The Detroit Thread

It’s a clean sweep for Detroit, but nothing to be proud of, as the city takes the top three spots on a list of the most dangerous neighborhoods in America.

The study by analyzed FBI statistics from 17,000 local law enforcement agencies to pinpoint neighborhoods across the country with the highest predicted rates of violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Researchers drilled down deep into cities and towns to find specific census tract areas that had the highest rates of homicide, forcible rape, armed robbery and aggravated assault.

According to the study, the area east of the Barton-McFarland community in zip code 48204 is the most dangerous neighborhood in America.

The study said the chances of becoming a victim of violent crime in this west side community over the course of a year are one in seven. According to NeighborhoodScout, one of the more devastating events in this neighborhood over the past year was the closure of the public library — where children took remedial reading and math classes and adults used public computers to apply for jobs.

Sharing similar statistics is the Islandview community in the 48207 zip code on the city’s east side, which ranks as the second most dangerous neighborhood on the list.

It’s in this neighborhood where, according to the study, housing costs have gone down so dramatically that a 3,300 square-foot property sold for just $800 — down from $70,000 in 2002. The study said the chances of becoming a victim of violent crime in this community over the course of a year are one in seven.

Coming in as the third most dangerous neighborhood in the country is the area between Ravendale and LaSalle College Park in zip codes 48213 and 48205.

The study said the chances of becoming a victim of violent crime in this east side neighborhood are one in eight. About 40 percent of the households here have four or more cars — more cars per household than in 96 percent of the country, according to NeighborhoodScout. The vacancy rate in this neighborhood is also about 30 percent.

Nad, you still want to buy a house? :err:
WTF is the 4 car stat? Collecting bogey Escalades?

This is fascinatingly depressing. The future sucks.
Haha! Apparently I often inadvertently make references to GTA, which is pretty great, considering the only one I played was the first one sometime in 1998.
I haven't visited a lot of industrial/urban blight type of things, but I have gone to deserted desert weirdo lands. Like this one:,_San_Bernardino_County,_California
Trona is known for its isolation and desolation, as well as the nearby Trona Pinnacles. The local school plays on a dirt football field because the searing heat and highly saline soil kills grass. At one point it boasted an 18 hole golf course that was all sand except for the "greens", which were a softer grade of brown colored dirt.

Of course, after visiting it a few times, being horrified increasingly even after leaving, I found out that my Grandpa was born there, yes! :kickass:

It's halfway between Death Valley and Hell, I recommend driving through if you are in the area, but be on your guard. Then watch this:

Oddly enough, the only gas station in town has excellent breakfast burritos. Also the only bar I could see was a boarded up shack with BEER crudely spray-painted on one of the particle board "drapes" in the window.



Sorry, I'm veering off topic now. This is probably what Detroit will look like after the bomb though.
I live in Windsor right across the river from Detroit and I've had a few interesting experiences there now if you want to hear them.

I can see the GM building from my bedroom window (Looking at it now) and sometimes it fascinates me how worlds apart our two cities are, separated by nothing but a small body of water. Detroit is a pretty weird place. There is still plenty of good in the city but it is definitely dominated by the negatives, especially from an outside point of view. I can't help but wonder how or why politicians and residents allowed it to get so bad and out of control. A lot of it is bad usage of funds, allowing poor people to go uneducated and become poorer and eventually people that had the money started to leave. I've been through there several times and each time it's a new experience.

My first time really going into the city and sticking around was for a Metal concert, and like a fucking retard I had an almost totally bald head at the time. Myself and my other friend got drunk and shaved our heads as something "funny" to do, but little did we know we would be heading to a Black Dahlia Murder show not long after that.

We got lost. Yup, two skinhead looking white dudes in Death metal shirts got lost in fucking Detroit. We pretty much refused to stop at any point. As bad as this sounds, we waited until we saw some white guys in business suits before we stopped so we could ask for directions. It's not a prejudice thing, but we didn't know the city or what area's were bad. We looked like fucking skinheads after all. Luckily we managed to find the concert, and it was pretty awesome. That was a crazy ass moshpit but everyone there was very cool and down to earth. Overall a pretty decent trip.

The next time we were not so lucky (or luckier maybe). A few friends and myself were just visiting a couple buddies and picking them up for a road trip. We parked our car on the street, the neighborhood didn't look that bad so we thought it would be fine for a short time. Well as we got out of the car we noticed a bunch of guys (I'll call them Thugs to keep the story simpler :lol:) about 100 meters away sitting on their car hood just hanging out. We got a little nervous about it but we thought we were being paranoid and left.

We went in our buddies place and came back and at this point things still seemed fine, but the Thugs were all standing up now and seemed to be looking over at us sometimes. Well my one friend forgot his bag in the house so him and the owner of the house with the keys had to run back and grab it with the rest of us sitting outside our car. It was a decent walk so they were gone for a good 5-10 minutes.

Then something weird happened, by a stroke of luck or divine intervention. A couple more black guys were walking by from behind us and they stopped a couple feet away and looked at us. At this point I'm starting to get pretty nervous, we have two groups of strange black dudes looking at us and we don't know if something is about to go down.

Suddenly, one of the guys that just stopped just a few feet away speaks up, he recognizes my friend who's dad used to coach him in Boxing. He said "hey man, I know you, I Boxed with your old man". He told us we picked a stupid place to hang out, and they stood with us until our other friends returned. Told us that the group of Thugs that were sitting on their car were probably about to mug us and possible even strip the car right there on the street.

It was awesome to have that kind of backup show up out of the blue, but after that I am very careful about parking my car in Detroit.

At the same time there are still plenty of good areas, and most of the people are good folks. It's just a crazy place man.

Living here in Windsor just across the river, I just don't get how things are so insanely different. We have our bad spots here too for sure, and drug users and crime, but actual homicides are rare and almost everyone is courteous. Unless you go downtown on a party night, then the idiots tend to come out.

Just thought I'd share my experiences. :lol: :kickass:
You sound like a really un-cool person. Just thought you should know.

:lol: I don't know where that is coming from but whatever.

If you mean I didn't have a level head kind of "un-cool", I was pretty young and not used to the city on both accounts. Detroit made me paranoid when I was 16 and was used to a small town.
Holy fuck. I thought LA was bad.

The thing about LA is that all the uber shitty areas can be avoided completely in one's lifetime. Why would one want to go to South Central, unless they had a hankering for fried chicken or a Benita Franklin wig? I inadvertently drove through Coonsville a couple years back, and made a game over how many wig shops I spotted. I got somewhere in the teens, with fried chicken reaching the two dozen mark. Filthy nappy heads. :err:
Yeah you can easily skip the crappy areas of LA without much worry.

I was there yesterday. I still don't like LA. Even the "nice" parts really.
Oakland's the only place where someone nearly ran me over on a bicycle and then promptly asked me for a cigarette
I went to Oakland once. I was pumping gas in my truck and a likely homeless dude was sitting on the stoop in front of said station, perhaps 40 feet away from me. He caught my attention, and we began a conversation:

Bum: "Hey! Come here a minute!"
NAD: "I'm good where I am, gotta pump the gas."
Bum: "But I have a question for you!"
NAD: "Well, we're talking now, you can ask it."
Bum: "It's embarrassing, man, I don't want to say it out loud."
NAD: "I'm not coming over there, so I say ask away!"

At which point he stood up and started walking over to me. Halfway on his journey I realized that he was lurch sized but... beefier. Very large, quite intimidating.

Bum: "Listen man, I need some money for gas."
NAD: *remembering wallet full of $500 cash* ".....sure, I can get you some change."
Bum: "Man, thank you. I've asked a bunch of people, and they say 'yeah lemme go to the ATM' and then they just disappear. At least be honest with me, and say NO!"
NAD: "I wouldn't do that to you, here's a dollar."
Bum: "Thanks man, much appreciated!" *pilots away on bicycle*

I get back in my truck and have the following conversation:

Girlfriend: "That was scary."
Me: "We're never coming back to Oakland."

And I never did.

The ol' gas station bum routine. I had one here in Nashville accost me while filling my tires. I was like "dude I came here with the explicit purpose of filling up my tires. I have no extra money"
To which he replied: "give me some anyway"


One time a bum spit in my wife's face.