The droooonnnnee

mumble, its because when it really comes down to much as this forum tries to portray an image of sophistication, prestige, and taste...theyre all still a bunch of instant gratification knobs. Their undying need to download 300 metal, folk, psych, prog, albums all at once and absorb close to none of them is proof of this. darkwave/ambient is no doubt a great genre, but also requires the most patience...i dont find it a coincidence that it goes un-listened to on this forum in the slightest really.

Ambient music and some of the more ambient-oriented black metal (Burzum and Summoning) certainly requires a different level of attention - but so does stuff at the opposite end of the spectrum like Gorguts or early Immortal.
Great, actually! But they've got nothing at all to do with the guitar based drone of bands like Sunn O))). They don't often use guitars... NWW is more of a surrealist band with some dark ambient leanings. Dark ambient, btw, is just a form of ambient which focusses, obviously enough, on creating a dark mood. From depressing to scary and anything in between, that's what Dark Ambient is for. It's actually been almost my favorite style of music for the last few years. Anyway, NWW plays with found sounds and manipulation of sounds to create a sort of audio collage. if that sounds interesting at all to you, i'd recommend Homotopy To Marie.

It's not particularly easy to get into though, if you're looking for an easy-in for Drone. I think the easiest way in is through Jesu, who still have developed tunes.
Thanks for that. I might have a look around for that NWW album.
HELL YES. I bought that sometime this summer and i would listen to it before bed all the time! I absolutely love the way it ends. So messed up when you're half asleep listening to it. Beautiful stuff. The two previous albums are amazing as well! Expensive as shit to buy most corrupted stuff though lol. I think i paid 28 bucks american for El Mundo Frio, plus shipping.

The dynamics are awesome in El Mundo Frio. :) You've gotta crank it to hear those really mellow bits (like the beautiful harp interlude... harp interlude in a sludge/doom record, good on 'em) then it just comes storming back in really loud cause you forgot you turned it up so loud, hehe. Their music is utterly crushing when played live.

$28 is totally worth it for that packaging though!
^ god, the price is the only thing that's ever put me off from purchasing that album, i know it fucking rules just like the couple before it!

edit: I just put on "Her Lips Were Wet With Venom," the bonus track from the recent Sunn O)) & Boris collaboration, which features Dylan Carlson. Gotta say, this is only the first minute of the 28 which are to follow, but sounds good so far :kickass:
mumble, its because when it really comes down to much as this forum tries to portray an image of sophistication, prestige, and taste...theyre all still a bunch of instant gratification knobs. Their undying need to download 300 metal, folk, psych, prog, albums all at once and absorb close to none of them is proof of this. darkwave/ambient is no doubt a great genre, but also requires the most patience...i dont find it a coincidence that it goes un-listened to on this forum in the slightest really.

Fuck, does this arrogant person irritate me. Say it again, if your so well-educated in music, why then do you post so much on this forum? If most are "a bunch of instant gratification knobs." And don't tell me it's to help people. Who do you think you are Clive Davis. Just go fuckin' away.
lol. This is a much, MUCH tamer NFU than a year or two ago. He's not a bad guy. I can't speak for NFU, but i post here mostly out of boredom. It's not really for any sort of "stimulating musical discussion", though i did make this thread to see what would come of that. There's a number of much more annoying elitist trolls, with much less of a purpose around here, like Armageddon's_Child for example.
It's improved somewhat since the re-appearance of the OT forum. Though it would be nice if the threads here were a bit less predictable. It seems to be mostly the same (or same type atleast) of bands that are being discussed here over and over (ie. mostly death/black/prog metal and neo-prog).

So kudos for this thread, eventhough I have little to add to it. The only drone doom I listen to are Sunn O))) and Hyatari which have already been mentioned. I have not really been in the mindset for this type of music lately, too little time to unwind and invest time into more esoteric music.
lol. This is a much, MUCH tamer NFU than a year or two ago. He's not a bad guy. I can't speak for NFU, but i post here mostly out of boredom. It's not really for any sort of "stimulating musical discussion", though i did make this thread to see what would come of that. There's a number of much more annoying elitist trolls, with much less of a purpose around here, like Armageddon's_Child for example.

lol. This is a much, MUCH tamer NFU than a year or two ago. He's not a bad guy. I can't speak for NFU, but i post here mostly out of boredom. It's not really for any sort of "stimulating musical discussion", though i did make this thread to see what would come of that. There's a number of much more annoying elitist trolls, with much less of a purpose around here, like Armageddon's_Child for example.

What I find hilarious is that NFU did try to reinvent himself once as a genuinely nice guy under the username Land of Grey & Pink or whatever, but even his contrived attempts to feign decency ended up backfiring and shooting him in the foot, leading to more angsty know-it-all-ism. I don't mind the guy when he isn't being an absolute ignoramus, but that is only about 20% of the time I see him posting on here.
I guess you guys already heard of YOB? I'm no drone expert but I guess they could fall into the "droney doom" genre.

oh yes, i really like Yob, especially their last album. The whole "droney doom" thing is a pretty broad concept anyway, and i'd say they fall somewhere very close to that. Some would say sludge, or stoner doom, or something, but it's not like those styles don't share some key characteristics with drone doom anyway.
oh yes, i really like Yob, especially their last album. The whole "droney doom" thing is a pretty broad concept anyway, and i'd say they fall somewhere very close to that. Some would say sludge, or stoner doom, or something, but it's not like those styles don't share some key characteristics with drone doom anyway.
I'm really a noob when it comes to this. What's the difference between sludge, drone and stoner?
I'm really a noob when it comes to this. What's the difference between sludge, drone and stoner?

I couldn't exactly tell you myself. As far as i know, sludge and stoner may as well be the same thing. They both seem to rely a lot on pentatonic style riffing, downtuned, with very "muddy" bottom heavy distortion. They are both a good deal faster and more "musical" than drone doom. Drone doom tends to have even THICKER, hugely distorted and sustaining tones and don't have the bluesy, rock-ish pentatonic style riffs. Drone doom is more concerned with a slow evolution of sound based around the same kind of ideas, repeated but slightly twisted. Stoner and sludge seem to go through more progressions more quickly.
I couldn't exactly tell you myself. As far as i know, sludge and stoner may as well be the same thing. They both seem to rely a lot on pentatonic style riffing, downtuned, with very "muddy" bottom heavy distortion. They are both a good deal faster and more "musical" than drone doom. Drone doom tends to have even THICKER, hugely distorted and sustaining tones and don't have the bluesy, rock-ish pentatonic style riffs. Drone doom is more concerned with a slow evolution of sound based around the same kind of ideas, repeated but slightly twisted. Stoner and sludge seem to go through more progressions more quickly.
Thanks for your input, it is much appriciated.
I'm starting to dislike the "stoner" tag, as much as I used to defend it. I'm still a total stoner myself, I've just come to appreciate only very certain bands from the "scene," and not really for the qualities that make them "stoner."

Kyuss, for example, is a band I consider untouchable when it comes to what they call "stoner rock."