the existence appreciation thread


Jul 6, 2003
Murdock, NE
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here we are, and its pretty fucking amazing what this really is, and i love it, and i love all of you, even though you may be douchebags, but you can't help but be part of it. i think we should all remember this during difficult times...when looking in the mirror, instead of asking yourself, "who am i," ask yourself, "what is it :OMG:" speed, maybe you could "use" this "idea" during your extistential crisises. you can't help but be an alive beautiful being. its something that none of us "have" on eachother.

concerning god, divinity, and what this is...we can speculate all we want, but the bottom line is, there is the ultimate wonder and question. look no further folks, the experience you are having IS the answer.

peace out,

reverend joe
here we are, and its pretty fucking amazing what this really is, and i love it, and i love all of you, even though you may be douchebags, but you can't help but be part of it. i think we should all remember this during difficult times...when looking in the mirror, instead of asking yourself, "who am i," ask yourself, "what is it :OMG:" speed, maybe you could "use" this "idea" during your extistential crisises. you can't help but be an alive beautiful being. its something that none of us "have" on eachother.

concerning god, divinity, and what this is...we can speculate all we want, but the bottom line is, there is the ultimate wonder and question. look no further folks, the experience you are having IS the answer.

peace out,

reverend joe

That's a healthy attitude. Appreciate the present moment, but still live with concern for the long-term consequences of your actions.
We should embrace life with all its struggles, and Nietzsche says we should even enjoy the struggles. Struggling can make you feel more alive than never having any obstacles to overcome.
I'm not with you on the loving everyone idea though, Joe, since to love everyone equally is to love no one. We have to discriminate and value some people more than others and consider some entirely unlovable.
"I'm not with you on the loving everyone idea though, Joe, since to love everyone equally is to love no one. We have to discriminate and value some people more than others and consider some entirely unlovable."

this is a pretty territorial take on love.

this is also what i mean by not "having anything" on eachother. we have in common that we want to be happy and full.

in the morality thread, you mentioned a 6th stage. now i'm not gonna waltz in here and claim that i've achieved it, but i think maybe this concept hovers in that realm, along with "love the sinner, but hate the sin."

"We should embrace life with all its struggles, and Nietzsche says we should even enjoy the struggles. Struggling can make you feel more alive than never having any obstacles to overcome."

and nietzsche's struggles got the best of him, poor guy. i remember reading a passage by him about his seeing a particular strength in those without the desire to rule, while having a desire to rule reveals a weakness, driven by fear of being part of the flock.

now based on nietzche's convictive and vulgar writing, i'd say he "suffered" from that very desire to rule.
What is it that makes you think Nietzsche wanted to be a ruler?

He did encourage people generally to try and think like rulers with wonderful lines like this: "I want to hear your ruling idea, and not that you have escaped from a yoke." That's a great one for all political dissidents to bear in mind.
Loving everyone won't eradicate love; killing everyone might. :)

I personally don't see Love as some finite resource that needs to be restricted for it's own sake. Love for some however, may have a selfish quality to it though I wouldn't consider this sort of love, genuine.
here we are, and its pretty fucking amazing what this really is, and i love it, and i love all of you, even though you may be douchebags, but you can't help but be part of it. i think we should all remember this during difficult times...when looking in the mirror, instead of asking yourself, "who am i," ask yourself, "what is it :OMG:" speed, maybe you could "use" this "idea" during your extistential crisises. you can't help but be an alive beautiful being. its something that none of us "have" on eachother.

concerning god, divinity, and what this is...we can speculate all we want, but the bottom line is, there is the ultimate wonder and question. look no further folks, the experience you are having IS the answer.

peace out,

reverend joe

This reminds me of Epictetus: “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”

My little crisis abated. Really, I got lucky. I obtained a new job in Jan., double my old salary, and at the top of my profession, plus I now live next to the beach. I have a ridiculously wonderful fiancee, and a very loving family.

However, I must say, I still am in sort of a funk about the meaning of it all. Society really bothers me these days. Why bother with art, philosophy, etc, in such an adolescent superficial society, with such an abundance of everything? Lord, there's countless books being written, philosophy papers being proofed, mediocre literature being printed, music being created, etc. Im concerned theres so much, such an abundance, that it almost eliminates the meaning of anything worthwhile these days. And everyone thinks they have the power to individually make a contribution too, when in reality they probably shouldnt, or the contribution is totally ignored.
However, I must say, I still am in sort of a funk about the meaning of it all. Society really bothers me these days. Why bother with art, philosophy, etc, in such an adolescent superficial society, with such an abundance of everything? Lord, there's countless books being written, philosophy papers being proofed, mediocre literature being printed, music being created, etc. Im concerned theres so much, such an abundance, that it almost eliminates the meaning of anything worthwhile these days. And everyone thinks they have the power to individually make a contribution too, when in reality they probably shouldnt, or the contribution is totally ignored.

The contribution may be ignored in the historical, 'the great Speed wrote such and such' sense, but everything is contributory... I don't think meaning is eliminated, outcomes are just less defined and obvious. Meaning is obscured, perhaps? Whether that eliminates it probably depends on the sort of meaning you look for ;)

Somehow I agree with Joe and NM on the love / life appreciation aspects. I can feel a sense of 'love' for the whole, and the individuals as part of it share a sense of that, but I also seperate them out for distinct valuation. Specific love and generalised love? :loco:
However, I must say, I still am in sort of a funk about the meaning of it all. Society really bothers me these days. Why bother with art, philosophy, etc, in such an adolescent superficial society, with such an abundance of everything? Lord, there's countless books being written, philosophy papers being proofed, mediocre literature being printed, music being created, etc. Im concerned theres so much, such an abundance, that it almost eliminates the meaning of anything worthwhile these days. And everyone thinks they have the power to individually make a contribution too, when in reality they probably shouldnt, or the contribution is totally ignored.

I completely agree with you on this one.
Most of the time I feel like everything has already been done, there's nothing I could possibly do that would make a difference or that would contribute something.

Also, the way I see it, society rules our lives. And most of us don't even realise that. We are doing everything we are expected to do, go to school, get a job, buy a house, ... but for what sake? To be a happy human being, maybe. That used to be my answer. But then again, would it make a difference if I wouldn't be happy?

So, I don't really appreciate my existance, or think it is an amazing thing that we're here. Because I don't understand the meaning of it all. And I think us being here is just a big coincidence.
Not that I'm depressed or anything :) just so you know :cool:
ya know what. i have this idea. its 101 logic really. here, i'll lay it on ya............this experience is God. there, i just proved the existence of god. i dare you fuckers to challenge it. common, through some heidegger at me.
I would if I would be more eloquent. Unfortunately, I'm not. Which is why I posted that video. Don't want to watch it? Then don't.

But don't bother starting a thread if you don't care about someone else's opinion.
i'm sorry, i'll watch it as soon as i get out of my work office. but, what i'd much rather do is hear your opinion.

common my fellow dasien, give me a holla!!!
I completely agree with you on this one.
Most of the time I feel like everything has already been done, there's nothing I could possibly do that would make a difference or that would contribute something.

Also, the way I see it, society rules our lives. And most of us don't even realise that. We are doing everything we are expected to do, go to school, get a job, buy a house, ... but for what sake? To be a happy human being, maybe. That used to be my answer. But then again, would it make a difference if I wouldn't be happy?

So, I don't really appreciate my existance, or think it is an amazing thing that we're here. Because I don't understand the meaning of it all. And I think us being here is just a big coincidence.
Not that I'm depressed or anything :) just so you know :cool:

well, i see this is your opinion on the subject? you don't understand the meaning of our existence itself, or the meaning of your life? well, join the club. but, to consider the phenomenology of existence, and what we are is somethin'. you should check out nile577's thread on heideggers being and time. the philosophical technicalities i'm afraid are over my head, but just to consider the implications of the subject, which is what dasein does, which is you, is very beautiful.
Fuck the meaning of life. Honestly. I'm alive now, I enjoy being alive. I don't care if I was put here for a purpose or I just happen to be here, because the bottom line is that I'm here, and I like where here is and that I'm happy. Sometimes I hate being where I am and sometimes I'm unhappy, but I'm happy that I'm sometimes I'm unhappy. There are people and things that I like and love, and also people and things I dislike and hate, and I like and love the fact that I also dislike and hate.

Life is filled with bullshit, but fuck the bullshit. I'm here for the good stuff, and there's plenty of it.
Seems a little funny to start a post on your own ideas of the 'meaning of life' by saying 'fuck the meaning of life'... :)
well, i see this is your opinion on the subject? you don't understand the meaning of our existence itself, or the meaning of your life? well, join the club. but, to consider the phenomenology of existence, and what we are is somethin'. you should check out nile577's thread on heideggers being and time. the philosophical technicalities i'm afraid are over my head, but just to consider the implications of the subject, which is what dasein does, which is you, is very beautiful.

People like yourself aren't worth arguing with. I tend to get frustrated with the cognitive dissonance I see in others. We have two different world views.

I believe that this universe, this world, our lives, all of nature is incredibly beautiful and most certainly deserves the utmost respect. I hope to understand as much about it as I can before I die and to share my knowledge with loved ones. I do not look at the complexity of nature and say "this is too much for me to comprehend, I can't imagine this is all just a roll of the dice, god must be behind it somehow."

I live in reality, I don't make up imaginary friends to explain what I don't know yet. My ego isn't so great as to thirst for a greater purpose or special meaning in my life. I am an animal with a brain complex enough to realize a lot of things, a walking series of chemical reactions interacting in a society of other walking chemical reactions.

I am happier this way, and you are happier in your own view of the world no matter how desperate and full of rationalizations it may be.
Seems a little funny to start a post on your own ideas of the 'meaning of life' by saying 'fuck the meaning of life'... :)

Well I don't concider whgat I said as my ideas on the meaning of life, it's more my interpretations on life, how I see the world.