the feel good thread

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Not really, its spoken in more countries than English is. Its actually the 4th most spoken language in the world.
Sarcasm, dumbass.
This thread sucks. Get on topic or I'm closing it because there's no point.
Close it. We have mutantllama's "thread about joy and enjoyment" for this purpose.
So I was right...

Is that the correct order? Fortes Fortuna Juvat?

Word order is looser in Latin because the word endings tell you more about what their purpose in the sentence is than does syntax. General rule is to put the verb at the end (which is the case here).

I don't know if that's the right order since I've never encountered that motto, but it's grammatically sound.
Yeah, I get that. I just know that that quote comes from Vergil, and I thought that "audentis fortuna iuvat" was the actual Latin from the Aeneid.

EDIT: @Zeph's earlier post. Never mind, this will be closed anyway soon.
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