The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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didnt try that rolling rock ...
you need to try belgian beers... and for the imported beers, well the one you see the most isnt the best (its just common beer with common taste, nothing special), i've seen european beers in the us but it was just 'ok' beer, not good beer.
well yeah... stouts taste ok but then you feel like you just had too much after only 1 glass cuz it feels so heavy on your stomach... dark ales... we have quite a few here, i like them...
and there is one i've never seen anywhere but in belgium, it tastes like cherry- i used to love it till i got a really bad hangover once :(
but one time i tried a really cheap beer (they were proud to say its from belgium) like 0.30euro for a can, it was really the worst i ever had, even worst than keystone!
Keystone is really bad, but that cherry beer sounds good :). Although, I disagree with you on the worst beer, this is it:

im so nervous i have to go to the hospital tomorrow for some small surgery (somethings wrong inside my nose so i get the flu and colds all the time)... i guess the nurses will have to give me like a whole box of sleeping pills before i go to the surgery room...
and i dont want to eat hospital food tomorrow night... i already noticed there was a supermarket next to to hospital... will go buy myself some food before so i can have a decent meal and not 2 slices of disgusting dry bread
i never tried that one... i sure will if i come back to the us and im 21 ... i wanna find the worst beer ever...
thats the worst until now!:
Dark_Silence said:
for the imported beers, well the one you see the most isnt the best (its just common beer with common taste, nothing special)
I completely agree with that ^^
Actually, there seems to be a certain rule.. the smaller the brewery, the better the beer. I still treasure the memory of the 2 brands of austrian beers Ive tasted near Schladming 2 years ago or so.

The worst beer is this though:

After you've had it first thing in the morning, pisswarm anyway :Smug:

Good luck with your surgery Dark Silence :wave:
i've had way too much to drink.

i am probably the victim of some evil conspiracy - 5 glasses of wine and i see double, which isn't me at all.

will go to sleep. date wasn't bad but not exciting. too much alcohol. ewww.
Argh.. just been to the doctor's, I may have infectious mononucleosis :(
I had that like 3 years back and I dont care to go through that again.. at all.
@taliesin: sorry to hear...

nf: recovering, but it will take a while. i tend to concur with the spiked wine theory now :p

last night around 10.30 i barely managed to post the message above on the forum and then i basically collapsed in bed... only to wake up about 30 minutes later in order to throw up, after which i collapsed again. i woke up again at around 4am, forced myself to drink lots of water and to take an alka seltzer... but i didn't manage to go to work until noon, so smashed i was. thanking the bubu, i have no hangover to speak of because after all i didn't drink much - it was just an excessive, overmagnified effect for no plausible reason. my date sent me a 'thank you for a refreshing and fun night, very interesting conversation and all' email, but i cannot possibly see what was refreshing about being punch drunk (and, before any of you come up with ideas, no, nothing happened of the affectionate variety - i was too sick to even contemplate it). i guess i hid that well enough... very interesting conversation? i cannot remember what i said.

i had some lunch with a couple of colleagues... i hope i'm going to feel better later.
Best of luck with your surgery Dark Silence :)

Best of luck with your shitty mono Tal :).

Sounds like you had a semi-decent night Claud, but will it ever compair to the wonderful night we shared? :( :p

btw, sorry about puking and the like :hypno:

Nf: Got my results:
English Lit/Lang - B :D
Film - B :( :cry:
Music - D :)
I got 100% on my performing in music... just did crap on the exams. Im just obviously too rock'n'roll :lol: :rolleyes: .

Went out celebrating last night. It was fun. Feel sick today. Going on holiday for a week tomorrow. :)
NF: Not very well. Had some fucked up weird dreams the last couple of nights. And i feel like i'm failing at everything i do (not very logical but it's how i feel).
Wolfman Von Jones said:
Sounds like you had a semi-decent night Claud, but will it ever compair to the wonderful night we shared? :( :p

no, you win hands-down. you didn't make me puke and this is a definite winner. :p

nf: okay, i'm back home, cooked a nice lunch, am having tr00 coffee, playing music on a tr00 stereo. i just need to stay awake for some 8 hours and then i'll be done.
thanks guys.. i came back from the hospital yesterday and everything went well but i have to keep an awfully big bandage on my nose till saturday or so... don't dare to go outside i look really dumb right now...

@taliesin: hope you'll be fine soon its not fun to be sick...

well i swear when i will travel i will try to find out what the nastiest beer in the world is :) =>what makes the Carapils the nastier one i tried is that it gets warm really fast and the can is made from cheap metal so the beer gets a little of metal taste... :yuk:

PS: i don't believe it: my brother always said he hated DT and now he's listening to 'Lethe' and even agreed to watch a part of the Live Damage DVD!! i succeded in making him like at least 1 DT song!! its so funny how younger brothers like to copy...
Short "Hello" from me now. I arrived well and save in Skövde and I'm feeling incredible here. I'm happier than since a long time, I even can't remember the last time I've been that happy. Everything's amazing here and I got to know a good new friend, Giannis from Greece (hello Siren!). He's a BIG DT-fan and we might go to the show with Arch Enemy in Göteborg together. This might be good fun.
Some other nice people here, but definitely too many Germans. I don't drive all the way here and stay for half a year to get to know bloody Germans, you know?!? ;)

No internet-connection so far in my home but that may change in a few days, let's hope so! Then I'll finally be back.
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