The ENSLAVED thread

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Larsson said:
The drumming on Eld sucks. Is it Trym?

The drumming on ELD is amazing! Its the production of it which isnt the best (although now, having listened to the album so many times, I actually like the production).

The drumming on ELD was done by Harald Helgeson.
Saw Enslaved's show on the Øya festival yesterday. Great setlist and very well performance :D

here's the setlist:
Path to Vanir
Fusion of Sense and Earth
The Dead Stare
Return to Yggdrasil

Im not 100% sure about the order but it was something very similar. 'twas a great show.
Grutle is a great frontman <3
and ya the path to vanir video is unintentionally hilarious with the guy running around in the snow
My Arms said:
Saw Enslaved's show on the Øya festival yesterday. Great setlist and very well performance :D

here's the setlist:
Path to Vanir
Fusion of Sense and Earth
The Dead Stare
Return to Yggdrasil

Im not 100% sure about the order but it was something very similar. 'twas a great show.
Grutle is a great frontman <3

aweesome, you lucky soul.
short "interview"

and here's a translation:

Interviewer: " If you lost the pants you wear on stage, would you a: wear bright dungarees ( sp?) or b: play nude?

Grutle : "Without pants I feel very free, my bass hides the jewels anyways"

Interviewer " Exactly, but you Herbrand is known for doing some gigs without pants behind the keyboard?"

Herbrand: " Yeah no can see it, now I've gotten a nice cloth in front of the keyboad"

Interviewer: " kinda like the newsreader on television"

Herbrand: " I've often been naked on stage"

Interviewer: "Do you think newsreaders often are? That's where you got the inspiration from?"

Herbrand : " Im pretty sure they do"

bought the road to yuggdrasill - live in bergen DVD today. great stuff. i was suprised by how much ISA stuff was on it though. nethertheless a top watch, albeit a short one.
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