The Creativity Thread

Only thing I've ever really been proud of are two things. Both were for a class entitled "Madness in Literature". The first was a crazy-assed presentation that involved lots of Niklas's art (hopefully he won't get mad at me for that) as well as art by a friend of mine, and lots of Dimmu on the speakers with a bit of Stewie from Family Guy thrown in. Doesn't make much sense unless you saw it. Which none of you did.

Second was the original story I wrote for the class. Unfortunately I could never show you peoples because at one point I had the entire story except the main characters name. So... I picked Stanne :p Don't shoot me, please. I can be very creative, but occasionally I get these blocks where I can't make up even the smallest thing. Its why I'm not a great liar.

Funny thing about that story actually. Verbatim conversation as my teacher handed it back:

Teacher - "Wow, Brendan. Honestly, I have to say this was the best representation of schizophrenia I've ever read in a story like this. I can't imagine how much time you spent researching it!"
Me - "Um... Mr. Day? I didn't do any research..."
Teacher - "..."
Me - "..."
Teacher - "... You know, how about I forget we just said anything, and continue thinking about you as normal, ok?"

~Kov :)p)
RealHazard said:
@SuperMasterVilleDestoryer: UI MAMMA! Jätkä vähättelee. Toi on helvetin ovela!! Vaikka siinä olikin pahamaineisia loppusointuja. Silti :worship:
(Ja tämä ei ole mitään vitun vittuilua,vaan pelkää ihailua)
Yhrmm... Thanks... I guess. :oops: The rest in Finnish:

No ne loppusoinnuthan siinä minua eniten vaivaavatkin - vaikuttaa turhan (myöhäis-)teiniangstilta. Mitä se nyt kai tavallaan olikin. Mutta kuten sanoin, lopputulosta enemmän annan arvoa itse prosessille, ja sille kuinka "paransin itseni" tuon avulla. Hyvä minä.

I posted a bunch of drawings in some other thread.. so I'll just post one of 'em here :q


And anyone who can tell who this is gets a prize : D

The train leg piece is excellent.. when I transfer my files from my old comp to the new one, i'll post some of the lyrics i've written here
Project tittle: stoned and united

Song to be downloaded: rocket rocker on air (tonight) v0.8

Line-up on recording:
rhythm guitar - Hellbabe
lead guitar - Satanique Mystisks
bass guitar - Creative 1024 og gp3
drums - Creative 1024 og gp3
guitar overdubs - Hellbabe
first solo: Hellbabe
second solo: Satanique Mystisks

other info: this band doens´t have a singer and doesnt have capacity to play on live. the search is on. I have lyrics ready but I wont publish them because they need to lie on the music and don´t work their own.
and i made few pretty bad mistakes while i played it but "it doesn´t anything matter" :p

thanks: Mom and dad, the society of undead lumberjacks, Steve Di Giorgio, Cannibal Corpse, Ibanez, Me and I, and last but not least: Jagged Alliance 2.
That's a quick drawing I did on illustrator to make fun of americans in the earlier years when they dissed the italian immigrants to "steal their job" lol...


I already posted it somewhere else but without the text. :loco:

Oh by the way, don't get offended, it's 2nd degree humor
Dont tell me you didn´t download my real piece of fucking art :erk:..
I spent more than three hours to minimalize the errors but with hands shivery as mine, it is almost impossible.