The ENSLAVED thread

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Seriously, Enslaved and its current fanbase are classic examples of the 'underconfident metalhead' syndrome: they don't really believe in what they're doing, so they ape mainstream forms in a metal context and hope it impresses suckers.
affinityband said:
says the guy who listens and praises appalling bands religiously.

FYI: Unless he creates another username he won't be visiting the Opeth forum again. I have little doubt he will be PM'ing me soon calling me a pussy and NFU's bitch as others have done in the past... but "frankly my dear...."

Don Samsara said:
He was not "Banned"... but I did make it so he is no longer able to visit the Opeth forum.

^So instead of banning him you hacked him, found his adress, and killed him or put him in a wheelchair? Nice job!
lmao @ "underconfident metalheads"

what does that even mean?
^It means that like all "confident" metalheads, we should be going out burning churches, raping virgins and killing people :rolleyes:
Its a giant manlike beast usually lives in a mountain or Cave...likes to eat large animals including humans...and turn to stone if caught in sunlight.

not very smart.

also...some like to tell riddles to goats and then eat them. ...strange.
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