The Creativity Thread

Some very cool sets of lyrics, and that picture of the Austrian border is breathtaking, i was there a couple of weeks back and i don't think i'll ever forget the view. will post the pics if i can get em.

and English Dude!!!! pray, do finish thy acoustic ramblings! ;)

i've got some half arsed attempts at art floating around if anyone is really that interested,up on deviant art (large web art community)

you can go and tell me how shit i am at over at:

ta! :D
Bah! All of you are in dire need of more confidence and pride in your work! :D
Great stuff all around... :) Good lyrics, lovely photos and art... Makes me feel awfully uncreative ;) what I have is merely one short story that is 1) badly badly translated from swedish and 2) ridiculously long for a short story
I have some photos though...
I have forgotten how humanity feels
I have left it behind in dead moments
I have broken it as enslaving chains
I have left in search

Broken minds reforging find
Misplaced souls be swallowed whole
Human hearts, now ripped apart
Failings shriven, new flesh given

Dark blessings I ask of thee
To be human made godhead, flesh made endless
Dark blessing I crave

Seeking the immortal darkling,
Essence of a thousand dark gods.

The winds will carry me above the land
The earth raise mountains of grief to shield me
The waters swirl and ebb to drift away
The fires burn eternally

Dark set me free from master
and grant to me my own will.
Beyond their words and curses, lies
the dark, to be born in me

The power, the dark, a god walking the world.
Born within sparks of incandescent wishing,
A demand for divine will to solve all ills
of mine, no one else’s, and in dark fall to
Seeming sin and dark wine, cursed by all

Dark blessings I ask of me
To be human made godhead, flesh made endless
Dark blessing I crave
I'm a bit uncertain about that one, so criticism is extremely welcome...

Just read the other pieces of lyrical and poetic intent, and they're both good - although I prefer rahvin's, (possibly because I think I'm closer to finding a meaning of sorts than in the Harskar)
If I get myself a bass and drummachine, destruction starts. And recording machinery comes in handy too :p

@hyena: Melody: Not bad at all, but definately MID doesnt sound too nice :rolleyes:

@VlatueraC: nice shots.

@legende: you whore! triple post isnt something that we do :p
This is something I'm working on at the moment, I'd appreciate any feedback:


The time of dreaming is over
Time for us to wake
To open the rusted eyes
And fell the crystal tear.

Whispers in the night-sky
The robotic crackle of the dawn
The metallic smell
Of this sensory nightmare.

Is there a time that I cannot remember?
Skin and bone and pumping desire,
Replaced now with binary and steel,
In a world now ordered in shame.

The Logic is all, and freedom controlled
Free choice is but information stored
A catalogue of errors
A history beyond our time.

Nothing survived it of the flesh
Organics fleeting fast
Seen but unseen it melted away
In the light of the RoboDawn
The light of RoboDawn.

Is there a time that I cannot remember?
Skin and bone and pumping desire,
Replaced now with binary and steel,
In a world now ordered in shame.

And yet I remember
The taste of life
The failings of the flesh
So fragile yet so all-consuming…

All destroyed by the RoboDawn
Defiled by RoboDawn.
Sounds good enough, but I don't know the song at all, so... :p I like the guitar sound tho ;)

Bennie: Robodawn? Fantastic name... :p Ok, apart from my slight pop at that phrase, its good with some nice imagery (is that meant to be fleeting or fleeing tho, in the name about organic?). In fact, so good I'd suggest you trying use some rhyme and other poetic elements, because you should be able to do it.. :p

Would like to hear it sung tho, singing makes all the difference to lyrics.
@ben: Either german electronic music band, veiled with aluminium foil or Trollheim´s Gott -like band with robotheme. RoboDawn™
@nl: cool. by the way, do you know that Tears of the Dragon spawned one of rahvin's best music-related jokes ever? Once he asked me if, by singing the verse the water is moving, Dickinson actually meant that he felt all tingly inside and wanted to cry every time that he saw water.
The following is a short "poem" I wrote some four years ago, after one of my friends (well, he was more a good friend of a friend of mine, I never really knew him that well) had committed suicide. I do not consider it art by any means and obviously am not at all proud of it as a poem. However, I'm pretty proud of myself in how I managed to put most of my negative feelings into those few lines - I recall how I felt much better after I had written it down. I found this among my old texts here at my parents house a few days ago and I present it here unedited and in Finnish.

Paha olo

Joskus tämä elämä on niin helvetin raskasta
kuin ikkunaton talo, jonka seinät tehty paskasta

Ovet lukossa, ei ulos pääse siitä talosta
ja jos nähdä tahtoo aavistuksen päivänvalosta

Täytyy nyrkillä reikä seinään lyödä
ja elääkseen kaikki se paska syödä

Vain itse kukin seisoo itsensä tiellä
ei kukaan muu sitä paskaa voi niellä
(Leiskan muistolle 22.1.2000)

Since then, I've put practically all my creativity into roleplaying games and work - very little of that could be presented here.

@erik: i <3 u. :D honest. it's brilliant. the chorus sounds like a cnn speaker on crack.
hyena said:
@fire: i know. :D it's a tower (oddly enough, with a restaurant in it) located in alexanderplatz, berlin. i know because i spent hours trying to convince rahvin to climb, and still he wouldn't.
now I get the picture ;) I had not thought about this one at all, but I´ve seen it on other photos. Haven´t really been to Berlin myself yet
@SuperMasterVilleDestoryer: UI MAMMA! Jätkä vähättelee. Toi on helvetin ovela!! Vaikka siinä olikin pahamaineisia loppusointuja. Silti :worship:
(Ja tämä ei ole mitään vitun vittuilua,vaan pelkää ihailua)