the existence appreciation thread

anonymous...fuck yes. thats the spirit dude.

"I live in reality, I don't make up imaginary friends to explain what I don't know yet. My ego isn't so great as to thirst for a greater purpose or special meaning in my life." -

lol...this is pretty much wht i do.:Smokin:
However, I must say, I still am in sort of a funk about the meaning of it all. Society really bothers me these days. Why bother with art, philosophy, etc, in such an adolescent superficial society, with such an abundance of everything? Lord, there's countless books being written, philosophy papers being proofed, mediocre literature being printed, music being created, etc. Im concerned theres so much, such an abundance, that it almost eliminates the meaning of anything worthwhile these days. And everyone thinks they have the power to individually make a contribution too, when in reality they probably shouldnt, or the contribution is totally ignored.

My my, then its time to change forums,
time to get a little culture yes? Becoming a gentlemen brings a whole shit load of meaning to life.
In a very Zen way, it's like a beautiful flower growing in a cave for no one to see.
The Western mind would consider this a waste.
That's a healthy attitude. Appreciate the present moment, but still live with concern for the long-term consequences of your actions.
We should embrace life with all its struggles, and Nietzsche says we should even enjoy the struggles. Struggling can make you feel more alive than never having any obstacles to overcome.
I'm not with you on the loving everyone idea though, Joe, since to love everyone equally is to love no one. We have to discriminate and value some people more than others and consider some entirely unlovable.

i totally agree with this "embracing life's struggles" thing, i'm online at the City of Dallas Public Library and i'm totally broke right now, and i'm gonna be living in homeless shelters till April 3rd, (when i get my money) but unlike preptown people, i'm not freaking out, i'm actually comfortable, i've been able to accept this moment of being in homeless shelters as "just another day in the life" of myself, a lot of preptown people wouldn't be able to handle this type of situation, a lot of Christians would just completely go insanse, thinking that their God had abandoned them, but i have the psychological maturity of being capable of dealing with whatever life is going to throw at me, and i'm sane enough to deal with life without "God", without having to constantly tell myself that "this is God's Will"