The EoR title track is ready for sampling at CM's site!

Cant wait to hear this in proper format on July 29th

Took me a couple of listens for it to sink in. Theres alot going on, which is good, now i just have that chorus in my head. Quality stuff.
HemiGTX said:
Having that one damn song is killing me! I feel so greedy, and ungrateful, but I want more. MORE! It's just not enough. :( But, I'm happy to have it though. I'm on strict rations now. Played once a day. That's all I'm getting.

:p. Yeah it sucks to be me now... I bought three new albums yesterday... but after hearing the new Nevermore song they sound like arse :(.
PiNkMaGGiT said:
:p. Yeah it sucks to be me now... I bought three new albums yesterday... but after hearing the new Nevermore song they sound like arse :(.


I know what you mean, heh. Earlier I had "St. Anger" play on my Winamp, and I just couldn't listen to it - I skipped back to the EoR track! The new Metallica track sounds like garbage (or arse as you put it, hehe) compared to EoR.
If someone would be so kind, could one of you email me the mp3, because none of these damn links work for me, not one. I'd greatly appreciate it. My email is Just list it as an attachment if someone would. I greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Tee, thanks for the effort to send it to me, but for some reason it never got to my email. If you could try once more I'd be eternally grateful, but you don't have to. Email is