The droooonnnnee

i like how every kind of music you don't like (which seems to be everything thus far) is "marketed" for something. I don't know about you, but i really think if you're going to work on a marketing scheme you should, i dunno, MAKE A PROFIT off it. Unless i'm mistaken, drone isn't exactly a hot seller.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand never paying attention to you again.
drone fans like to drop the word 'atmosphere' every couple seconds as though it isn't a grandiloquent euphemism for 'shittily produced guitars playing one note for 8 minutes'
i like how every kind of music you don't like (which seems to be everything thus far) is "marketed" for something. I don't know about you, but i really think if you're going to work on a marketing scheme you should, i dunno, MAKE A PROFIT off it. Unless i'm mistaken, drone isn't exactly a hot seller.

An album doesn't have to be a Top 40 hit to be profitable, especially with the much reduced cost of digital recording and the similar decrease in the cost of advertising with the advent of the 'net. The 'long tail' phenomenon ensures that. Khanate might not move millions of copies - but Southern Lord is doing quite well financially thanks to a very clever niche marketing strategy.
I was looking through allmusic and the similar/related genres to Sunn 0)) (I haven't actually heard any of their stuff; not sure I want to dive headfirst into droney music without any preparation.) and found a band called Nurse With Wound under "Dark Ambient", whatever that means. Anyway, are they any good?
I've been somewhat interested in this. The fuzz groove of stoner rock and metal has always appealed to me, although I can't say I've been really "into it" fully. Never found a band I adored in the genre. The closest I got was Down and Corrosion Of Conformity who get near it sometimes. I have a bud who's very fond of Fu Manchu. I have a Spiritual Beggars album I like (Ad Astra) if that counts...

Anyway, I've heard a couple of tracks from Sunn 0))) which were kind of cool. Then I bought Earth's "Hex: Or Printing In The Infernal Method" which is a great, clean , sparse, instrumental ambient record played with very twangy guitars. Very pleased with the purchase. Not sure how many more "mood" records I need, though. I'll probably get "Black One" by Sunn 0))) soon. The "it's just 8 minutes of sustain and feedback" is a fair judgment, but it all comes down to perspective, I think.
As far as this stuff goes I'm a bit of a rookie, but I do own a few drone-related albums and they're pretty interesting.

I've got Earth's "Earth 2" and "Hex," Hymn of the Druid's "Wall of Arms," Black Boned Angel's "Bliss and Void Inseperable," Boris' "Amplifier Worship" and "Sun Baked Snow Cave," maybe a couple I'm forgetting.

I like a lot of the same things you do about this music Mumblefood, and I'll join you in laughing at anyone who thinks we've been duped into listening to this stuff because of clever suits with degrees in marketing :erk: Seriously, Armageddon's Child, pulling your head out of your ass would do a lot for your perception of underground music.
I was looking through allmusic and the similar/related genres to Sunn 0)) (I haven't actually heard any of their stuff; not sure I want to dive headfirst into droney music without any preparation.) and found a band called Nurse With Wound under "Dark Ambient", whatever that means. Anyway, are they any good?

Great, actually! But they've got nothing at all to do with the guitar based drone of bands like Sunn O))). They don't often use guitars... NWW is more of a surrealist band with some dark ambient leanings. Dark ambient, btw, is just a form of ambient which focusses, obviously enough, on creating a dark mood. From depressing to scary and anything in between, that's what Dark Ambient is for. It's actually been almost my favorite style of music for the last few years. Anyway, NWW plays with found sounds and manipulation of sounds to create a sort of audio collage. if that sounds interesting at all to you, i'd recommend Homotopy To Marie.

It's not particularly easy to get into though, if you're looking for an easy-in for Drone. I think the easiest way in is through Jesu, who still have developed tunes.
It's not particularly easy to get into though, if you're looking for an easy-in for Drone. I think the easiest way in is through Jesu, who still have developed tunes.

I was just about to ask if Jesu count, since while I really am not too interested in this genre, I've heard Tired Of Me, and it's a nice song. I guess I'd like this music more if it was just shorter and to the point.
I was just about to ask if Jesu count, since while I really am not too interested in this genre, I've heard Tired Of Me, and it's a nice song. I guess I'd like this music more if it was just shorter and to the point.

Sometimes i wonder if that would work. I tend to think not though. At least not for my purposes. Some bands are pretty boring with what they do, but i think the length of the pieces is important to the development to them. I came at the "drone metal" thing from the world of dark ambient, and that music does some of the same things as far as structure and length goes, so i never had a problem with the seemingly tunelessness of it. Certain kinds of music are only good in certain situations, and i find this applies to music with these kinds of characteristics in particular quite strongly. I've got a 5.1 setup around my bed and i play music when i go to bed most of the time. For me, it's at this time, listening in this way, that i start to really enjoy this kind of stuff. I can't exactly explain why, but i've found this to be THE way to listen to slowly evolving, repetitive music. I almost never listen to it, for example, in my car on the way to school, or when i'm reading forums on my PC. Something is lost in that way.
Sometimes i wonder if that would work. I tend to think not though. At least not for my purposes. Some bands are pretty boring with what they do, but i think the length of the pieces is important to the development to them. I came at the "drone metal" thing from the world of dark ambient, and that music does some of the same things as far as structure and length goes, so i never had a problem with the seemingly tunelessness of it. Certain kinds of music are only good in certain situations, and i find this applies to music with these kinds of characteristics in particular quite strongly. I've got a 5.1 setup around my bed and i play music when i go to bed most of the time. For me, it's at this time, listening in this way, that i start to really enjoy this kind of stuff. I can't exactly explain why, but i've found this to be THE way to listen to slowly evolving, repetitive music. I almost never listen to it, for example, in my car on the way to school, or when i'm reading forums on my PC. Something is lost in that way.

Damn, is it ever good to know someone else around here appreciates this kind of stuff! :kickass:
Likewise! I have yet to find a real "fanbase" for dark ambient music, though it has gotten a bit more popular the last couple years. It seems there's no active forums with discussion on it! And it's just bad news usually trying to discuss it here, as inevitably people just don't relate to it and, being metal fans especially, HAVE to bash the shit out of it. I think there's a handful of us on UM though who are into it. I think drone doom might be the GATEWAY for metalheads into it muahahahahaha
mumble, its because when it really comes down to much as this forum tries to portray an image of sophistication, prestige, and taste...theyre all still a bunch of instant gratification knobs. Their undying need to download 300 metal, folk, psych, prog, albums all at once and absorb close to none of them is proof of this. darkwave/ambient is no doubt a great genre, but also requires the most patience...i dont find it a coincidence that it goes un-listened to on this forum in the slightest really.