The ENSLAVED thread

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affinityband said:
Actually i dissagree, the Vocals on Burst is possibly the worst part of them. His stupid screaming voice(which ive grown to tolerate, whereas others havent) Is by a long shot nowhere near as good Enslaveds vocals.

I couldn't disagree more but fair enough. Them's the opinions! :)
I've downloaded a few Enslaved track, I Lenker til Ragnarok and a few from Below the Lights. I Lenker til Ragnarok was the one which really got me into them, so I went I got Ruun. Good album Though I like I Lenker til Ragnarok and the ones from Below the Lights (The Dead Stare, Ridicule Swarm) better really.. But I need to know the songs from Ruun more then perhaps I'll like them better :D Anyways I'm rabbling. But the best thing is they're going to play at Aalborg Metal Festival : )))
I first got Ruun, then I downloaded their entire discography from Blodhemn on, and after that I bought the only cds I could find, which are Monumensium, Eld and Frost. They're all excellent really, although Monumensium is my least favorite atm.
Opethian666 said:
I first got Ruun, then I downloaded their entire discography from Blodhemn on, and after that I bought the only cds I could find, which are Monumensium, Eld and Frost. They're all excellent really, although Monumensium is my least favorite atm.

Monumension has Convoys to Nothingness and The Voices, which are both awesome. But I agree the rest of the album is not really on the same level as those two. If you haven't heard it, definitely check out Vikingligr Veldi - it may be even better than Eld.
^Yeah I agree that Monumension has a really good start, but its second half kind of disappoints (for an Enslaved album). And I'll definitely check out Vikingligr Veldi if I get a chance.
Vikingligr Veldi is a remarkable album, and in hindsight with the rest of Enslaved's career now visible to us, you can clearly hear the early foundations of the kind of progression Enslaved have these days on that record - their ability to hypnotise via repetition. Its an outstanding piece of work.

Opethian666 said:
... Monumension is my least favorite atm.

I've noticed over time that Enslaved's constant progression has led to an unofficial debate on which album is their most transient.

Some say Blodhemn. Others say Mardraum.

I personally feel that Monumension is the album of their transience, proven by it's latter half. Their core future ideas are clearly audible on the first half of the record, but in the second half it feels as they were unable to capitalise on their ideas. Perhaps the ideas were expressed without coming into a finalised form... we'll probably never know.

Although the following interpretation could be due to Tägtgren influence on these two records, Blodhemn and Mardraum to me represent a duet of sorts:

Blodhemn sees Enslaved being the most aggressive since Frost, but with hints of the psychedelic onslaught ("Ansuz Astral" - approx 2:52 onwards) we encounter on Mardraum. Once we arrive at Mardraum, the aggression from Blodhemn continues, but this time via a very long atmospheric intro not heard since Eld's opener "793 (Slaget Om Lindisfarne)".

Mardraum opens with "Større enn Tid - Tyngre enn Natt", and right away we're blasted with a huge new characteristic: timechanges, and lots of them. The aggression & rawness is still there, and then, at approx 4:01, a massive, almost summarising "aural statement" of the album: a blast of sonically distorted tones, and the song continues with these as it's theme.

Another characteristic is the soaring, almost stratospheric guitar solos, which highlight within themselves, and the rhythm guitars as well, structures ending on aggressively vibrated and extended tones, almost as though you can see flashes of energy around you (excuse the tossy description there folks). These occasionally raised their heads in Blodhemn, but not so much. To balance these, we have a strong reminder of Blodhemn again in super fast tremolo picking.

I find things like the above finds both albums almost having a nod at the other in recognition, hence why I find them to correlate so strong to one another.

Clearly, from the opening seconds of "Convoys To Nothingness" on Monumension, we know something different is going on. Not only is the production a clear step away from everything prior, but the music is far more layered, yet almost simpler in structure. And of course, Grutle's vocal style changes (which caused some outrage at the time) are extremely evident.

Monumension is the first foray into new territory. Something more textured, and more clearly defined, yet more layered. Transitions within riffs are held in an almost 70s fashion, and solos are slower, more drawn out.

I think also, most noticably, there is a much higher sense of melody on Monumension, which is not present on earlier works. While subtle roots of tremolo picking are present, the increase of melody almost conflicts with it, forcing things to take a slower step, and it effects everything, even the vocal delivery as the structures of songs are far more dynamic than seen before, and we're also seeing "interludes" of sorts within songs.

Each track on Monumension attempts to try something new, and with the exception of the first few songs, never seems to quite get there. "Enemy I" for example, almost seems to blend mid-paced Black Metal seen more with bands like Burzum with Sabbathy tones.

It's an interesting journey for sure, but in my eyes, definitely seems like Enslaved's most transient work.

PS - sorry if that rant was a bit bullshitty, I just find Enslaved a very interesting band to discuss in detail. Peace.
And the older one features the now infamous interview in which we get to see Dirge Rep acting like a complete brat, providing a precursive insight into the asskicking out of the band he was to recieve later.

My heart really went out to Grutle and Ivar for having to put up with that human anchor.
which enslaved drummer do you like the best?
trym, dirge rep, herald (the guy on eld), cato (the current drummer)?
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