WTF do you do with your life besides posting here?

@VultureCulture: It's good to see that you are back to your normal self once again (no more work presure it seem)

- red_beef (need to find a part time job to pay my phone bils ick!)
thanks, but the work was not hard. it was kind of stupid and repeatig, that's why i want to start something new. a new challenge so to speak.
so, what are you doing rahving???? giving out brochures saying how this forum kicks ass (oh! not again the body-kick!)
but hey!!! come on papi! some politness here!!!!...

LadyCal, feel welcomed to this forum, the place were we all are elegantly nutz :)

fathervic (not elegant, but no that nutz neither)
@fathervic: who's that guy "rahving" you keep mentioning? a new member of dream theater, by chance? :p

i actually put out flyers about how anyone who might feel the need for some serious butt-kicking ought to join this forum as soon as possible. but i never specify whose butt is actually being kicked in the end. ;)

rahvin. (g)
Hi everyone!
Maybe I Have some songs of Dark Tranquillity from a metal magazine - I want to know which kind of music you all are listening to - always want to know everything.. ;)
It really seems like you're all good friends.
Just have good time :spin:
@ladycal: if you mean right now absolutely nothing since i'm at the office and my co-workers would frown on (then tar and feather) me if i went on a metal spree during working hours. ;)
in general, i listen to almost anything except jazz or reggae, but to be more specific:

- metal and subgenres: heavy metal, power metal, thrash metal, epic metal, death metal. this is the stuff i used to listen to when i was 14 so nowadays i still like it but also tend to make fun of it a lot, except when i stumble into some intelligent, worthwhile band.

- punk and subgenres: hard core, ska-core, emo-core. as of late i'm listening to less and less of the stuff because there are very few new bands with something interesting to say, in my opinion, but i still like the older acts a lot.

- gothic and subgenres: darkwave, gothic metal, gothic rock. although quite hilarious, i like this genre a lot and fall for almost any new release.

- electronics and subgenres: ebm, sequential dark, synthpop.

- alternative rock and the likes.

rahvin. (for a list of records, please consult my lawyer)
@LadyCal: they sound good ;) :p

I think they are described as swedish melodic death metal, or smt like that.
melodic metal swedish death
melodic death swedish metal
swedish melodic metal death
swedish death melodic metal
metal death melodic swedish
etc etc

hyena (mellow demonic meth silly)
@ladycal: in the light of how little i understood of your previous post, perhaps it's better if you pay a call to my shrink instead, and tell him to give me more pills. :spin:

as for dark tranquillity, tranquillity dark, trark dranquillity, etc... well, they do play melodic death metal: great guitarwork, growling vocals, fast-paced rhythms, extraordinary lyrics.
if you care to visit the #ultimatemetal channel on you might find a few of the regulars here, more than willing to ramble about dt no end. :)

and now one for the kids... :rolleyes:

growling guitarwork, fast-paced lyrics, extraordinary vocals, great rhythms.
fast-paced vocals, growling rhythms, great lyrics, extraordinary guitarwork.
growling lyrics, great vocals, extraordinary rhythms, fast-paced guitarwork.

rahvin. (point me to the bu above)
Originally posted by LadyCal
But this "very good" computers aren't able to do things like playing music...:cry: and there are so many good songs on the web:waah:

bring 'em home or send them to someone. :)
however, if you like dt you will buy their albums, otherwise we'll throw you into the snake pit. :)
come to think of it, if you don't like dt we'll throw you into the snake pit anyway, so i guess from now it's either dt records or the snake pit, for you... sorry i didn't mention this small detail when i invited you here. :rolleyes: :p :p

rahvin. (if you wanna try, try to forget it)
Originally posted by LadyCal
Lovely snakes - I love animals!

good! i'm sure they will love you too, after just a small taste. :muahaha:

perhaps you might try sending them to your own email, or dloading them at home? surreptitiously remove that computer's hard drive? :err:

rahvin. (hissssing his way out of this)
@LadyCal: try to burn some cds for starters, check out the music, then buy cds or you'll be thrown to the snake pit :p

Siren (torturer)

PS: since many people like animals, maybe we should start threatening with people-pits :confused: