The electric guitars on lamentations


Dec 20, 2004
I know that they used a few PRS's and a gibson, but did they use a fender at all? im not talking about a strat, but the higher end ones.
sorry, i dont exactly have the biggest TV, cant read the print on every headstock.
well the shape of any fender guitar quite obviously doesn't look like anything PRS or Gibson makes.

they only used they're PRS guitars and Gibsons. mostly PRS.
Yeah Mikael and Peter use mostly their PRS guitars on it. Peter uses a black Les Paul for 2 or 3 songs... and Mikael uses a sunburst(? I couldn't tell, nor can I remember) Les Paul for 1 song.
the_drip said:
well the shape of any fender guitar quite obviously doesn't look like anything PRS or Gibson makes.

they only used they're PRS guitars and Gibsons. mostly PRS.

Ok, the reason i suggested that one was possibly a fender is cuz fender has this one model that slightly resembles a PRS, but i wasnt sure
i will probably get pwned for saying this, but i think that both fender and gibson are quite overated. yeah, i know that gibson is a good guitar, but you could get a better guitar for the same ammount of money.
Goober said:
i will probably get pwned for saying this, but i think that both fender and gibson are quite overated. yeah, i know that gibson is a good guitar, but you could get a better guitar for the same ammount of money.

says someone who can't differentiate between a gibson a PRS and a Fender. Besides the picture of the fender does by no means look like a PRS.
By the way the newer Gibson really suck and are much too expensive for what they are offering (especially the pick-ups are horrible).....but really old Gibsons models from about 1960 are awsome.
Fender and gibson i dont think they are overated. i think they are over priced. Prs are literally a guitar you dont have to be a good player to make it sound good. from what ive tryed. the problem with a prs is though it is almost too perfect. A gibson les paul custom is a beautiful guitar, but is heavy. a fender (strat)is the all rounder. i wouldnt say it plays metal very well though. id be torn between a choice of a prs or a gibson les paul custom. beautiful guitars. but they really dont use the electric fenders on lamentations. although mendez uses a fender bass.
affinityband said:
Fender and gibson i dont think they are overated. i think they are over priced. Prs are literally a guitar you dont have to be a good player to make it sound good. from what ive tryed. the problem with a prs is though it is almost too perfect. A gibson les paul custom is a beautiful guitar, but is heavy. a fender (strat)is the all rounder. i wouldnt say it plays metal very well though. id be torn between a choice of a prs or a gibson les paul custom. beautiful guitars. but they really dont use the electric fenders on lamentations. although mendez uses a fender bass.

well thats kind of what i mean, they are overated for the price that they sell at.