Black Metal Vol. II
OOP or hard to find gems.
1. Auzhia - "The Look of Apocalypse" (
The Key of Throne)
2. Averse Sefira - "Winter of My Bliss" (
Baphomet Sin Abset)
3. Ethereal - "Years of Virely Nihilism" (
Om Santhi)
4. Falkenbach - "Galdralag" (
...En Their Medh Riki Fara...)
5. Gehenna - "The Shivering Voice of the Ghost" (
First Spell)
6. Moonblood - "...And Snow Covered the Lifeless Bodies" (
Blut und Krieg)
7. Mütiilation - "Through the Funeral Maelstrom of Evil" (
Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul)
8. Osculum Infame - "The Nine Ghosts of the King of Power (
9. Sorcier des Glaces - "My Journey Into the Black Forest" (
10. Sort Vokter - "Grålysning" (
Folkloric Necro Metal)
11. Thorns - "Aerie Descent" (
The Trøndertun Tape)
12. Tormentor - "Elisabeth Bathory" (
Anno Domini)