The da Vinci Code

You know what civil war film was good? Glory. (Ok, if you didn't like it, you gotta admit, Denzel Washington was pure class in that flick. Oscar well deserved).
Conspicuously Absent said:
" I love the smell of NADpalm in the morning. Smells like... victory..." /apocalypsenow (another good one).

Have you seen Jarhead? There's a cool scene where the troops are watching the helicopter "valkyries" scene and getting really into it, psyching them up for battle.
NADatar said:
I know a lot of people think this way, but this is definitely up there on my WHAT THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE THINKING?!?!? list. I mean Keanu Fucking Reeves is a better actor than that hack. I've met dead birds with more personality! Ugh.

For me, it's less about acting. It's more to do with:

Joe vs the Volcano
Sleepless in Seattle
You've got Mail
Catch me if you Can (Spielberg's worst film evar)
The Terminal (EDIT: what am I thinking, this is Spielberg's worst by far)

^All being crap.

Yeah, Bachelor Party is his best. Some of the scenes between him and John Candy in Splash rule too.

I don't mind Saving Private Ryan really. That opening 20 minutes is incredible. But then you have to sit through the rest of the film with Vin Diesel and Ted Hanson. And you also have to buy the idea of Tom Spanks being a platoon leader. Nick Nolte? yes! Otm Skanks? No.

His best film? Probably Philadelphia to be honest. I actually think he deserved the oscar for it.
NADatar said:
Yeah, Apocalypse Now + Full Metal Jacket ≥ boobs

Maybe not, but they are the two best war movies ever made (and in my top 10-15 overall), I'm willing to state that categorically, along with Hanks being terribly overrated. As for Saving Private Ryan, I'll agree with Jay's assessment, the Normandy opening is excellent while the remaining five hours are unremarkable...
Otm Shank! He's India's answer to Brian Dennehy!

Glory fucking rules, and yes I will give the first 20 minutes of Privatizing Ryan's Savings a nod, that was pretty awesome.
So did anyone see Da Vinci Code? going to see it tomorrow ... and everyone forgot to mention miss Audrey Tattou ... mi amor

and yeah ... Forest Gump ... top #10 for sure
ok, so I saw The DaVinci Code last night ... having read the book, I would say it was really faithful to it. Totally how I imagined the settings ...

Also not sure why all the reviewers were complaining about the perfomances, but I thought they were dead on. Hanks played well, by being neutral, which is a good performance in itself ... the book was NOT about the characters but rather the story and it's unveiling ... so taking this into consideration ... thumbs up for Hanks for blending into the background and letting the story and visuals take over.

I think they needed someone pretty famous to sell the tickets ... and he was the best choice as everyman ... I could not think of another big name actor blending in so well.

Go see it ...
forrest gump made ruthlessreviews' 10 worst films of all time list said:
Take your pick, my friends: romanticizing stupidity, demonizing the counterculture, trivializing history, or boring the shit out of more discriminating audiences. America, Oscar, and just about everybody, it seems, were dead fucking wrong about this affront to good taste, cinematic nobility, common sense, and the simple process of being entertained. Tom Hanks, angling for a Nobel Peace Prize or something, has never been worse and will not be removed from my shit list as a result. Outside of the fact that there is no reason whatsoever to give a shit about someone so blissfully retarded and narcissistic (“Why don’t you love me,” he asks, as if one had to explain that it was sick and twisted to date a man with severe brain damage), I hate this film with a white-hot intensity because it endorses -- not implicitly, mind you, but with big fucking capital letters -- the reactionary idea that ‘tis better to coast through life without an education, the power of reason, or a social conscience, lest you get AIDS and die like the atheistic, egghead dog that you are.
i dunno if my hatred for it is "white-hot" but it's a damn overrated movie