The concerts thread

Fuckin finally a dececnt gig. Evil Invaders III on the 10th and 11th of June in Sydney.

Announced so far:
PORTAL(qld) (Exclusive show for 2011)
TRENCH HELL (First and ONLY Australian Show for 2011)

So keen. Not to mention my birthday the day before. It's been nice knowing my liver.
Rites of Darkness II was fucking awesome.

Cruciamentum stole the show, best performance by far.
H.O.D., Diocletian, Black Witchery, Morbosidad, Ghoul, Grave Miasma, Vasaeleth, Blasphemophagher were all great as well. Lots of goat worshiping, burned bibles, bullet belts, gas masks, and one Fallen Angel of Doom back tattoo.
Rites of Darkness II was fucking awesome.

Cruciamentum stole the show, best performance by far.
H.O.D., Diocletian, Black Witchery, Morbosidad, Ghoul, Grave Miasma, Vasaeleth, Blasphemophagher were all great as well. Lots of goat worshiping, burned bibles, bullet belts, gas masks, and one Fallen Angel of Doom back tattoo.

That sounds super fun. Glad to hear there were gas masks.
Last night I saw Dimmu Borgir, Enslaved, Blood Red Throne and Dawn of Asses.

I don't own any Dimmu albums and have never really been a fan. They were ok. The music didn't really move me, but again I am unfamiliar with their stuff. They really like to dress up and strike a pose. The keyboard player looks very silly.

Enslaved was great, and was the main reason I wanted to go. I only know two of their albums (Isa and Eld). The played one song I knew, which was Isa. That was cool. The rest of their set was good too. I definitely look forward to continuing my way through their discography.

Had never heard Blood Red Throne, but they sounded pretty killer. May look into getting some of their music.

Dawn of Ashes was... ugly.

haha. I went to the same concert in Montreal yesterday. Dawn of Ashes, walked in during their last song, shit band. Symphonic Blackcore, so gay.

Blood Red Throne was a surprise, their album work has never impressed me, but live they were great.

Enslaved is what I went to see, and they delivered. Fucking amazing. Best show I've seen ever.

Dimmu sucked, left 20 minutes into their set.
Bonded by Blood, Gama Bomb and Evile put on an awesome show last night despite the fact that only about 12 people showed up to see them. A couple of local bands opened the show, but they didn't even hang around to see the Gama Bomb or Evile. It seems that if a show isn't on the strip the turnout is pathetic.
Last night I saw Dimmu Borgir, Enslaved, Blood Red Throne and Dawn of Asses.

I don't own any Dimmu albums and have never really been a fan. They were ok. The music didn't really move me, but again I am unfamiliar with their stuff. They really like to dress up and strike a pose. The keyboard player looks very silly.

Enslaved was great, and was the main reason I wanted to go. I only know two of their albums (Isa and Eld). The played one song I knew, which was Isa. That was cool. The rest of their set was good too. I definitely look forward to continuing my way through their discography.

Had never heard Blood Red Throne, but they sounded pretty killer. May look into getting some of their music.

Dawn of Ashes was... ugly.

I had no idea DoA had gone BM, they were good as a Agro-Tech Band.
Saw Paul DiAnno Sunday night at the Cheyenne Saloon. Good turnout for once, probably about 150-200 people. A local band, Malus Rex, started the show off. These guys sound better every time I see them. They are ready to record an album and start touring as an opening or support act. Next up was an Iron Maiden, tribute/cover band, Aces High. The band sounded really good, but the singer, a chick, just didn't have the vocal power to get it done. Icarus Witch was next and I wasn't impressed at all.
Had to wait 45-50 minutes for DiAnno which was crap because there was no teardown or setup time with Icarus Witch being his supporting band. The first thing DiAnno said was that his voice sounded like crap due to a cold or something. DiAnno put forth some effort but he sounded awful. He performed the following maiden songs: Wrathchild, Prowler, Charlotte The Harlot, Stranger World, Killers, Murders in the Rue Morgue, Phantom of the Opera and Running Free. He also played 2 or three of his solo stuff. I left during Phantom of the Opera Which I guess was the second to last song. Heard from a friend that the singer from Icarus Witch sang the last song, Running Free.
December 18th I saw Epica, Scar Symmetry, The Agonist, and Cynonyte at Volume 11 Tavern. Black Guard played but I made sure to skip them, as I've seen them before and they weren't very good. Cynonyte was playing when I came in, and they weren't very memorable (do keep in mind this show was almost a month ago). I only got to see 3 songs, but one was the one I saw them play on youtube prior to the show (the only song I was even vaguely familiar with).

Next was The Agonist. Deathcore band with a female vocalist. Doesn't sound too bad at first. Mind you, I don't like deathcore at all, but these guys/and girl seemed pretty legit. Until about halfway through the first song when the first breakdown came in. I thought "okay, it's deathcore, but it's just one breakdown... Hopefull-" another breakdown. A breakdown into a breakdown. The one thing that really irks me when it comes to judging a band I haven't heard. "There's only one thing worse" I thought, as they staretd their next song with a breakdown. Yup. total garbage. Extremely generic besides the female vocals, which doesn't really do anything for me now.

Next was Scar Symmetry (Melodic Death). I went to the show JUST to see this band, so my hopes were pretty high, but since Christian Alvestram(?) left the band and during the tour, the lead guitarist broke his arm doing karate or some shit, I shouldn't have expected much. The new singers BUTCHERED Christians songs (they did great on their own, but they just don't live up to his standard. The lead guitarist was missing, so the rhythm guy had to play all his solos with nothing but drum and bass as his rhythm, which ruined the whole feel of the solo on most of the songs. Besides that, they had some half naked wrestler guy get up on stage and do a skit during one of their songs... They just can't take themselves seriously w/o Christian can they?

After that Epica came on and I was ready to go. I had checked out a few songs from Epica prior to the show and decided I didn't like their style (Symphonic Death with a female lead vocalist). My friend wanted to stay just to see how they would be so we stayed and that was probably the best decision of the night. They started off playing their "Resign to Surrender" from their new album "Design Your Universe". It wasn't bad. Then she started singing. Her voice was angelic. The band has a unique style and needless to say, they aren't nearly as bad as I once thought prior to the show.

Other than that, Deicide, Belphegor, Neuraxis on February 17th and Kataklysm playing March 16th
I saw them a couple of years ago with the new lineup, and they were pretty tight. I'd say maybe a quarter to a third of the songs were from Altars and David Vincent wasn't wearing latex, which was definitely a plus.
December 18th I saw Epica, Scar Symmetry, and The Agonist, at Volume 11 Tavern. Black Guard played but I made sure to skip them, as I've seen them before and they weren't very good.

I happened to go to that Tour too, in November. I'm in Love with Epica! I happen to like Blackguard; I missed them the last time they had open up prior for Epica in 09, so it as great to finally hear what they sound like.

Next was The Agonist. Deathcore band with a female vocalist. Doesn't sound too bad at first. Mind you, I don't like deathcore at all, but these guys/and girl seemed pretty legit. Until about halfway through the first song when the first breakdown came in. I thought "okay, it's deathcore, but it's just one breakdown... Hopefull-" another breakdown. A breakdown into a breakdown. The one thing that really irks me when it comes to judging a band I haven't heard. "There's only one thing worse" I thought, as they staretd their next song with a breakdown. Yup. total garbage. Extremely generic besides the female vocals, which doesn't really do anything for me now.

And OMG I definitely agree with you about The Agonist! There is only one song I like from them, and everything else sounds like shit. Definitely don't dig that deathcore too much.
I happened to go to that Tour too, in November. I'm in Love with Epica! I happen to like Blackguard; I missed them the last time they had open up prior for Epica in 09, so it as great to finally hear what they sound like.

For some reason Blackguard loves to play at this venue in Raleigh, NC a lot... They've been there 4 times in the past 6 months, and are gonna be there again within the next month.

And OMG I definitely agree with you about The Agonist! There is only one song I like from them, and everything else sounds like shit. Definitely don't dig that deathcore too much.

Yeah, the first song was great at first.. I was thinking how unique they were.. Then it's just a big breakdown.
I'm seeing Motorhead on January 29, 2010. The show is at the House of Blues. If it ends early I may be able to drive over to the Cheyenne Saloon and see Raven perform. The Cheyenne Saloon has some awesome shows coming up in the next couple months. Death Angel and Bonded by Blood on February 21, Malevolent Creation on March 5 and Deicide and Belphegor on March 7.
I'm seeing Motorhead on January 29, 2010. The show is at the House of Blues. If it ends early I may be able to drive over to the Cheyenne Saloon and see Raven perform. The Cheyenne Saloon has some awesome shows coming up in the next couple months. Death Angel and Bonded by Blood on February 21, Malevolent Creation on March 5 and Deicide and Belphegor on March 7.

Haha those last 3 sets are playing up here in NC in that same order ^^