The Fall of the American Empire

I wouldn't just point fingers at the United States, it's a problem that has manifested in Western Culture in general and many Eastern Countries arn't in a position high enough to even fall. I can see collapse of modern society within the next 20 years and I even encourage it because it's at the point now where the damage is too great within the ever Liberal culture that lacks responsibility and purpose, to fix the problems. The sooner it falls, the quicker it's rebuilt.

World history has pretty much been in a circular motion so another Dark Ages really isn't all that far-fetched.
Everyone needs to stop kidding themselves. The government isn't out to get us because they already have us. The illusion of "Freedom" keeps the masses calm and the capitalist market system keeps people wanting shit they don't need and DOCILE! Conspiracy theories? LMAO! The governent has lied to the public rather BLATANTLY and no conspiracy theories are needed to determine why we were lied to. If only america gave a shit about what the media choses to tell and not tell us anymore, maybe we would actually have to take the time to develope a conspiracy theory!

Focus on the good things?! LMAO. Ignore those dead bodies that could have been avoided if people gave a FUCK but focus on the aid that was obviously going to be given by congress. Like the people would stand by and watch congress do nothing to assist these poor families and individuals?! Appointing an incompetent motherfucker to a position of enormous importance to the public is something to just forget about? Your right, who cares? Just look forward. Its not like rich white people will ever need the assistance of the government in a crisis anyway. Oh wait, they will to stop the "looters"...
i agree with a lot of what you all are saying.

the issue lies in western culture and as SteveO said "the american way" of doing things. that, given the freedom that the doctrine of government we have allows, has given rise to this monstrosity and is manifesting itself elsewhere in the world by association.
DreamingofUr said:
Everyone needs to stop kidding themselves. The government isn't out to get us because they already have us. The illusion of "Freedom" keeps the masses calm and the capitalist market system keeps people wanting shit they don't need and DOCILE! Conspiracy theories? LMAO! The governent has lied to the public rather BLATANTLY and no conspiracy theories are needed to determine why we were lied to. If only america gave a shit about what the media choses to tell and not tell us anymore, maybe we would actually have to take the time to develope a conspiracy theory!

What is this "illusion of freedom" you speak of? What does the goverment do that inhibits your rights to do basicly anything you want? The only things I can think of is maybe killing your neighbor if he pisses you off, engaging is sexual relations with a minor or mabey enjoying a toke off a joint. I just dont see what exactly the problem is. Dick Cheney was doing an interview when he was down in NO and some dumb fuck was there telling the vice president of the united state you go fuck himself. Is this guy in jail? No, because he has a right to free speech. Go to africa and tell the leader of one of those countrys to go fuck himself and what do you think will happen?

DreamingofUr said:
Focus on the good things?! LMAO. Ignore those dead bodies that could have been avoided if people gave a FUCK but focus on the aid that was obviously going to be given by congress. Like the people would stand by and watch congress do nothing to assist these poor families and individuals?! Appointing an incompetent motherfucker to a position of enormous importance to the public is something to just forget about? Your right, who cares? Just look forward. Its not like rich white people will ever need the assistance of the government in a crisis anyway. Oh wait, they will to stop the "looters"...
Dude, it was a natural disaster. How can you lay blame on the goverment for a natural disaster? You talk about the dead bodies, but you know what? If those people would have left when they had a chance they wouldnt be dead right now. They chose to stay, by there own choice. Nobody forced them to stay. Another one of those freedoms and rights that they had as a citizen of this country.

And dude, using words like fuck and motherfucker makes your posts seem more like rants other than mature, intelligent discussion.
Speed, you're on crack. The "crisis" in New Orleans is limited to those who couldn't avoid a hurricane in two days. It moved at 15 mph and had several hundred miles to cover; if they walked for six hours, they would have been out of the danger zone.

The race relations issue has two sides: whites trying to play world steward, and other races trying to get their share of the white pie.

America is declining because the West is declining. I've ranted about this at length in various articles. No common culture = no direction = money takes over. Another guy ranted about that. His name was Aristotle, and he predicted that this would all happen.

RIP America, long live Germans!
Lord SteveO said:
Well can't we just start a new country populated by wise and sensible people and say long live to that.
reminds me of the "god bless america" stickers. what BS. God doesn't care about the political machine that is "america". its people that matter, not the government systems. and this one needs to be replaced.
I agree. But sadly the "god bless blah blah blah" seems to be stuck fast into American life. Is not even printed on the money too?

Religion should never be allowed to mix with the politics of a country, it should be there for people to turn to should they feel the need but should never be as involved as it is in America. And by that i mean the way that in the last election a large number of votes were won by bush becuase he apealed to the white christians in the mid west.
Religion has always mixed with the politics of a country. Our state was meant to not be religiously oppressive. This does not mean that it was meant to be entirely and completely secular. Bush asking the (Christians of) the country to pray with him is merely his way of reassuring some 70% of the population. I don't feel oppressed; I just feel compelled to ignore it. His appeal to white christians was merely an effective campaign tactic - appealing to a similar sense of morality.
an almost forgotten, now mockery of religion does exist on our money. "in God we trust" is printed on all of it. more likely the phrase now signifies, in our god, money, we trust.
Silent Song said:
too bad German is one of the most common ancestry's in America. rather say, long live the wise.

Yes, but a common ancestry is a plurality, not a majority. The German Americans live on while America collapses and is left to its new overlords, the collected third world posse...
Silent Song said:
an almost forgotten, now mockery of religion does exist on our money. "in God we trust" is printed on all of it. more likely the phrase now signifies, in our god, money, we trust.

I agree. I think money turned religion into shit. There's nothing wrong with good spiritual belief, and by its nature, it is fanatical, which is something I admire (why be a half-ass? if you believe something, live it and die for it!). If there was more of this kind of religion (Hitleresque and Osamabinladenesque as it is), we'd all be in a healthier world.

Or rather, most of us would ;)
Silent Song said:
an almost forgotten, now mockery of religion does exist on our money. "in God we trust" is printed on all of it. more likely the phrase now signifies, in our god, money, we trust.

How true. Religion adopted that moniker in 330 ad anyway with the Imperial organization of the Roman Catholic church. If you dont believe me, walk around any European or South American city, and wonder why there is a huge catholic church on every corner, filled with gold, stained glass, marble, donation boxes. The protestant churches merely believed in using their religion as a moral christian right to make more money for their followers, instead of hoarding all the money within a huge bureaucratic organization. Why are there monks with credit card machines in the crypt of Assisi? I started laughing when I saw that. Why were spiritual men such as Meister Eckhardt, the Cathars, etc either ignored or persecuted? It is clear that religion hasnt been about spiritual growth in some time.
Overly patriotic, arrogant and narrow-mindeded perhaps. We also like a good fight. You could even say that we're more irish than the Irish (Scots-Irish being the backbone of our culture).

All this talk of us being without values and morals; all this talk about a lack of community and blind greed; I have no idea where you people get this stuff.

Macro-economics I don't understand. I can see that we are in trouble, but I have issue with the tone of determinism which dominates this thread. They can come up with statistics all day long to predict who will win the game, but on any given Sunday, the locker room can explode with emotion and the ball can make some crazy hops. That's why they play the game.
Lord SteveO said:
I don't think the world hates all Americans, only the "american way".

SUPERBLY written, and I agree 110%. If I say f**k America, it's the American way of life and belief system they have that I am saying f**k to.

I used to have a little quote a few years ago, that I kinda kept to myself:

"America is the only country in the world which is run not by politicians, but by the media".
speed said:
... why were spiritual men such as Meister Eckhardt, the Cathars, etc either ignored or persecuted?

Don't get me started on what the Catholic Church did to the Cathars.

They ordered the Knights of the Templar to sack Montsegur simply because the Cathars wished to keep their beliefs of duality and the Catholic Church deem this un-Christian. Innocent women and children died for nothing.

It cracks me up how Western society labels Islamics terrorists. The truth is, FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS, and they have been for many a century! How many religions and civilisations have fallen under the flag of Christ?

Christianity is FAR MORE violent and oppressive than Islam could ever hope to be. Flying planes into towers is nothing compared to the attrocities committed (continuously!) by Christianity. Innocent women and children raped, beautiful cultures assimilated, countless sacred sites torched to the ground around the world and more racism than you can imagine.

(For the record, I am not Islamic. I am a London-born Australian raised Sikh and agnostic leaning slightly towards Paganistic. I am extremely against organised religion overall, violence, rape, racism and homophobia among other things. I am for womens rights, gay rights, animal rights and treating others kindly among other things).

(Apologies for my explosion)