The Conspiracy Thread

fah-q said:
You do have a point. Some people are sheep and bury their head in the sand, fearing the other sheep will excommunicate them socially if they don't fall in line. However, these conspiracies are more often than not inaccurate. There were people that actually believed that our gov't was aware that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked.
Now, to completely jump off topic...I saw part of Zoolander last night. Have you ever seen that movie? They go over the whole conspiracy about male models being used to assasinate world leaders. I thought it was ironic that I came across that last night while I have been contributing to this thread.

I am pretty sure it has been admitted by many Military Personal that they knew about Pearl Harbour and let it happen in order to Join the War. Then the Propaganda Machine took hold and it was on. WWII was especially good to the Bush Family, Prescot Bush was dealing on both sides of the war.

People like to think the Government was wholly responsible for the 9/11 attacks but there is much more to it then that. But I am not talking about Conspiracy Theories, I am talking about the evidence that these Conspiracies Exist.
Tongue_Ring said:
i guess it really just depends on technology

did these so-called "aliens" develop a device that creates "interdimentional" portals like the device in the Sci-Fi show "Sliders"?

did they create a device that creates "wormholes" like in the Sci-Fi shows "Star Trek DS9", "Stargate SG-1" and "Stargate Atlantis"

no one answered my question
Slaindreamer said:
I love you :notworthy . Seriously though I really respect that..........the thought has been on my mind before (and I'm sure I voiced my opinion on it somewhere, sometime.) but often gets lost amongst the constant "You are talking rubbish give me proof" statements thrown around. Your words are actually symbolic of how things really should be evolving. It is time for a paradigm shift. It has been slowly building for an eternity and I think humans need a good wake up reality check. Don't forget, what we originally know is TAUGHT to us. (obviously I'm not saying this to you Tongue Ring.......somethign tells me you already know this.) So we must learn things ourselves and at the same time un-learn all the false values that were hammered into us since birth. As my favourite saying goes.............human beings once believed the world was flat.
Silly people.......It's square :lol:
thank you for pointiing out what i thought wouldn't need to be,
yes the people really are stupid, but i thought the people here would be smarter, i thought people would notice the sheer numbers and realize that there really are aliens in addition to the hoaxes
sorry if i'm not articulating well
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
President James Madison

Money, money, money, it's always just been there, right? Wrong.

Obviously it's issued by the government to make it easy for us to exchange things. Wrong again!

Truth is most people don't realise that the issuing of money is essentially a private business, and that the privilege of issuing money has been a major bone of contention throughout history.

Wars have been fought and depressions have been caused in the battle over who issues the money; however the majority of us are not aware of this, and this is largely due to the fact that the winning side became and increasingly continues to be a vital and respected member of our global society, having an influence over large aspects of our lives including our education, our media and our governments.

While we might feel powerless in trying to stop the manipulation of money for private profit at our expense, it is easy to forget that we collectively give money its value. We have been taught to believe printed pieces of paper have special value, and because we know others believe this too, we are willing to work all our lives to get what we are convinced others will want.

An honest look at history will show us how our innocent trust has been misused.
George Carlin:

Everyone should look at that George Carlin link. I don't know how he can still be alive after coming out with that! He is truly sticking his neck out. Now that Carlin may have got some of you thinking - consider this:

The video made for Discovery channel which never got aired
(better than the video on previous link).

pedophilia in British government (Tony Blair et al) ;showdate=

More about the sex perverts that rule the world

ATGuitar_NInja said:
9/11 is the best conspiracy i can think off the best controlled demolition staged to not look like one that can't be better explained by that either!
:yuk: 9/11 conspiracies.
Ptah Khnemu said:
:yuk: 9/11 conspiracies.

Yes - lets get off that now and talk about why it is that the people who are in power seem to have a mentality of: "now I'm so powerful I can sexually abuse kids at parties!" Instead of "now I am so powerful, I can really do something to make the world a nicer place!"
Indeed. The think with people in power, as I'm sure we all know, is that they know that they have money, and they know that they have power, and with that money and power, they can easily talk and buy their way out of any kind of trouble. And sexually abusing kids is only a small example of what Politicians do with their power and money. They can be drug dealers, crime lords, anything really that they know they can get away with because of their position.
Rozenrot said:
my favourite conspiracy - the Royal family are Reptiles :p

Haha, yeah. That's always amused me :p Such a crazy conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theorist and self proclaimed "Son of God" David Icke claims that reptilian humanoids are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy directed at manipulation and control of humanity. He contends that most of our world's leaders, from George W. Bush to British royal family, are in fact seven-foot tall, blood-drinking reptilians.

According to an interview with David Icke, Christine Fitzgerald, a confidante of Diana, Princess of Wales, claims that Diana told her that the Royal Family were Reptilian aliens, and that they could shapeshift. David Icke and others have claimed that U.S. President George W. Bush and his family are part of this same bloodline. (Icke, 2004)
i have read his books and i find them 100% satisfying. Interesting? Yes. Enough to change my mind on life? No. But enough to make me wanna get together with him to have tea? Yes. I dont know. But we seem to have much in common, alongside many others. Do take ur time to browse around, whether the internet or ur local library, for his books and videos. There are other such authors, and there were a few before him, do check em out.

Throughout my study and research on Conspiracy Theories i have found that one theory leads to another. This is math, not mystery. I will not state any formulae here to confuse u but i would like to say master Math before u master a Theory on Life. I suck at Math myself, tho :lol: That is why i have so much to learn about life. Conspiracy Theories are theories, good ones at that. Some are there just there because we have nothing much to do these days but wonder who might be watching us. If governments get billions of dollars, there must be a certain party whereby they have ALL the money in the world.

Mars > Reptiles > Mars Doomed > Reptiles Escape > Earth > Cross Breed > Experiment > Stonehenge > Pyramids > The Inca > Reptiles Too Intelligent > Migration to other planet > some reptiles left on Earth > cross-breed of ape-reptile > superior race > Communicate with relatives far out in the galaxy > destroy inferior race on earth > Control the World > Communicate among each other > hidden messages > Illuminati > Knights Templar > Freemasons > MONEY, INTELLIGENCE AND EVERYTHING ELSE, just like the Powerpuff Girls, except things arnt always sweet and nice.
Mars > Reptiles > Mars Doomed > Reptiles Escape > Earth > Cross Breed > Experiment > Stonehenge > Pyramids > The Inca > Reptiles Too Intelligent > Migration to other planet > some reptiles left on Earth > cross-breed of ape-reptile > superior race > Communicate with relatives far out in the galaxy > destroy inferior race on earth > Control the World > Communicate among each other > hidden messages > Illuminati > Knights Templar > Freemasons > MONEY, INTELLIGENCE AND EVERYTHING ELSE, just like the Powerpuff Girls, except things arnt always sweet and nice.
The best part of that by far has to be the last 2 lines. :lol:
i have read his books and i find them 100% satisfying. Interesting? Yes. Enough to change my mind on life? No. But enough to make me wanna get together with him to have tea? Yes. I dont know. But we seem to have much in common, alongside many others. Do take ur time to browse around, whether the internet or ur local library, for his books and videos. There are other such authors, and there were a few before him, do check em out.

Throughout my study and research on Conspiracy Theories i have found that one theory leads to another. This is math, not mystery. I will not state any formulae here to confuse u but i would like to say master Math before u master a Theory on Life. I suck at Math myself, tho :lol: That is why i have so much to learn about life. Conspiracy Theories are theories, good ones at that. Some are there just there because we have nothing much to do these days but wonder who might be watching us. If governments get billions of dollars, there must be a certain party whereby they have ALL the money in the world.

Mars > Reptiles > Mars Doomed > Reptiles Escape > Earth > Cross Breed > Experiment > Stonehenge > Pyramids > The Inca > Reptiles Too Intelligent > Migration to other planet > some reptiles left on Earth > cross-breed of ape-reptile > superior race > Communicate with relatives far out in the galaxy > destroy inferior race on earth > Control the World > Communicate among each other > hidden messages > Illuminati > Knights Templar > Freemasons > MONEY, INTELLIGENCE AND EVERYTHING ELSE, just like the Powerpuff Girls, except things arnt always sweet and nice.

We must remember that all the above is just one type of "conspiracy theory". In fact, here is a conspiracy theory about this conspiracy theory: the conspirators don't want the truth to be too well known, so they make sure the evidence is made far less credible by making it ridiculously crazy and include a lot of apparant nonsense for which there is no convincing evidence. I see the 9/11 conspiracy as having been made far more extravagant than it ever needed to be.

Conspiracies are an undeniable fact of life, and they are being conclusively exposed regularly. Any contrived dishonesty or manipulation involving a scheme by more than one person is a conspiracy.
Reptillians, hmm.

I havent heard about reptillians since i was writing a debate plan concerning the release of extraterrestrials kept in captivity last year. Here's the deal things like shapeshifting, special blood chemicals, etc should be subject to the scrutiny of science. Frankly shapeshifting has very few possible mechanisms that i can think of. Firstly there is the possibility that the physical body structure changes. This would involve the rapid activation of dormant genes, which is not totally unlikely. It would also involve incredibly rapid cell growth and mutation. Think a growth spurt times 30 taking place in mere seconds. This would require massive amounts of energy and would probably, either from food, or assuming all possibilties some kind of energy conversion from thermal to chemical. The later would produce intense cold which would have no doubtedly been reported by witnesses. The second major possibilty is mind control or forced hallucination. In the case of mind control massive energy would be required to selectively fire neurons in the brain, externally, if its even possible at all. Also there would likely be no witnesses because the illusion would never be compromised. And finally I know personally how incredibly simple it is to falsify this kind of information. I personally submitted false "experiences" to a website documenting all things extra terrestrial. They were published.

Ultimately world government is a failing theory, as proved by every revolution ever to take place. France has several under its belt, China has a good one, Russia, etc.

As far as white slaves in America, i will say this. As an American, I feel confident in saying that heritage is something Americans take very seriously. We know our lineage very well. It is a source of pride for us. That is why groups like daughters of the American Revolution are so active. This in mind I find it difficult to believe that even any more than a slight minority of white Americans are decendants from white slaves. I am not denying that they exist, but that the current white population is mostly descended from "new immigrants" or non slave families. This is partially because as you noted, "indentured servants" left families in the Old World, or were simply kidnapped, and did not leave a significant population in the New world. I know for an absolute fact that I am descended from slaveowners in Tennessee and Missouri.

9/11- Im sick of hearing about this. Its absolutely ridiculous. I know that the pentagon seems a little bit sketchy, I know the US loves war, but come on. There is a region, the Mideast that has very good reasons to not like us very much. We ooze infidel you cant deny that. We are Israels bitch, you cant deny that. Hell sometimes I dont like us very much. I will agree with you that the US is very opportunistic. We have used this whole mess to ram our agenda through. But be honest with yourselves, do you really think the risk of a conspiracy on an unprecedented magnitude was really worth it to start wars. We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, our entire attitude is we'll fight whoever we damn well please. WMDs would have easily given us a reason, (and if you were paying attention did) to get our hands bloody. I cant explain the minimal damage to the pentagon except for to say it is a likely target for attack and was DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND IT.

As an American wishing for something to be proud of again, I must now leave to watch a game of American Football, Chiefs and Chopper!!
david icke's theory doesnt seem at all far-fetched. u see, if u tell me theres a theory behind his theory, then bloody hell its neverending. the best one could do or not do is either put all these theories aside or think abt em if u really want to. Other Illuminati and American anti-american government theorists say Icke does fine, til he brings in the reptiles.

There is another research going on abt our lives and it states tht "we" have been ard for 22 billion yrs and travelled frm the plaiedas (spell?), to a few more galaxies/planets, blew up one and landed on Earth. Throughout the course our bodies have adapted to the environment. This in theory goes along with Icke's theory on the 12000-yrs-period-of-change. But what is absent in Icke's theories is whether the other aliens out there are good beings.

The Starseeds research claims some of us may have closer ties than others, especially if u feel a sense of belonging to Atlantis and ancient symbols. And that the other Aliens have good intentions and its good that we are reptiles. Mayb im not so clear because its getting too bizzare to digest? :lol: Here's a test to see how much of a star kid u are:

The Starseed Quiz
I scored a very low 34 on that - which imo shows I should be less inclined towards believing in far-fetched ideas. (Not that the starseed idea is necessarily nonsense).
I scored exactly 50. But I think that it came mostly from my fascination with Atlantis and mythology. I've already considered the possibility o Aliens and Atlantis being connected in some way, and I rejected it, because it just seems to be propostorous.