The extreme metal thread!Haters stay out of this

Black Metal has never really done much for me but I love my thrash and death metal.
Though I have never heard Bolt Thrower, where would be a good place to start with them?
Can't get enough of bands like Death, Testament, Carnal Forge, Strapping Young Lad, Cephalic Carnage and recently been listening to Ackercocke and been immersed in the whole Meshuggah disco for the past month.
Not gonna lie...I really can't get into death/extreme or w/e the hell metal you wanna call it. But I absolutely fucking love Opeth; one of my favorite bands - probably one of the heaviest...especially their older stuff. I tried giving ...for victory a listen and couldn't get into it. Sounds a little musically dirty, like they rubbed sand on their instruments before recording. Any other suggestions that might fall into an Opeth-esque category I may give a listen? Up for suggestions...getting musically bored lately.

Been listening to a lot of John Mayer's second album Continuum. Pretty bluesy I must say - never really "listened" to it before, he's not a bad blues guitarist.

*ahem* suggestions are much welcome! :D
Mayer's got the stuff, I've watched him, he feels its, sure theres a bag of tricks he picked up from other greats such as Hendrix and Vaughan but you can see him become the guitar, something I will always envy in those that really have it.

As for "extreme" I find those who present themselves as extreme for extremes sake to be human posers. My favorite bands are earnestly extreme... but no one listens and hears
I absolutely love Bolt Thrower. Also black metal is wonderful, if done correctly. It is my preferred genre of metal actually because I listen to bands like Ulver (the first three albums, especially the first), Emperor, Summoning, Immortal, and Dissection (first two albums). And there ya go what else do you need?

Then there's all that cool pagan atmospheric black metal crossover whateveryoucallit stuff like Skyforger, Windir, Drudkh, Moonsorrow, Falkenbach, Myrkgrav...
As for "extreme" I find those who present themselves as extreme for extremes sake to be human posers.


Yeah fucking posers
Yeah fucking posers

Not what I was refering to.

I grew up on skis and have done alot of winter time extremes. Also have alot of respect for good boarders but dont like what the amatures do to slopes... all snow to the bottom, mogels wiped out
EXTREME rocking, I hope.

I know it wasn't what you were referring to, razoredge.

Here are some topic related songs.

"ambient black metal", extreme? no? who cares, this song rules.
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Amateur skiers are just as bad.

I will be rocking my board tomorrow m/

no comparision, seriously, think about it, unless new skiers today see boarders go scraping sideways straight downhill for 20 -30 feet at a time and think thats how its done. Even then a very hard skill to master on skis... the sideways scrape... LOL. Probably less than 10* of boarders can actually carve, those that can are pretty good
The ol snowplow, its where I started for the first two days... at least its still out to the sides not wiped flat and shined straight down the hill. Everyone moves a bit around, I just couldnt believe that crap when boarders first started hitting the slopes. No offence but I was one that wanted them restricted to designated trails. Nice tight mogals on lesser pitched slopes are a thing of the past as well as the fine planing job performed. Whatever, I havent been out in 3 years anyhow, wallet is tight, skiing is expensive, transportation expensive.

No doubt good boarders can out perform skis on wilderness powered steeps, its incredible what they can do, skis seem to be a finer line between success and disaster on the radical steep virgin terrain. I like that boarders have increased the level of winter sports.