The Fall of the American Empire

also food for thought... psychologists decide whther a community is failing or falling apart by the number of porn stores and strip clubs either existing or going up... i dont know about where you live but for me... (port charlotte fl) there are 3 porn porn stores and 2 strip clubs within 3 miles of my house... thats just close to me liek walking distance... can you say downhill. shits rediculous.
also food for thought... psychologists decide whther a community is failing or falling apart by the number of porn stores and strip clubs either existing or going up... i dont know about where you live but for me... (port charlotte fl) there are 3 porn porn stores and 2 strip clubs within 3 miles of my house... thats just close to me liek walking distance... can you say downhill. shits rediculous.


Did anyone see anything about the big shooting at Virginia Tech? 22 people dead for no reason. Thats not a good sign. Besides terrorism, I know of no other country, where so many random shootings that essentially are nothing more than rage against society, take place. I think we could chalk this up on a few psychotic outliers if it was just one or two a year; but it seems there's one every week.
It's a cultural rot. We're probably doomed, accept it and get drunk.

I'm moving to Scotland, where I can immerse my rot in Scotch.

Hey, its up to 31 people. Dude must have been pretty heavily armed. I mean, one person shooting 31 people takes some time. I bet there will be a copycat shooting in a few days or weeks.
I'm moving to Scotland, where I can immerse my rot in Scotch.

Hey, its up to 31 people. Dude must have been pretty heavily armed. I mean, one person shooting 31 people takes some time. I bet there will be a copycat shooting in a few days or weeks.

Actually, it wouldn't take that much time or be that difficult. Being a competition shooter for years, I know well how fast and how efficiently a gun can be emptied. The usual suspects will wail and moan about "gun control," demand "action" and engage in the predictable hand-wringing and garment rending. And dutifully miss what is really going on right under their sanctimonious noses.

The simple fact is that you cannot stop someone with nothing to lose and perhaps, a deathwish to boot. We refuse to accept this in terms of terrorism, etc.
Most all of my friends are gun-owners, collectors, shooters, etc. We all reload our own ammo, most shoot thousands of rounds per year, etc. None are a criminal threat.

It isn't the armament, it is the individual, and yes, it is the culture. When I was a kid I used to walk right down the highway to my friends house carrying a rifle - no one, police or otherwise, said a word. And this was in New York, not Wyoming.

Today, we are belligerent angry, rage-filled people(all 300+million in the US)...these things will happen.
Frankly, I am surprised these sorts of things don't occur constantly. Their infrequency (we are talking hundreds of millions of people here) is shocking to me, and speaks to the immense power of social/psychological conditioning in the modern state.
Frankly, I am surprised these sorts of things don't occur constantly. .

I agree with this.

In a country where angry and disturbed young people have such easy access to guns, I worry that horrific and despicable tragedies like this are going to be all too common.

Prozak wrote an interesting article on the subject a few years ago.

[derbeder - Actually, giving it a second read, that article is wack. I remembered it as arguing that heavy metal music could be a positive force for overcoming isolation but there is a really strange slant put on it and some ridiculous statements]
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Perhaps if he stopped at the Korova Milk Bar for a night-cap it would help...

Haha clockwork orange... great stuff. Yea and it is rather suprising now that i think of it because being a senior in highschool I come across many disturbed... severly depressed people who seem as if they are about ready to snap... wow. that why I am nice ot them.
Your gulliver may be tolchocked horrorshow as a consequence.

Excellent. I can always count on you for the wittiest allusion.

Actually, the shooter was S Korean. I know I was expecting some portly pallid pimply white male. Of course, America has directly meddled in S. Korea for the last 50 years, so I can see why he might be pissed off at American society.
I doubt they'll wheel out that battered piñata. The typical metal aesthetic/sound has become increasingly mainstream and devoid of "shock value". How many millions of kids beam Lucifer directly into America's Wholesome Family-rooms via "guitar hero" and other games? It might get a mention if its something like Rotting Christ, but I think we are past the days of Manson/Slipknot, etc. being such controversial acts.
Excellent. I can always count on you for the wittiest allusion.

Actually, the shooter was S Korean. I know I was expecting some portly pallid pimply white male. Of course, America has directly meddled in S. Korea for the last 50 years, so I can see why he might be pissed off at American society.

You really think that was the reason?
I agree with this.

Prozak wrote an interesting article on the subject a few years ago.

Black metal mocks the "scariness" of its own appearance and takes itself unseriously to work seriously; Marilyn Manson takes his unserious appearance seriously.

Unlike most music black metal addresses the sublimated void within human experience. A truly dark representation of loneliness, isolation, nihilism, darkness, fear, pain and doubt, once you peel back layers of socialization and entertainment, is the world-view of black metal.

Society hides this darkness, but art has periodically brought it forth coherently, in such stalker-killer classics as _The Catcher in the Rye_ and _In Cold Blood_ or the rigorous minimalist violence of heavy metal. But black metal is the first to approach it with love and acceptance, and through it, to realize that the what society hopes to evade is not the worst scenario it is presupposed to be, and in fact preferrable to the suffocating sterility of a world in which all has been rendered neutral to avoid the potential pain of its loss.

Would black metal have "saved" these people? Probably not physically - the endorsements of violence, fascism, genocide, racism, destruction and sodomy in black metal might have given them new directions to take as well - but in the metaphysical world, yes: black metal would have given them a hope of articulating and overcoming their world, where with another commercial "product" to hear, they had none.

Is it not astounding that no one took it upon themselves to be a "hero" and tackle the gunman? They all seemed to just passively do as they were told, or leap from windows. I consider this the predictable consequence of diversity. It creates an every-man-for-himself individualism. No one wants to risk their life for others they feel no common bond with.

If the gunman had been Middle-Eastern then this would serve as war propaganda against Iran.

I agree that it is astonishing there are not more such incidents. Actually, if civilians were being killed at the rate they are in Iraq then there would be (taking population size into account) about 300 Americans getting blown up each day.
What does diversity have to do with a lack of bond?
People bond in small communities because there is a clear benefit to doing so - helping George the greengrocer one day means he is more likely to help you the next. In a much larger community, there is less (or none) long term interaction with the individuals we come across along the way, so we lack any motivation to help them.