The Death of the West


New Metal Member
Sep 23, 2006
While we can blather on about Jews, Negroes, Mexicans or even Christians like closet extremists, let's look at the real source of our dysfunction. It has been going on for centuries, even before the French Revolution. It has been pervasive, meaning it shows up in every nation. And it always seems to follow the same pattern. Assuming for a minute that the babbling yids are not a cause but a result of this pattern, much as flies do not initiate decay but are one of its symptoms, what might the cause be?

To my mind, most of the white people I see in charge at businesses, in government, in religion and the like are schizoid. They are selfish egomaniacs who also want to feel good about themselves, so they become altruistic.

Competitive Altruism

Altruism is easy because it lets you keep being selfish, but make atonements through token payoffs. If your burgeoning business in black-on-blonde pornography makes you a millionaire (what our society considers a "genius"), you can donate a few hundred thousand to helping urban poor and feel that you're a king among men.

Schizoid but not Schizophrenic Delusional Disorder

It's this psychology more than any group that afflicts us, although the primary victims are white people who are genetically unprepared for their role in modern society. If your ancestors were peasants, or small merchants, or even soldiers, leadership is not your forte and if you attempt it, you will probably take a simplistic and inaccurate path.

Partial Intelligence is a phrase coined to describe acts that demonstrate only parts or bits of intelligence. For example, a person with a high IQ may be a serial killer, and have extensive knowledge in crime. This person only has partial intelligence. They show signs of intelligence, but they do not participate in an overall long term intelligence. Another example of partial intelligence can be seen in many businesses. A business may be able to make thousands of dollars worth of sales. This business may show signs of intelligence because of their success shown by profits. But are they intelligent in an overall sense, if they are lying to customers, hyping, selling items they do not believe in?

Partial Intelligence (Pargence)

"The Real Enemy"
I think the poster is wrongly equating intelligence with morality as far as "partial intelligence" is concerned, and has subsequently become the good example for it!

The rest would require actual reading so, I'll pass.
But are they intelligent in an overall sense, if they are lying to customers, hyping, selling items they do not believe in?

In this example, the cunning business man made a fortune on the ignorance of others; this happens all the time. His means or method may have been immoral, but he was successful. I would definitely consider this a further example of his intelligence.
judas69 said:
In this example, the cunning business man made a fortune on the ignorance of others; this happens all the time.

What a destructive way to spend a life -- meaning, how destructive to the cunning business man. No wonder "soulless" is in such common use.:Puke:
infoterror said:
What a destructive way to spend a life -- meaning, how destructive to the cunning business man. No wonder "soulless" is in such common use.:Puke:

Sadly, this comment by judas69 is spot on. There is the perception (perception only; I'm sure careful study of Thaetatus by Plato would render this form of knowledge moot) in America that success, no matter how achieved, is good, and symblomatic of intelligence. And I dont see how this will change until the accumulation of wealth is no longer judged (another error of knowledge) as the highest and greatest aim of any American.

What is amusing, is how so many in our middle class society, publically support and value traditional and Christian morality, yet abandon any pretenses of this morality when it comes to money, and material success.
speed said:
There is the perception (perception only; I'm sure careful study of Thaetatus by Plato would render this form of knowledge moot) in America that success, no matter how achieved, is good, and symblomatic of intelligence.

Is this what is called "Social Darwinism"?
judas69 said:
I think the poster is wrongly equating intelligence with morality as far as "partial intelligence" is concerned, and has subsequently become the good example for it!

Wouldn't whole intelligence include ethics, a type of aesthetic intelligence?

What are you trying to say?

Not like we'll ever know -- the original poster is banned for being tedious.
speed said:
What is amusing, is how so many in our middle class society, publically support and value traditional and Christian morality, yet abandon any pretenses of this morality when it comes to money, and material success.

I always fear this. Exactly what Christianity are they following? If you believe in God you know that he can always see you and know what you are doing. Therefore it is impossible to live two lives at once. Your boss or your wife is not god. What you do behind their eyes is not hidden away. If a Christian wants to value traditional Christian morality they have to be truthful in every aspect of life, not just at home and on Sundays. Every minute of their lives is being watched by God.
infoterror said:
Wouldn't whole intelligence include ethics, a type of aesthetic intelligence?

Do you think moral value is reducible to aesthetic value? :confused: