. I definitely look forward to continuing my way through their discography.

Had never heard Blood Red Throne, but they sounded pretty killer. May look into getting some of their music.

Dawn of Ashes was... ugly.
Going to Pagan Altar on Saturday. They're doing a two and a half hour set. This is gonna fucking rule. I have finals next week, so I prolly shouldn't go, but fuck that.
Last night I saw Dimmu Borgir, Enslaved, Blood Red Throne and Dawn of Asses.

I don't own any Dimmu albums and have never really been a fan. They were ok. The music didn't really move me, but again I am unfamiliar with their stuff. They really like to dress up and strike a pose. The keyboard player looks very silly.

Enslaved was great, and was the main reason I wanted to go. I only know two of their albums (Isa and Eld). The played one song I knew, which was Isa. That was cool. The rest of their set was good too. I definitely look forward to continuing my way through their discography.

Had never heard Blood Red Throne, but they sounded pretty killer. May look into getting some of their music.

Dawn of Ashes was... ugly.

Make sure to listen to Below the Lights by Enslaved.

I almost went to that show, but it wasn't worth $38 imo (since I've seen Enslaved headline before).
Last night I saw Dimmu Borgir, Enslaved, Blood Red Throne and Dawn of Asses.

I don't own any Dimmu albums and have never really been a fan. They were ok. The music didn't really move me, but again I am unfamiliar with their stuff. They really like to dress up and strike a pose. The keyboard player looks very silly.

Enslaved was great, and was the main reason I wanted to go. I only know two of their albums (Isa and Eld). The played one song I knew, which was Isa. That was cool. The rest of their set was good too. I definitely look forward to continuing my way through their discography.

Had never heard Blood Red Throne, but they sounded pretty killer. May look into getting some of their music.

Dawn of Ashes was... ugly.

Did you go to the show in Vegas? I completely agree with your assessment of the bands. I enjoyed Blood Red Throne, but I thought the drums sounded like shit. Dawn of Ashes were horrible. I've been more impressed by some of the unsigned local bands.
Pagan Altar was awesome. Revelation were great, wasn't familiar with them but will definitely be checking their stuff out. Blood Ceremony were okay, but I expected better tbh. Fun show overall, small venue with good sound.
blew off Dead in Horror festival to cook pasta bolognaise with my friends. didn't feel like going into the city. fail. looks like my next metal gig will be Helloween in Feb.