The droooonnnnee


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
In this thread we discuss all things of the black, molten, tar-drenched sludge of droney doomy dirgey brown note metal. I feel there's not enough discussion on this around here. If you saw this and all you can think of is posting about Sunn O))), then please refrain.

recent band i am enjoying: Sloth. Think Electric Wizard with a little more "drone" to the sound. Uber low end. If i smoked weed this would probably be one of those bands i'd listen to while sitting there doing nothing.
In this thread we discuss all things of the black, molten, tar-drenched sludge of droney doomy dirgey brown note metal. I feel there's not enough discussion on this around here. If you saw this and all you can think of is posting about Sunn O))), then please refrain.

recent band i am enjoying: Sloth. Think Electric Wizard with a little more "drone" to the sound. Uber low end. If i smoked weed this would probably be one of those bands i'd listen to while sitting there doing nothing.

Damn, everytime I think of a cool band name it turns out to already be taken (Sloth, in this instance).
Can't really compare their sound to other bands cause Ahab and Hyatari are basicly the only doom/drone bands I have REALLY listened to. But they are slow, not way too slow though, at times they are even groovy.
Don't pay attention to him. He really likes the attention he gets. Seriously, his purpose here is trolling and he's only concerned with trying to flaunt how much he "knows". I can only lol at people who spend their time finding reasons to not enjoy things other people obviously do. enjoying music>not enjoying music, therefore he loses.
Not pure drone, but Corrupted are the tits. Their newest album is incredible.

HELL YES. I bought that sometime this summer and i would listen to it before bed all the time! I absolutely love the way it ends. So messed up when you're half asleep listening to it. Beautiful stuff. The two previous albums are amazing as well! Expensive as shit to buy most corrupted stuff though lol. I think i paid 28 bucks american for El Mundo Frio, plus shipping.
Right, educate me.

When I was pointed to drone, I was referred to Khanate. I thought they were one of the worst bands I had ever heard.

Are Sun O))) any better? Or anyone else for that matter?

Tell me! you lot should know by now that, much as I love the music I know, I'm ALWAYS up for an education!!!
Right, educate me.

When I was pointed to drone, I was referred to Khanate. I thought they were one of the worst bands I had ever heard.

Are Sun O))) any better? Or anyone else for that matter?

Tell me! you lot should know by now that, much as I love the music I know, I'm ALWAYS up for an education!!!

well, "drone" itself is much older than this new branch comming out of the metal world. Drone is pretty much exactly as it sounds... long sustained notes, usually lower frequencies, with merely subtle melodic variation. Hard to pinpoint one single "origin", as these kinds of techniques have been used in a lot of traditional music from all over the place. The digeridoo would be a good example of a "drone" instrument. A lot of 20th century "classical" music used drones as well. Giacinto Scelsi is one of my favorites... he would compose entire symphonies around a single note and microtonal inflections around it sometimes. More modern drone essentially comes paired with ambient music most of the time. That low end, continuous rumble is a drone.

As for drone METAL (often called drone doom), you can definitely thank Sunn O))) for making it popular, and it's well known they took influence from Earth as well, who might be considered the first "drone metal" band. Then there's the Melvins who were doing something pretty similar too early on.

Often "stoner metal" is tied in to the drone world. This is usually way more tuneful than drone metal, and uses essentially rock-style riffs played slowly. Usually not a lot of growling in the vocals... more of a clean sung sound. The reason it gets tied in (i think anyway) is the guitar sound. it has quite a similar guitar sound... and it is very distinct. You know it when you hear it. VERY bottom heavy, ultra distorted, sustain for days... unmistakable.

Then there's funeral doom, which is somewhat related, but the guitar sound is usually not the typical "drone" sound. We won't worry about that much here.

It's definitely not something for everyone, and there's often very little harmonic variation between the pieces. The idea behind it is more to sustain a mood than it is to carry a tune. In many respects it's something for people interested in the aesthetics of music rather than the intrinsic songwriting. I know it is for me. I like the songs because of the gradual progression of a mood, and the sonic characteristics of it.

To answer your question: I am not sure if i like Sunn O))) or khanate better. They are fairly different in their approach... Sunn O))) being (mostly) instrumental, and much more into sustaining tones. They also do not have a drummer. Khanate definitely has more "holes" in their sound. If you ask me, neither is my favorite of the style, but it's hard to really say if you'd like anything from it. The whole "drone" thing is more a concept than it is a singular style, and it constitutes bands like Jesu as well... which if you've heard sound nearly NOTHING like Sunn O))).
well, "drone" itself is much older than this new branch comming out of the metal world. Drone is pretty much exactly as it sounds... long sustained notes, usually lower frequencies, with merely subtle melodic variation. Hard to pinpoint one single "origin", as these kinds of techniques have been used in a lot of traditional music from all over the place. The digeridoo would be a good example of a "drone" instrument. A lot of 20th century "classical" music used drones as well. Giacinto Scelsi is one of my favorites... he would compose entire symphonies around a single note and microtonal inflections around it sometimes. More modern drone essentially comes paired with ambient music most of the time. That low end, continuous rumble is a drone.

As for drone METAL (often called drone doom), you can definitely thank Sunn O))) for making it popular, and it's well known they took influence from Earth as well, who might be considered the first "drone metal" band. Then there's the Melvins who were doing something pretty similar too early on.

Often "stoner metal" is tied in to the drone world. This is usually way more tuneful than drone metal, and uses essentially rock-style riffs played slowly. Usually not a lot of growling in the vocals... more of a clean sung sound. The reason it gets tied in (i think anyway) is the guitar sound. it has quite a similar guitar sound... and it is very distinct. You know it when you hear it. VERY bottom heavy, ultra distorted, sustain for days... unmistakable.

Then there's funeral doom, which is somewhat related, but the guitar sound is usually not the typical "drone" sound. We won't worry about that much here.

It's definitely not something for everyone, and there's often very little harmonic variation between the pieces. The idea behind it is more to sustain a mood than it is to carry a tune. In many respects it's something for people interested in the aesthetics of music rather than the intrinsic songwriting. I know it is for me. I like the songs because of the gradual progression of a mood, and the sonic characteristics of it.

To answer your question: I am not sure if i like Sunn O))) or khanate better. They are fairly different in their approach... Sunn O))) being (mostly) instrumental, and much more into sustaining tones. They also do not have a drummer. Khanate definitely has more "holes" in their sound. If you ask me, neither is my favorite of the style, but it's hard to really say if you'd like anything from it. The whole "drone" thing is more a concept than it is a singular style, and it constitutes bands like Jesu as well... which if you've heard sound nearly NOTHING like Sunn O))).

Passionate explanation...but wrong.