The droooonnnnee

do you guys count the likes of xasthur and such as related? if so i like those guys

as for more traditionnal drone, i've been able to get into some boris, earth and yob , but for some reason i really cant get into sunn 0)))
I couldn't exactly tell you myself. As far as i know, sludge and stoner may as well be the same thing. They both seem to rely a lot on pentatonic style riffing, downtuned, with very "muddy" bottom heavy distortion. They are both a good deal faster and more "musical" than drone doom. Drone doom tends to have even THICKER, hugely distorted and sustaining tones and don't have the bluesy, rock-ish pentatonic style riffs. Drone doom is more concerned with a slow evolution of sound based around the same kind of ideas, repeated but slightly twisted. Stoner and sludge seem to go through more progressions more quickly.

if i recall, sludge is bands like godflesh right?
if so sludge is slow while trying to be as aggresive as possible
stoner is more using black sabbath-ish riffs

the way i see drone is essentially using the distortion itself as an instrument opposed to the instrument creating the distortion
Earth - Earth 2 is a classic!

I don't know though, I'm not sure that it'd stand up to more modern titles for a beginner getting into the genre.

I'd say their later album, Pentastar, is more accessible and probably more appropriate to get new people into this kind of thing. What do I know? Not much!
Of course! They've quickly became one of my favorites.

...But please don't tell me they do drone stuff! I don't want to find out that they do and I've been unaware of it this whole time. :erk:

It kinda takes the fun out of thinking what drone in general would sound like, since I think I've never heard it.