The ENSLAVED thread

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as to why i like ruun so much, i'd say probably because of the perfect balance between progressive and black metal elements. hell you can even here some psych rock in there. in comparison to isa, which was to much centered around "sonic grandeur", so to speak, ruun really sounds focused. i think the riffs on ruun are more memorable and more interesting. anywho, just my 2 cents
Listening to Ruun again, i definitely do think it is a classy album. But when i've been transcribing songs from both albums, i've always found that ISA has some of the best guitar work (sound wise and generally how it feels to play the songs) of any metal bands around.. But when transcribing Entroper i found most of the riffs to be fairly uninspiring power chord affairs (the verse riff isn't, and just happens to be the best riff!). Tides of Chaos is the worst song.. Strangely bland for Enslaved!

But Ruun has me wondering where they'll go next.. Ruun seems to be a extension on the ISA sound.. They quite obviously won't step backwards, and i can only assume they'll go further in exploring synths and become more ambient.
opeth_353 said:
I personally think that it is generally a groundbreaking album, maybe not for the genre.. But undoubtedly for the band itself. It broke the old 'viking metal' mold and showcased some of their most original work. I wouldn't say that any other Enslaved album has been as original or been as 'daring' as Monumension.

I'd definitely not go as far as saying Ruun is one of Enslaved's best album.. Although Path To Vanir is one of their best songs ever.

But for me it's very hard to choose between Monumension and ISA.. With Below The Lights coming in a close 3rd.

My thoughts exactly.
opeth_353 said:
Listening to Ruun again, i definitely do think it is a classy album. But when i've been transcribing songs from both albums, i've always found that ISA has some of the best guitar work (sound wise and generally how it feels to play the songs) of any metal bands around.. But when transcribing Entroper i found most of the riffs to be fairly uninspiring power chord affairs (the verse riff isn't, and just happens to be the best riff!). Tides of Chaos is the worst song.. Strangely bland for Enslaved!

But Ruun has me wondering where they'll go next.. Ruun seems to be a extension on the ISA sound.. They quite obviously won't step backwards, and i can only assume they'll go further in exploring synths and become more ambient.

Where do you have these transcriptions? I'd be curious as to see how they're played. Their guitar work is like nothing else I've ever heard. I'm especially curious as to how "Violet Dawning" is played.
I've only actually put Return To Yggdrasill up, and i'm certain parts of it aren't 100%.. I think i made some adjustments to the version i have on my computer after putting it up actually - but it is fairly accurate:

I've got halfway through the Neogenesis solo and have a very roughy version of Entroper, which i'm also sure has some minor playing errors. I started figuring out Lunar Force, ISA and Path To vanir.. But currently haven't got the time to spend on to be working and tabbing them out.
Tell me what you think of the tab, bearing in mind i have made some changes, seeing as you're the whiz with opeth!

And yeh, it does sound good.. But from a songwriter's perspective it loses some of the appeal when the writing isn't as good. I'd say it sounds quite like an album they wrote whilst jamming out improvised riffs, based around chords they already know and use, with each other.. Whereas i find the songwriting on their other albums sound more like Ivar would've come sat at home writing the guitar parts to take to practice, and with the ideas already sorted out for them to go over and smooth out.
Id said:
it doesn't matter how it's played as long as it sounds good and entroper is definately a song that sounds amazing

Yeah, I think I'll delete all my tabs right now! Who cares how they're played, they sound good! No one is interested by or enjoys learning how to play songs by bands they like! Tabs should be illegal, in fact!
opeth_353 said:
I've only actually put Return To Yggdrasill up, and i'm certain parts of it aren't 100%.. I think i made some adjustments to the version i have on my computer after putting it up actually - but it is fairly accurate:

I've got halfway through the Neogenesis solo and have a very roughy version of Entroper, which i'm also sure has some minor playing errors. I started figuring out Lunar Force, ISA and Path To vanir.. But currently haven't got the time to spend on to be working and tabbing them out.
Tell me what you think of the tab, bearing in mind i have made some changes, seeing as you're the whiz with opeth!

And yeh, it does sound good.. But from a songwriter's perspective it loses some of the appeal when the writing isn't as good. I'd say it sounds quite like an album they wrote whilst jamming out improvised riffs, based around chords they already know and use, with each other.. Whereas i find the songwriting on their other albums sound more like Ivar would've come sat at home writing the guitar parts to take to practice, and with the ideas already sorted out for them to go over and smooth out.

The tab sounds pretty good to me, some of your arpeggios seem like they might have the wrong picking patterns but the chords generally seem alright. I don't know the song well enough to be sure on some of the riffs, though. Also: I thought they usually played in C standard or something? That's what I heard regarding below the lights, anyway...that's what's stopping me from trying to tab any of their stuff myself (I have a floyd rose bridge so retuning is a huge undertaking).
I've been inhaling their catalogue last couple weeks, have the last five albums, Isa stands out at this point. The end of Reogenesis is off the charts, like Freebird or something, just a prototype epic outro. Ascension has some of the coolest parts I've ever heard.

Ruun is definitely more "poppy", sounds almost like the original Queens of the Stone Age lineup. Awesome still.
wankerness said:
Yeah, I think I'll delete all my tabs right now! Who cares how they're played, they sound good! No one is interested by or enjoys learning how to play songs by bands they like! Tabs should be illegal, in fact!
you COMPLETELY misunderstood Id. re-read his post in taking into consideration the context created by the previous posts.
wankerness said:
The tab sounds pretty good to me, some of your arpeggios seem like they might have the wrong picking patterns but the chords generally seem alright. I don't know the song well enough to be sure on some of the riffs, though. Also: I thought they usually played in C standard or something? That's what I heard regarding below the lights, anyway...that's what's stopping me from trying to tab any of their stuff myself (I have a floyd rose bridge so retuning is a huge undertaking).
Well, like myself, Enslaved seem to switch tunings a fair bit between songs and albums. They're in Drop Db for at least Entroper and Havenless .. It wouldn't surprise me if they used Drop C at times and they use E in Neogenesis and i think Lunar Force.. But as i mentioned before, only started roughly going over that song.
Return To Yggdrasill is definitely Drop D - Play along with the track in the tuning and you'll see. In the live Youtube footage they play it in Drop Db (played against the original recording you can notice the semitone drop). If they were to be playing it in D or C standard, it'd be pretty uncomfortable playing.. So logic tells me that they're playing in Drop D. Cheers for looking over it though, i will look over the tab again concerning the Arpeggios. I'd have said they were the most accurate part of the tab personally - but just listening to it now, i may have been hearing a lot of extra notes that aren't there.. I'm probably subconciously trying to make it more complex than it is! Talking about tabs, i've also started tabbing Agalloch, but that's not relevant to this thread.
And i feel your pain concerning Floyd Roses! Hence i went back to a fixed bridge :)

On watching this video again, i think the pattern may be right as it is. If you watch closely at about 1:36 in, you can see the guitarist playing the pattern, but it doesn't exactly sound like they're being played - same for the first clean arpeggio.. Basically i'm not imagining the notes ahaha! Again thanks for looking over it - i always appreciate critiques!
all_sins_undone said:
you COMPLETELY misunderstood Id. re-read his post in taking into consideration the context created by the previous posts.

Yeah, I thought he was saying "who cares how it's played listen to the song don't try to play it." Whoops.
When you combine passion and intellect in a symbolic realm the result is art. When you remove the passion - the desire to create - what you get is 'craft,' which isn't nearly so appealing: and craft is all that Enslaved have delivered post-Frost. Someone really should let the boys know that the 'black metal + pop cult trend' thing doesn't really work, regardless of whether the trend is shoegazer, indie rock or a tenth generation of Floydian slips.
My Man Mahmoud said:
When you combine passion and intellect in a symbolic realm the result is art. When you remove the passion - the desire to create - what you get is 'craft,' which isn't nearly so appealing
when i read this i thought of Chef Tom Colicchio's Craft restaurants, considering he now opened a "'wichcraft" chain.
My Man Mahmoud said:
When you combine passion and intellect in a symbolic realm the result is art. When you remove the passion - the desire to create - what you get is 'craft,' which isn't nearly so appealing: and craft is all that Enslaved have delivered post-Frost. Someone really should let the boys know that the 'black metal + pop cult trend' thing doesn't really work, regardless of whether the trend is shoegazer, indie rock or a tenth generation of Floydian slips.

rofl. what tells you they have no "passion" anymore?
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