The ENSLAVED thread

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haha, i had a mate who likes cradle of filth and last year he wore his "Jesus is a Cunt" shirt, which has that written in huge writing on the back (pretty lame imo) to a pub and some older guy got really pissed at him and told him to take it off and threatened him with violence if he didnt.
Scourge of Malice said:
Haha that's retarded if they really got mad at an Enslaved shirt. Why on earth would they assume it has anything to do with slavery?

maybe because black people were enslaved a couple hundred years ago? might just be a shot in the dark, but im willing to bet that has something to do with it. :rolleyes:
a lot of scandanavian black metal bands are pretty fucking racist too, that might have something to do with it. pretty sure enslaved arent but who knows
saut said:
a lot of scandanavian black metal bands are pretty fucking racist too, that might have something to do with it. pretty sure enslaved arent but who knows

It is only a small handful of Black Metal bands who have a National Socialist philosophy. They make up a very small percentage of the Black Metal landscape, the rest being either pagan or anti-Christian.

Enslaved are not National Socialist at all, but they are proud of their heritage, nothing wrong in that.
The Hubster said:
It is only a small handful of Black Metal bands who have a National Socialist philosophy. They make up a very small percentage of the Black Metal landscape, the rest being either pagan or anti-Christian.

Enslaved are not National Socialist at all, but they are proud of their heritage, nothing wrong in that.
Here you have one of them:

Yes that would be Graveland. Rob Darken is a fucking dickhead.

The Poona of Peshwa said:
Many non-NSBM band members are racist anyways.

I'd have to disagree there. There's definitely a number of them, but I would say it's far from a majority.
Yes, it's Darken. I wonder how much fucking LARP gear that guy have.

Is there anyone who know where you can buy the Graveland albums? Heard they are good.

Edit: Or rather, I read these reviews:

Edit again:You have to click reviews and then pick one of the Graveland albums from the list. If that was'nt obvious enough.
Larsson said:
Yes, it's Darken. I wonder how much fucking LARP gear that guy have.

Is there anyone who know where you can buy the Graveland albums? Heard they are good.

Surprisingly enough its quite easily available I've found. To be honest, it's okay musically, but gets a bit repetitive. Besides, why would you want to spend money on a bastard like Darken?
The Hubster said:
Surprisingly enough its quite easily available I've found. To be honest, it's okay musically, but gets a bit repetitive. Besides, why would you want to spend money on a bastard like Darken?
I like owning albums. Besides I bought an album from a murderer today anyway. Dissection first full-length. Eventually im maybe going to get a Burzum album too. Im definetly going to buy De Mysteriis though so I will soon add another one to the list.

And lets not forget Fausts little incident. Im listening to In The Nightside Eclipse right now.
NineFeetUnderground said:
why are you banging your head at me?

hehe - because you mentioned that the black people would have been offended because of their history of being enslaved. My banging the head on the table is me going "god how did I not think of that, simple historical fact". :)
The Hubster said:
hehe - because you mentioned that the black people would have been offended because of their history of being enslaved. My banging the head on the table is me going "god how did I not think of that, simple historical fact". :)
If the band name had been Enslave I would have understood it. Or if the t-shirt had featured an actual enslaved black person on it. Oh well...
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