The ENSLAVED thread

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derbeder said:
which enslaved drummer do you like the best?
trym, dirge rep, herald (the guy on eld), cato (the current drummer)?

I think they all did good things.

Although Trym Torson is probably the most superior drummer out of them all, this wasn't evident with the work he did with Enslaved. We found out what Trym could do when he joined Emperor :)

Harald Helgeson is a bit of a subtopic on his own given how different Eld was. Many people were outraged by the drum production on Eld, but in hindsight I think it suits the album perfectly: it's very textured and organic, and sounds very close to the listener.

The music on Eld was very very varied imo, lots of time (and style) changes, very interesting, diverse music, so I think they chose a great drummer in Harald Helgeson. Excellent work can be heard at:

- "For Lenge Siden (A Long Time Ago)": approx 0:35 onwards for almost the entire song.
- "Eld (Fire)": approx 2:00 onwards.

He has great handiwork throughout the album though. Sometime his style reminds me of African drummers. Perhaps this could be a misconception on my part due to the production.

Dirge Rep, despite being a wanker, did some fantastic work on Blodhemn and Mardraum (especially on Blodhemn during "Ansuz Astral" approx 3:14 onwards to the end of the song, fantastic speed and tightness). Also see "Større enn Tid - Tyngre enn Natt (Larger than Time - Heavier than Night)" on Mardraum... Dirge's work on that song is really bloody good.

Finally, Cato. He's a bit of an old warhorse isn't he? I find his style reflects this also, he's definitely not one to be able to hammer out the whole of Blodhemn with his eyes closed.

I think Cato's slower and more thoughtful style does suit the current music of Enslaved, and it would probably ruin the music if they had someone else. He has some nice fills and a bit of flair, but I think if Enslaved have made any mistakes of late, it's with the drum production - it's been too thick, it has too much breadth and imo feels a little claustrophobic to the ears. Because of this it "mushes" Cato's performance up. I think a more "seperated and clear" production for the drumming might help Cato's skill to breathe through the music more, right now I feel it's a little hindered.
...Hmm, seems people aren't so keen on Monumension - It's my personal favourite alongside Isa. I just think that their guitar work and drumming is some of the most interesting around. Ruun was a strong release and Path To Vanir is quite possibly one of their best songs yet.
derbeder said:
which enslaved drummer do you like the best?
trym, dirge rep, herald (the guy on eld), cato (the current drummer)?

Cato easily. I love his style of drumming - it is very similar to a lot of the stuff i did naturally, so it was a big reason why i got into Enslaved so much.
Couldn't really get into Ruun.

Does anyone else really, REALLY like the production on Below The Lights? I just LOVE that guitar sound. It's only mildly distorted (for something extreme metal anyway), but it just sounds so thick and tight. I sometimes have wet dreams about it.
Your the first person i've ever known to say anything good about BTL's guitar sound other than me! I generally love the production on every Enslaved album.. Always has a good feel, although Ruun was a bit too polished imo..
That's how i feel too. In fact, i'd say it's the production probably most of all that kills Ruun for me. I know that may be silly, but i'm pretty hugely into the aesthetics of music. I never really noticed most people don't particularly care for the production on BTL, but i HAVE noticed i'm the only one to ever really mention that they love it.
Mumblefood said:
Couldn't really get into Ruun.

Does anyone else really, REALLY like the production on Below The Lights? I just LOVE that guitar sound. It's only mildly distorted (for something extreme metal anyway), but it just sounds so thick and tight. I sometimes have wet dreams about it.

Yep count me in.
all_sins_undone said:
ruun is a fantastic album period
Not disagreeing with you, just.. The production is a bit sterile to me when compared to their other releases.

But then again.. I'm one of the few people who seems to rate Monumension as possibly their best album! :lol:
speaking of monumension, the first three songs are absoloutely ground-breaking. to bad the album kind of takes a dive after that.

ruun may have sterile production, but putting aesthetics aside, ruun is one of best enslaved albums.
opeth_353 said:
Not disagreeing with you, just.. The production is a bit sterile to me when compared to their other releases.

But then again.. I'm one of the few people who seems to rate Monumension as possibly their best album! :lol:

+1 :headbang:
all_sins_undone said:
speaking of monumension, the first three songs are absoloutely ground-breaking. to bad the album kind of takes a dive after that.

ruun may have sterile production, but putting aesthetics aside, ruun is one of best enslaved albums.
I personally think that it is generally a groundbreaking album, maybe not for the genre.. But undoubtedly for the band itself. It broke the old 'viking metal' mold and showcased some of their most original work. I wouldn't say that any other Enslaved album has been as original or been as 'daring' as Monumension.

I'd definitely not go as far as saying Ruun is one of Enslaved's best album.. Although Path To Vanir is one of their best songs ever.

But for me it's very hard to choose between Monumension and ISA.. With Below The Lights coming in a close 3rd.
tbpf i dont really care what anyone thinks of anything, i care more about the reasoning that leads them to those conclusions. whats the fun in knowing which albums everyones does or does not like?
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