The Da Vinci Code. FACT or FICTION?????

The Winnipeg Warrior

The Winnipeg Warrior ®
I'll start this off and let everyone take it from here. This is going to be a hot topic this year with the Tom Hanks movie coming out.....and the Dan Brown novel already out. Let's get a head start then and begin the discussions!

Premise: Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.....and a secret blood line of descendents exists to this very day. Those clues are apparently evident in specific Leonardo da Vinci paintings. Very interesting indeed!

The Winnipeg Warrior said:
I'll start this off and let everyone take it from here. This is going to be a hot topic this year with the Tom Hanks movie coming out.....and the Dan Brown novel already out. Let's get a head start then and begin the discussions!

Premise: Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.....and a secret blood line of descendents exists to this very day. Those clues are apparently evident in specific Leonardo da Vinci paintings. Very interesting indeed!


Its a good Ludlum-like thriller--well paced and written for the genre. I'd say he and his wife were genius in exploiting the renaissance and the secret mysterious templars, Ancient Christianity and Gnosticism--the knowledge of which has been around for at least 40 years--even if they used this ridiculous mary magdalene story. Its just amazing how stupid and blind the general populace is, as their reaction to this book has been:is this true? They think it to be factual. Why? BEcause they have just now heard of the very shady early history of Christianity, and like sheep, are willing to believe a popular thriller writer in his prepostorous conclusions.
The whole premise is ripped off from Holy Blood & Holy Grail.
And the book sucks big time anyway. The storyteller insults readers intelligence every chance he gets and the characters are paper thin. Barely works as a run-of-the-mill $1 paperback thriller, like speed said it's well paced and it's a very fluent to read. Those are the main things that it's good for.
WTF! BOOKS IN A MEDAL FORUM! What is happening these days. It is pure ficition by the way, and no, I havn't read it, but I cannto avoid hearing about it these days....
Fiction!! There's no other variant. The people, who believed that Jesus had sexual affair with Mary Magdalene, must be still sure, that Santa Claus comes to their children every Christmass :)) Besides, i't a completely nonsense fiction. There was a kind of a legend or rumours, that Templars "knew" the true story of JC and his "wife", so the author just used the tale and made a thrilling story of it. Rather easy and interesting to read, but not worth believing, a simple pop-novel.
I'd argue there is some worth in exploring the general themes, although the mileage in the actual idea is probably pretty low.

Whether the catholic church was founded upon a lie is irrelevant, the fact that it continues to be built with them is more pertinant.

I did not mind the book, however. It was reasonably lame, sorta bland but it captured the imagination in a way books like this rarely do. Not so bad, passable but hardly ace.
Final_Product said:
I did not mind the book, however. It was reasonably lame, sorta bland but it captured the imagination in a way books like this rarely do. Not so bad, passable but hardly ace.

Same here. I thought Angels & Demons was a little better.
the book is obviously fiction because the bible itself is fiction
Yes but part of the premise of the book is that the bible's account is indeed fictional, so simply stating that the bible is fiction does not mean that Brown's version of the Jesus story is fictional. There are other ways of demonstrating the futility of trying to take the Christian "history" of the DaVinci Code seriously.
Good book i thought. I liked his others too.

I think the ideas are good, and there is something to be discussed.

The general ideas that are covered are not just made up, a lot of info on them is on the web or in books.
Trouble is these days, if you look inot this area most of what you find is conspiracy theorists going paranoid about world domminating gibberish.
It's really hard to find any decent info that is not biased or poorly writen.

Plus if you tell people you find the area interesting they assume you are some conspiracy nut-case and don't believe you!
Thoth-Amon said:
Yes but part of the premise of the book is that the bible's account is indeed fictional, so simply stating that the bible is fiction does not mean that Brown's version of the Jesus story is fictional. There are other ways of demonstrating the futility of trying to take the Christian "history" of the DaVinci Code seriously.
so the author actually reacearched this, the author actually read the entire bible???
so the author actually reacearched this, the author actually read the entire bible???
I wouldn't know... though that is no great feat as I've read the bible at least a dozen times all the way through in 7 different translations.