The Fall of the Mighty Mattias

He's out sightseeing with his new ladyfriend....

ashaman7122 said:
Where is that rat bastard anyway?

Rock on!

There isn't much to do in here. My good posts get deleted, and trolling on a board like this is unefficient. I need crappy old boards like PMX where I can see exactly where I must strike right from the main page. Here I have to read every damn post to see anything interesting, fuck that.
Mattias of the Night said:
There isn't much to do in here. My good posts get deleted, and trolling on a board like this is unefficient. I need crappy old boards like PMX where I can see exactly where I must strike right from the main page. Here I have to read every damn post to see anything interesting, fuck that.

I'm sorry our precious UM forum makes it difficult for you. If you'd learn to read without your lips moving, it might go faster.

Go on...give it a try. There you go...keep it to yourself...listen to the voices in your head...good boy...

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
I'm sorry our precious UM forum makes it difficult for you. If you'd learn to read without your lips moving, it might go faster.

Go on...give it a try. There you go...keep it to yourself...listen to the voices in your head...good boy...

Rock on!

Actually, for efficient speed reading there shouldn't even be a voice in your head saying the words you read. To truly read fast, one must be able to simply see the word and recognize it without having to tell yourself what the word is, like when looking at a photo. When I saw MetalRose's picture, for example, I didn't need to tell myself "disgustingly overweight obesity loving American" to interpret it. I recognized it instantly.
whenever i see "Mattias of the Night" it reminds me oddly of the Phantom of the Opera, only a poser-version without the cool attitude and sexy mystique. in other words, a caped cook
Mattias of the Night said:
Actually, for efficient speed reading there shouldn't even be a voice in your head saying the words you read. To truly read fast, one must be able to simply see the word and recognize it without having to tell yourself what the word is, like when looking at a photo. When I saw MetalRose's picture, for example, I didn't need to tell myself "disgustingly overweight obesity loving American" to interpret it. I recognized it instantly.

Actually, I have a mirror as my avatar, so you're looking at yourself turd muncher.

As far as your "good posts" getting deleted, that makes a total of one right?

Mattias of the Night said:
Actually, for efficient speed reading there shouldn't even be a voice in your head saying the words you read. To truly read fast, one must be able to simply see the word and recognize it without having to tell yourself what the word is, like when looking at a photo. When I saw MetalRose's picture, for example, I didn't need to tell myself "disgustingly overweight obesity loving American" to interpret it. I recognized it instantly.

Matty - Your non-humorous, attempt to shock, nothing to say, no reason to be, message board demeanor is sooooooooooooooooo, '90s and sooooooooooooooooooo over.

YOU are the only cunt on this board. I can't see why Glenn thought you were special. :tickled: :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:
Mattias of the Night said:
Actually, for efficient speed reading there shouldn't even be a voice in your head saying the words you read. To truly read fast, one must be able to simply see the word and recognize it without having to tell yourself what the word is, like when looking at a photo. When I saw MetalRose's picture, for example, I didn't need to tell myself "disgustingly overweight obesity loving American" to interpret it. I recognized it instantly.
Hey, Mattias the dickhead. By the way, are you from England? Because if you are, I wouldn't insult us here in the U.S. Just remember this cockhead. We beat your asses in two wars and saved your asses in two other wars. Now run off like a little sissy boy and when you grow up, you can show your pubes to mommy and daddy. You're about as popular as a fart in a phonebooth.