The edward ESP alexi Rhoads

shiiiit, you better not go through GC! Id go to an actual, legit ESP dealer and talk to them...GC will give you the runaround, especially for tHAT guitar, being as its mainly japan only , and it has to go through customs, etc....
I wetn over to DC-GL today, apparantly ESP Japan will not ship anything "rhoads" shaped over to the states for fear of getting Sued by Jackson.

So us americans are Shit outta luck, unless you have a summer house in japan, or know someone tht can ship it to you, but . . .they are about $5000 in japan
bobvex said:
I wetn over to DC-GL today, apparantly ESP Japan will not ship anything "rhoads" shaped over to the states for fear of getting Sued by Jackson.

So us americans are Shit outta luck, unless you have a summer house in japan, or know someone tht can ship it to you, but . . .they are about $5000 in japan

Dude, that blows ass.

Teach ya for wantging to be Alexi :lol:
Wow, that really sucks, because that is one bitchin guitar. If you ever want to order an ESP/LTD guitar, don't even think about going to Guitar Center. They do not have a contract because ESP doesn't their guitars being sold by Guitar Center. I forgot what the big reason was, but the ESP rep out in Los Angeles (where the werehouse is) said that they don't like how Guitar Centers usually sell crappy low end models or over priced high end models (I.e. B.C. Rich Bronze series and Gibson Les Pauls)
Howdi folks! Since EVERBODY has missed it I thought I'd be th one to point it out... That esp copys is fucking hidious!!! Poor alexi looks lost behind what has to be like sixty-eight kilos of wood. $5000 for it? :lol: I'd get a Caparison instead, it is ridiculus, if Alexi did not play it no one would pay it any mind!!!! But yeah the basic shape is CLASSIC!!! but I'd go with the origional, then again I don't know shit about the new esp, I am just a very lonely lost soul without any friends or sexlife... right?