WTF do you do with your life besides posting here?


Apr 13, 2002
I'm awash with new threads this morning. So what do you all do for a living (or study)?

I feel compelled to be informed.

hyena (it's the way of the bubu, such a noble destiny)
ok, i'll start posting here just to piss of hyena since possibly i'm the only around here she knows all about. (possibly, because, you know, she studied at the prophecy academy in a lost village near where we live, so there is no end to what she might be aware of). ;)

i pretend i'm studying foreign languages (english and german) while trying to get connected to young researchers instead. a little while ago i pretended i was studying law while doing fuck all instead.

and i pretend to work at one of many university libraries, while posting on um and dloading scores of mp3s instead.

i'm also considering pretending to do some professional translation for the uni, but i still have to figure out what i might be doing instead.

I am studying to work in a library too. Information Management and Library Technology.

I also may be working very soon. :)
Well, I study law and have done an English law scheme in Germany - but most of the time I play my guitar, waste my time posting stupid shit to freaky people in forums and think about whether I'd better study foreign languages instead of law.

Otherwise I work a few hours per week in a solicitor's chambers (i.e. office), faxing, phoning, fucking up ;-) - I hate lawyers!!!
as for me, as i said before, i work at this huge german retailer in the software development division. i hate it, and i'll quit the job, most probably this week. then i'll have to endure 3 months there until i'm done and can go off to study :)

mach am besten einfach das, wo du denkst, du könntest dein leben lang spaß dran haben. mir ist da letztens ein licht aufgegangen; ich will nicht die nächsten 40 jahre in nem festgefahrenen laden arbeiten und mich nachher fragen müssen, was ich eigentlich erreicht habe. auch wenn der interessante weg meistens der steinigere ist, er ist bestimmt auch spannender und bringt dich weiter. wenn du also mit jura unzufrieden bist... noch bist du jung genug, um eine andere richtung einzuschlagen. mit 30+ ändert man nicht mehr viel...
(aber sag nachher nicht, ich wäre schuld gewesen :):) )
Right now, im enjoying the freedom of being a high school senior....

however, none of you will probably hear from me for another 4 - 5 years as I go off to study electrical engineering at Cooper Union.....

~Kovenant (bookin it up)
I am a 3rd year psychology student
but it seems I've forgotten about it lately :rolleyes:

I hate my studying :mad: it's full of bullshit-subjects i don't have the slightest interest for... from the 12 subjects i have this semester i am only interested 3...
My uni sucks even more...the epitome of disorganization and chaos
I think there's a thread with all these....but well I'll try to add some info here....though the first thing I should say I'm lazy....even when I'm as "stressed" as tonight!!!

I'm at the uni studying Business Studies degree...
I'm working in a pizzeria as Crazy Motorcycled Delivery Boy (TM)
I also work in a little company designing websites
and my hobbies are non of your business.... ;)
I work at a goddamn grocery store.. how fucking fantastic

I wish I could go back to school but it's looking unlikely. I don't want to be living in my parents' house until I'm 30! (almost 21 now..)
I'm a 4th year math & biochem (nice avatar, VultureCulture :) ) major on the 5 year plan at college. Besides that I 'work' at a shitty hardware store to support my drinking (just turned 21) and driving (big, fat loan on car) habits.
But why is everyone Finnish? I didn't even know there was so many people in Finland :lol:

hyena (wonderful human being)