The Dutch Prog Exodus 2012 (Cello's travel plan)!


Promoted to Hannibal
Nov 14, 2007
Bovenkarspel, Netherlands
Come one, come all, and join us on our anual travel to the best festival in the world. We'll be traveling by public transport with a large number of people. Each year we've done this it has proven to be a great success, so why not try again?

The exodus this year will take place on thursday 4 (r)oc(k)tober!

Like the previous years we will leave from a number of centralized locations towards our final destination: Kasteel de Berckt in Baarlo, our home for four days during the festival. I will list the locations, times and meeting point coordinator. I have the contact information of each coordinator, so I can reach them in case we are forced to change the plans slightly.

Dutch Railway ticketmachines are pretty shitty and not all of them will accept credit cards. Debit cards might be accepted, but not all. If you want to be sure you have a ticket, meet up with your meeting point's contact coordinator and have them help you out by either paying them cash so they'll get the ticket for you, or escort you to the ticket offices.

Meeting Point 1: Amsterdam Central Station:
From Amsterdam Central Station travel will go to Utrecht, where you will change trains in order to catch up with other parts of the group (more on this under Meeting Point 4). Meeting point on Amsterdam Central Station will be on platform 4, on the b side of the platform near the Kiosk stand. Coordinator for this group will be Kees, who will be at Amsterdam Central Station from approximately 13:25 onwards. This group will catch the 13:53 train from platform 4b to Utrecht and will arrive there around 14:20.

Meeting Point 2: Schiphol International Airport:
From Schiphol we will travel to Utrecht, the groups from Meeting Point 1, 3 and 4 will catch up with us at Utrecht Central Station, where we will all transfer onto the same train. Meeting point at Schiphol will be the meeting point in the central hall, near the train station part of the airport. The meeting point is built out of red and white blocks, you can't miss it as long as you walk towards the trainstation part of the airport once you get out of your gate. I will personally be the coordinator for this group. This group will catch the 14:00 train from platform 3 to Utrecht and arrive there around 14:32.

Meeting Point 3: Amersfoort Station:
From Amersfoort group 3 will travel onwards to Utrecht, where they will join groups 1,2 and 4. Those traveling from the northern parts of the Netherlands will be able to tag along here to travel with the rest of the group! Coordinating for this meeting point will be the Red "not-so-menacing-anymore-but-we're-still-decently-terrified" Menace. People traveling from here will be taking the 14:11 train from track 4a towards Utrecht.

Meeting Point 4: Utrecht Central Station:
From Utrecht we will travel on to Eindhoven, groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 will merge at this point (hopefully). Meeting point at Utrecht will be track 12, somewhere near the middle. Coordinator for this group is unknown (volunteers?). This group will meet up with the group from meeting point 1 who arrive at 14:20 at Utrecht, group 2 who arrive around 14:32 and group 3 who arrive around 14:28. From here we will take the train to Eindhoven. This train leaves at 14:38 from track 12.

Meeting Point 5: Eindhoven Station:
At this point the group of people is largely complete, but I will post other central locations so other people can either catch up with us, or join with the group. We will arrive at Eindhoven station at 15:29 and will proceed to catch the 15:32 train to Venlo from track 2. If due to circumstances we miss this train (we only have 3 minutes transfer time, but it's right across from eachother), we will take the first train to Venlo after that. Contact me if you'll be traveling from Eindhoven and wish to join us there.

Meeting Point 6: Venlo Station
We will arrive at Venlo trainstation at 16:13. From there we will take the bus to Kasteel de Berckt. We will take bus 77 at 16:18 or, in case we're running late, we might take a later bus. Contact me if you'll be joining us in Venlo and wish to travel with the group.

Although last years success will be hard to beat, I urge you all to leave your cars and join us in our travel to Baarlo by public transport. Nothing like drinking beers and having fun with fellow proggers on the way to the festival! The more the merrier!

Report in on facebook if you'll be traveling with us. I'll be paying attention on there more than on these forums. Leave me a message at or on facebook if you have questions about the timing of things. We have a bit more leeway this time around, because we won't have to worry about arriving late for the traditional Chinese dinner on the friday. We'll still be arriving around 5pm, in order to get settled in our rooms and say hi to everyone. We can then stroll down into Baarlo, have a bite for dinner, walk past the memorial stone, pay our respects and get started on the drinking before Persefone hits the stage!

Very much looking forward to the festival, the music, ofcourse the people, the atmosphere and the afterparties this year. Going to be epic!
Change of plans. Kees will not be traveling from Amsterdam on thursday, but on friday, so there will be no coordinator at Meeting Point 1. Look for the group of people at Utrecht central station!