The Fathomless Mastery Reviews - What do you think about it?

Adapted minions? :lol: You haven't considered the distant but possible fact that not everyone has the same preference as you when it comes to keeping threads completely on topic? I was merely pointing out something that sounded funny in a song from the album we were discussing, which lead to us going further on the same topic. That is not even near derailing the thread. I don't really see anyone besides you complaining either.
It would just be nice if the review-thread could have some more thoughtful posts at least the first few pages, thats all.
Im sure the band especially would appreciate this, 'cause I bet they are reading.
I love it and the album blows Unblessing The Purity out of the water on all levels.


Drink From The Cup of Heresy
Hades Rising
At The Behest of Their Death
blakkheim writes the best music in the band imo, his playing is less conventional than anyone else in the band and his music is very dark sinister evil and downright menacing and you can tell what he writes before knowing who wrote what. I like what everyone in the band writes, but fuck what blakkhiem writes is pure musical genius and a touch of badass. completly warped.
the thing he does which usually reveals him as the writer are all the those eerie tremolos with one guitar high and one low. they add an eerie touch that's for sure. he's also smart enough to play around with the tones within the melodies. it's very easy to fall into a standard black metal mode while doing those but it never really happened.
I've listened to it twice, first time i didn't like it to much but the second time with my headphones on, i really appreciated it. Think this gonna be a killer album. Now i'm really excited to get the cd!
Well, I seem to be the only one here to absolutely love it from the first to the last second. I had hopes/expectations after UTP, but I never could have hoped it would be this awesome.

The little that lacked on UTP is made up for on this album, an even better mix/production, Mikael's vocals are possibly even more sick and evil than on the EP, the overal quality is pulled up, the performance/playing is fantastic with a special mention for Mr. Axenrot on the drums, he absolutely annihilates.

Except for the obvious Morbid Angel influences, there are also more old-school Stockholm sounds again (Wretched Human Mirror could have been on an old Dismember album, ending melodic lead in Hades Rising).

Apart from the overwhelming power and brutality of the entire album, each song on the album has at least some riff/break/vocal line/melody that I like and look forward to when the song starts. There is not a song on the album I would even remotely consider skipping. I must say that indeed Anders' songs are standouts, but saying that is pretty much automatically an injustice towards the other songs.

I think it's amazing that these guys with their project/'fun' band that they are doing in the scarce free time that they have outside their main priority bands, produce an album of a quality that 99,9% of the dedicated Death Metal bands out there can't even dream of creating. This is without doubt and by far my favourite Bloodbath release so far.

I agree although I still like RTC and BD better. When I first heard the album I was happy with the Morbid Angel sound. Morbid Angel is one of my fav death metal bands and Vincent one of my favorite vocalists. Finally, we get to hear a different side to Mike! Not that I don;t like his normal side, but we've heard it all before; this is fresh and devastatingly good.

Musically I find the album flows very well. I'm definitely more happy with it than NMF and it's more satisfying than UTP (considering UTP was only 4 songs). I also agree with the others that find it more "cleaned up" sound wise than UTP.

For all of you that don't think bloodbath has lost the art of "catchy" riffs, 2 titles for you: Iesous and Drink from the cup of heresy. Those songs immediately got stuck in my head. The album took a little while to grow on me but now that I've listened to it probably close to 100 times I'm very happy with the direction they took. They're now taking their music seriously and pumping out some fantastic death metal.

And not to mention.....Axe is incredible.
Finally, we get to hear a different side to Mike! Not that I don;t like his normal side, but we've heard it all before; this is fresh and devastatingly good.

Agreed, great to hear him expand his growl. With Opeth its like he has given up on that and only focus on developing his cleans.

Musically I find the album flows very well. I'm definitely more happy with it than NMF and it's more satisfying than UTP (considering UTP was only 4 songs). I also agree with the others that find it more "cleaned up" sound wise than UTP.

I think the end of Mock the Cross is placed too early and is messing a bit with the so called flow.
Sure it has more songs than UTP but if i compare the two i think UTP has much higher quality if you look at it as a whole, I preffer quality over quantity.

For all of you that don't think bloodbath has lost the art of "catchy" riffs, 2 titles for you: Iesous and Drink from the cup of heresy. Those songs immediately got stuck in my head.

I think Drink from the cup of heresy is kinda messy.
I find Devouring the Feeble and Mock the Cross more catchy.

Other than Devouring the Feeble I would add Iesous, Mock the Cross and Treasonous as favourites.
I've found after quite a number of listens that The Fathomless Mastery was the album I didn't know I wanted from Bloodbath.

Dan Swanö is gone, this is more clear than ever on the new release.

That being said, Bloodbath has taken its original indent to be a tribute to original death metal and progressed it to a modern view on the genre.

Listening to Nightmares Made Flesh, both Unblessing the Purity and The Fathomless Mastery seem like very logical steps and I think they are still quite relevant and important releases. While UTP is superior in its execution, The Fathomless Mastery has a quite a bit to offer and just as many, if not more, places to move forward.

Blakkheim certainly contributed the best of the crop this time around, but I believe that's because we've become accustomed to the catchier side of this project. Both Jonas' and Per's tracks rely on the foundations of death metal (and metal in general) in that they do not need to satisfy one's urge to "sing along", but rather explore the uncomfortable. Much like horror films, the classic styles were so captivating because they had little regard for being politically-correct. As that industry became tamer, the movies became...well, lamer.

Metal is very much the same way. There is a formulaic approach for so many death metal acts out there that we've accepted as the norm, which is why it can be so boring. I think that Jonas and Per were responding to that norm with what death metal started out as.

The tracks initially seem generic but it becomes apparent after repeated listens that these songs have far more substance than meets the ear.

While I don't believe Bloodbath was entirely successful with this release, they have proven there is still much to do with the genre. It is an extremely brutal release, and Mike certainly sounds angrier than I've heard (Mike is to angry death growl on TFM as Mike is to emotional death growl on Brave Murder Day).

One thing that certainly stands out on this album is that (almost) every track is better than the last , Wretched Human Mirror possibly being the best on the release. Even more so than Nightmares Made Flesh and Unblessing the Purity, I am fascinated by what this band could accomplish with the next release.

Much praise to the guys for the hard work, congratulations on everything. Additional praise to Dusty for his artistic contribution, looks great man.

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Favorite Track(s): Treasonous, Earthrot, Hades Rising, Wretched Human Mirror
Lease Favorite Track(s): Mock the Cross
Eventho I usually rave about Swanös groovey songs I think the no. 1 songwriter in Bloodbath is Mr Nyström. On the new album however, his song didnt take me anywhere, while Renkse and Sodomäzah' manage to write a couple of songs each that I really dig.

Qth, if you listen to Heir Apperant Mike has some of his Vincent-style growling in that song as well, rather similair to what you hear on TFM, tho lower in the mix. Oh, and if you ever call me an adapted minion again I'll see to it that the next bloodbath happens in uppsala rather than stockholm.
Thanks for the heads up on Heir Apperant. I wasnt reffering to you with that remark, but two other spamoholics who hasnt opened their mouths yet in this thread.
A bloodbath in uppsala sounds nice anyway, lets bring it! :)
Thanks for the heads up on Heir Apperant. I wasnt reffering to you with that remark, but two other spamoholics who hasnt opened their mouths yet in this thread.
A bloodbath in uppsala sounds nice anyway, lets bring it! :)

You callin sweetheart? Mrs. Look at me I made a thread about the new album so I'm teh khool.

Because I haven't got it yet, and because I've just downloaded it.

And I'm assuming the German dude hasn't either.

And stop with the judging, if you think I spam I do it with my own will.
i've listened to the album many times now and really, the only 2 songs i like on it are mock the cross and at the behest of their death. not a horrible album, i was just very disappointed considering how much i loved UTP