The ENSLAVED thread

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Death_To_False_Metal said:
After listenning carefully to 3 Enslaved albums and just one DragonForce album (Inhuman Rampage) I have come to the only possible conclusion :

Dragonforce > Enslaved in almost every way it is quite disturbing actually.

Dragonforce features better production, better singing, killer guitar playing (those sweeps mama !), better Keytar playing, better drumming (incredible double bassah!), better creativity ( guitar sounds like 80's Nintendo fuckin genious if you ask me !) and an uncanny way to look into the depth and sadness of the human soul and spirit.

Plus Dragonforce guitarists can drink an entire beer during the solo of their colleague and that My Friend is pure fuckin metal !!! 2 minutes lead break which is longer than Judas Priest lead breaks from the 80's !!!

Sorry to disrupt this thread but this Enslaved sect must be disbanded by sane people.

Keep the DragonFlame burning !

Someone find out this wanker's home address so we can rock up and beat the living crap out of him.
Tried to give RUUN another go today but still hating the screeching vocals. They really are piss poor... Shame because the instruments are really cool. Kinda like a simpler Burst crossed with Anathema. Can't tolerate lead vox that bad, though... The clean singing is OK. Mediocre but not men-making-pricks-of-themselves bad.
evildave said:
Tried to give RUUN another go today but still hating the screeching vocals. They really are piss poor... Shame because the instruments are really cool. Kinda like a simpler Burst crossed with Anathema. Can't tolerate lead vox that bad, though... The clean singing is OK. Mediocre but not men-making-pricks-of-themselves bad.

you can listen to "burst", but not to "enslaved"? did you eat paste as a kid?
NineFeetUnderground said:
you can listen to "burst", but not to "enslaved"? did you eat paste as a kid?

Frequently ate fish paste sandwiches. Does that count? Burst are great. There's nothing about them I don't like.
Well, one thing you could dislike about Burst is that they are not Enslaved.
that goes without saying. i dunno why we are even comparing them, i see no aspects of burst in enslaved AT ALL. i don't really see any anathema in their sound either. evildave fails.
Oh no! I failed!! :lol:

Well, I said "Kinda like a...". The similarity isn't overwhelming, but they do both use some similar devices.

You can hear that they're both often using similarly melodic repeating riffs on unmuted-strings, they often both use one-note staccato "stabbing" rhythm guitar riffs on unmuted-strings, and mix them both with more chuggy almost "classic" metal guitar riffs. I think it's a great mix that works really well for both bands.

There are major differences, obviously. Enslaved sound darker. The rhythms are more complex in Burst, Burst use some psychadelic swirling modulation effects and, of course, the vocals on Burst don't suck donkeys. :p

And in the clean vocal sections on Ruun they remind me of Anathema. But not as good.

With a beter vocalist I think Enslaved would be pretty awesome...
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