The Creativity Thread

@ Lethe85 - Your painting #123 (Mars) I like it Botticelli meets Van Gogh - the part at the legs of Mars with Starry Night sort of looks as it was influenced by Rene Magritte -
Naama is '1 piece of 5' a self portrait ?
@Naama: very nice work. :) post the rest too. too bad i can't see 2 of them. :/

@Hiljainen: that's pretty impressive. :)
All you artists are brilliant :)

I couldn't draw to save my life, but I do write... but everything's too long to be posted here. So. Here's the intro of a story I wrote about 2 years ago and then translated into English. The Swedish version needed some editing (which I still haven't gotten round to doing) and the English one needs even more editing, but I can't be bothered to do it :p So you get the flawed version, it could be better.
Anyway, here goes:

Resolutely he put one foot in front of the other, careful not to stagger. He was well aware that a staggering poor wretch in a brown suit pretty much begged to be robbed by some shady juvenile offenders or some shady old wino, and he was not prepared to part with his wallet and the twenty crown note that was left in it after he had spent the last few hours at various clubs and bars. He couldn’t remember how much money he had had on him when he went out; but it didn’t matter now. He was on his way home.

His head was still spinning a little when he turned left by the Princess, the pizza place, but it was definitely not as bad as it had been previously during the night. When he came home, he would go to bed straight away. Or perhaps he should shower first? He smelled of cigarette smoke and, oh my god, could this be true, ladies’ perfume! A shower was probably the best thing, he thought as he turned right by the crossing and continued along a calm side street, just to turn onto the second street on the right. Then all he had to do was turn onto the third street on the left, and he was as good as home. The thought was uplifting, so he quickened his pace before he rounded the corner and stepped onto his street.

And there he stopped and remained standing.

Lifting his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes, blinking and looking around again. No change. He quickly shook his head and blinked frenetically. Still the same thing. Where had his house gone? Where had his neighbours’ houses gone? The tall, gloomy brick buildings on both sides of the narrow street he had never seen before. Why were all the lights out? Even if it was late at night (or early in the morning) there was always a lamp shining somewhere. The only thing that lit up the street now was the moon’s silver light.

Was it possible that he had taken the wrong way somewhere, that this wasn’t his street? No, he hadn’t and it was, he was sure of that. He knew the way from the city to his home like the back of his hand. He had found his way home when in a much worse condition than he was now. In his head, he carefully went through every turn he had taken on his way home, every familiar building that he had passed. Yes, he had taken the right way. But this wasn’t the right house. He frowned, bit his lip and tried to think of a solution to the problem that presented itself before him. The only thing he could think of was turning around and walking a bit down the street he had come from. But when he rounded the corner, he yet again felt compelled to stop and rub his eyes. Where had the three-storey brick houses gone? Why had they been replaced by old stone houses? How was this possible? He had passed these buildings just one minute ago and then everything looked like it normally did. He spun around and realized that everything had changed. Nothing was the way he remembered it.
Great pics. i love surre.. surreal.. istickkkkkkeerrgh, (whatever) art. Those fasepics are great but i think not my type of art i like.
@Hiljainen thats cool
@Lethe That (flower?) is cool too.
thanks everyone!
La Rocque- i'm glad uoi liked it. i guess you're into art as well... so... who's your fav artist?
ah, and it's not a self portrait! it's Raphael's Bindo Altoviti
(neverminde... :rolleyes: don't ask... :) )

here you go- the other 4.....




NL: I'm not sure if you've since changed anything (I didn't read the part you just posted) but I still doubt the story needs much editing at all. The whole thing is very well written.
I'm no creative writer, so I can't advise about the story itself. But the technical aspect is quite thorough and outstanding ..and I do a lot of technical editing for people and can be very picky :p

And don't you forget what you promised me about your first book cover >(

Lethe: What was the media for the first one you posted, and how big is it?

I can't remember the last time I painted :erk:
My dad has a lot of supplies and always tries to get me to do more art, but I don't like using oil-based paints, which is what he loves.
Here is an excerpt from the book I'm currently writing.

The first hand moved the knight two squares down, one to the right, and swept the queen from the board between its index and ring fingers. The queen was placed to the side of the mahogany board, and the boy smiled at his opponent.

‘They often say that the first person to lose the queen will lose the game’.

His opponent, equally young but much more serious, frowned. ‘Who are they?’ he asked solemnly, shifting his bishop to the end of the board, taking the offending knight and placing the king in check. ‘And how do they know the outcome?’

The first boy laughed, brushing hair so pale it appeared white from his brow. ‘They are the best players of the games, the grand-masters. I think they’d know, wouldn’t you?’ Saying this, he moved the king a square to his left, out of check, and looked across the board. ‘Why not accept that I win this time?’

The serious boy frowned again. ‘Why always listen to the people before, just because they say ‘this is the way it should be?’ Maybe this time it will be different’. Focusing on the remaining queen with stern eyes, he spoke again. ‘You have the strongest piece on the board still…but you weren’t watching everything, and now I have another queen’. The boy took a pawn off the board, and replaced it with his lost queen. ‘Now things are uncertain again, and the game could go either way. What do the ‘grand-masters’ say about that?’

The first boy frowned for the first time, taking in this new development. ‘Now? We’re back where we were before and we don’t know who the winner will be. Couldn’t you just accept defeat?’

‘You know I can’t. I like the game, and I want it to keep going. Look at the board. We’re completely balanced. This is where it is the most fun.’ He smiled at his brother. ‘Don’t you think so?’

His brother smiled back, his eyes dancing behind blonde hair. ‘Of course, and once again we’ll have a stalemate’.

It was then that the man walked over, and cupped his hand under the board, hurling it across the room, scattering the pieces to the floor….
@King Chaos: I've only gotten one short story published so far, but I'm hoping it wasn't the last time something like that happened to me *knocks on wood*. I have the rest of the story translated as well, but it's a couple of pages long so I didn't want to post all of it. I wouldn't call it fantasy... it's just weird ;)

@Mags: Thank you :) *frantically tries to remember the exact promise about the book cover* :p ;)
Lethe85 said:
La Rocque- i'm glad uoi liked it.
i guess you're into art as well... so... who's your fav artist?

Naama , my fav is Piet Mondrian - when in college,
I found Piet and the De Stijl and it all change my direction in life 180 degrees -
Mondrian is #1 but there are so many great artist -
here are some others that speak to me -
Caravaggio , Vermeer, JMW Turner, Cezanne , Warhol -
This is far back in my memory but isn't there a Billy Rose Art Garden in Your part of the world?
Mondrian?! this is strange........ you're the first person i know who thinks he's #1... :)
actually..... i don't really like/understand his art with all the lines and red-blue-yellow... i got the simplefying idea and the stijl and all, but i don't know.......
i prefer the classical Botticelli, Raphael, Davincci kind of art, realism is #1 for me.
and my dad's and grandpa's art as well........ :) :)
btw- i don't remember i've heard of Billy Rose...... who is he?